TheHoff: For many years I have used 60hz monitors at 1080p and been more than happy. A few months ago I purchased a 60-144hz 1080p monitor and since then I have been so used to higher framerates I find it hard going back to 60hz.
I know many hate vsync but I love playing all my games with my Titan X at a butter smooth vsynced 100fps or 120fps (game dependent). It looks soooo much nicer.
Recently, I was tempted to jump to 1440p but if this means dropping to 60hz/60fps I am not sure.
So my question is -
Is this resolution jump really worth the smoothness sacrifice I am enjoying with my 100+ framerates?
Thanks in advance.
That's really a personal thing to decide and different people will give completely opposite answers. You really need to try it for yourself and determine which you prefer.
With LCD displays I've never used or seen anything other than 60Hz so I have no frame of reference beyond that, however I very much notice the benefits of higher resolution in every game that I can get to play at as high a resolution possible, preferably the native resolution of my display (2560x1600). With some games there are problems due to HUD not scaling, or the mouse pointer becoming too small and hard to find, or fonts too small, and so I need to use mods or tweak an INI file or something or else lower the resolution back down, but the overwhelming majority of games I play look the best to me at the highest possible resolution I can squeeze out. There is a tradeoff between that and game FPS though which I wont go below, and that varies from game to game also. My normal minimum is about 40FPS and if the frame rate drops below that, I'll lower graphic options or resolution to try to bring up the FPS. Some games I can get by with lower FPS especially if I enable motion-blur for example. But this is all talking about FPS below 60 due to GPU/CPU constraints rather than pushing things in the other direction.
For going higher than 60Hz on LCD I sadly have no frame of reference. With CRT displays I could personally see the difference in frame rate visually up to around 90Hz or so, and after that it was not so noticeable to me, but CRTs and LCD are very different in terms of how the refresh rate interacts with the human eye and persistence of vision etc. Personally I think I'd go for the native resolution of my display and as long as the FPS is 40-60+ I'd probably be happy, but then I haven't seen games on a 120Hz display either. I would imagine the extra FPS helps to greatly reduce input to eye lag also which could be handy in some games.
In the end though, someone else's preferences are not going to necessarily match what you prefer so you're going to have to test it out yourself. Thankfully that takes all of 30 seconds or so though. :)