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I love Sci-Fi. I really do. Listened to Star Wars and Perry Rhodan on tape at the age of 5 even before I saw the movies. Started to read small Sci-Fi novels at the age of 7. Watched Space 2063, Babylon 5, Star Trek, Firefly and what so not.
SciFi games will always be something very special for me. Wing Commander, Jupiter Nexus Incident, Space Quest 4, Master of Orion 2, Descent Freespace 1+2, Homeworld, U.F.O., Schleichfahrt etc etc

But in the last time more and more games are released that are basically a multiplayermode sold for 50 or 60 bucks like Destiny and Titanfall, or some kind of platform to sell overprized DLC like Dead Space 3 or Evolve or worse.

The companies claim that attaching a single player campaign is not worth it, because most gamers won`t play it anyways. IMHO that`s bullshit and just a form of justification to significantly cut down content and production time and costs.
But I will not buy Titanfall, Evolve or the new Elite. Fuck those companies. Fuck their business model. And fuck their C.E.O.`s


Just waiting for the next decent SciFi game.
Post edited September 07, 2015 by Mr. D™
Mr. D™: Just waiting for the next decent SciFi game.
February 2016 is the date so far. XCOM2 is a SciFi game, and if it's as good as XCOM, it should be more than decent.
low rated
Cyberpunk 2077 ? ;)
Where is Mike?
If he saw you using Sci Fi instead of science fiction or SF you will be....
explained (again?). ;P

Well Fallout 4 and DOOM (upcoming one) are pretty much sci fi sorry SF to me.
Can't say if they are decent or not.
Bug infected Arkham Knight is also SF.
Few recent gog releases are SF.
How about some old scifi games you've missed for in the meantime? Deadlock, Alpha Centauri or whatever.
I still have to check out Star Control and Master of Orion, but I'm avoiding both at the moment because both seem like the types of games in which you can lose yourself for weeks.
May be Some developers read Sci Fi as Sigh Fi.
That's when EA got a plan for a game with no single player game modes.
Shadowrun series are SciFi Also appears that Egosoft is working in a new x-universe game.
amrit9037: Where is Mike?
If he saw you using Sci Fi instead of science fiction or SF you will be....
explained (again?). ;P

Well Fallout 4 and DOOM (upcoming one) are pretty much sci fi sorry SF to me.
Can't say if they are decent or not.
Bug infected Arkham Knight is also SF.
Few recent gog releases are SF.
SF? The 49ers suck; why would I want to play a game about them?
Matewis: I still have to check out Star Control and Master of Orion, but I'm avoiding both at the moment because both seem like the types of games in which you can lose yourself for weeks.
Star Control 1 is quite simplistic, and frankly boring (to me). Star Control 2 however... Star Control 2 belongs on any list of "Greatest Games Ever Made". It is such a unique blend of different types of gameplay, the story and writing is fantastic, it is thigh-slappingly funny in some parts, and downright sinister in others. All in all, it is a weird agglomeration of wildly disparate parts, which really ought to be a jumbled mess, but which somehow transcends that and becomes a smooth, coherent, perfect whole.

I cannot recommend it enough for anyone who hasn't played it. For maximum enjoyment, buy the game here to support the creators, then instead of playing that, download and play the excellent free remake The Ur-Quan Masters, based on the source code of the 3DO version of the original, kindly made public by those same creators you just supported.
tinyE: The 49ers suck; why would I want to play a game about them?
California Gold Rush. Imagine the possibilities. Sandbox exploration, free roam fps/tps, building simulation, anything you can possible imagine. So a game about the 49ers is obviously good, though I'm not sure how you would do an SF 49ers game. Hm, maybe a steampunk one.
Seeing that you probably think of space shooters or at least space games in general, I can suggest taking a look at:

... or if you want more action

I am looking forward to
hopefully it turns out good.

Otherwise there have been quite a few science fiction games released lately, like Shadow Run Hong Kong, Stasis, Satellite Reign just from the first page of new releases on GOG. I can recommend also all the Shadow Run games, Wasteland 2, Battle Worlds Kronos, Faster Than Light, The Last Federation or Meridian New World for example. All great single player science fiction games from RPG over turn based strategy up to real time strategy, there is something for every taste. ;-)
Mr. D™: Just waiting for the next decent SciFi game.
JMich: February 2016 is the date so far. XCOM2 is a SciFi game, and if it's as good as XCOM, it should be more than decent.
XCOM was ok but compared to the original the controls and content was that much downgraded for consoles. And they had split the game into two halfs and sold the second half as an addon. So I`m not excited for XCOM2.
swatkat: Cyberpunk 2077 ? ;)
2019 maybe 2020. But yeah I am really hoping this title will be worth buying
Post edited September 07, 2015 by Mr. D™
I've been playing Starpoint Gemini 2 but I haven't played it for a few weeks. I just can't really get into it. there's just something about it that doesn't really hook you in. I dunno maybe it's just me. I thought I would love it because it's supposedly influenced by two of my favourite games, being Freelancer and Star Trek Starfleet Command. I just don't feel very much of the good parts of those games in it, rather than you can just see them on the surface.

I would recommend if you like scifi and dislike shooters that you take a look at Star Trek Elite Force and Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast if you haven't.

I'm also looking forward to Rebel Galaxy. That looks like to be Freelancer 2 and I trust the guys who used to be from Runic to get it right. Really excited about something that's not a ARPG from them.
I like the Mass Effect series.
Matewis: I still have to check out Star Control and Master of Orion, but I'm avoiding both at the moment because both seem like the types of games in which you can lose yourself for weeks.
Wishbone: Star Control 1 is quite simplistic, and frankly boring (to me). Star Control 2 however... Star Control 2 belongs on any list of "Greatest Games Ever Made". It is such a unique blend of different types of gameplay, the story and writing is fantastic, it is thigh-slappingly funny in some parts, and downright sinister in others. All in all, it is a weird agglomeration of wildly disparate parts, which really ought to be a jumbled mess, but which somehow transcends that and becomes a smooth, coherent, perfect whole.

I cannot recommend it enough for anyone who hasn't played it. For maximum enjoyment, buy the game here to support the creators, then instead of playing that, download and play the excellent free remake The Ur-Quan Masters, based on the source code of the 3DO version of the original, kindly made public by those same creators you just supported.
Yes. Oh I remember reading a walkthrough about 20 years ago, and the story was so compelling, reading this walkthrough was pretty exciting for me although we had no PC and I never got my hands on Star Control 2. Thank you very much for the tip.
