The Ship ran dark, no lights beyond that of its own dim currents of spectral energies, and those were hidden from mere mortal eyes. Although there was a sliver of a crescent moon, fate had favored them with wisps of cloud now and again, and a bare touch of mist near the shoreline. The darkness of the night didn't bother Felinoid eyes, for felines see by starlight, similar to Elven eyes although Aylar's night sight was reduced by his human half. Pugwash found his glass eye also helped, although not as much as a feline or other creatures of the night.
The ghostly aura faded somewhat and the view of the surrounding sea and shore cleared as the Ship slowly came out of stealth. After asking Pugwash, Aylar and Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs to check if the surrounding area was clear, Polly gestured and the longboat with the tower assault group was lowered silently to the water, just off the little inlet.
The wind was from the East, from the shore, and the Crew could hear the slight sounds of a port town. Queen Origi had rigged a harness for her albatross, and they were moving forward to the bow sprit where the albatross could catch the sea wind head on, the only way an albatross can take off, especially carrying extra weight.
Polly used the energies of the Ship to give a small nudge to the longboat, to start it on its way. The Mission had begun ...
* * * * *
I will use the beginning of this turn as a type of tutorial, especially as we do have a couple players who are new to this style of game.
The start has now been set for you. Each of you should post where you are - longboat, crow's nest ...; what you did to prepare; and what you have with you. Be somewhat detailed, not so much as an entire page covering everything, but be aware also of what you can reasonably carry, encumbrances, etc.
You may also post your first actions based on what your character might expect to encounter and your intent, even to using "if/then" statements - if we see/encounter this, then I will ...; if not I will ...
During this first part of the turn I may roll dice and augment info once people post their positions, or I may move the action along somewhat as there seemed to be more consensus of two teams and the boarding team is dependent on the actions of the longboat team to continue their own actions.
I will try to be a bit more present during this first turn to answer questions - although the GM invokes the right not to give away the plot or the store! LOL. I can say, note your fellow Crew's backgrounds, their strengths, weaknesses and experience, but only those which have been publicly stated where you could hear or observed by you. Think creatively and also make note of other Cursed Weapons for they were meant to give you advantages when you work together.
Good Luck! Have fun! :)
Post edited September 16, 2023 by bjgamer