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Grog'tial came back to himself some time later. He wasn't quite sure how much time exactly. He was still holding the shell as a last bit of a sweet haunting song followed by tinkling laughter faded from his mind.
Soo... the rooftop thug I spotted earlier in the port is here too. And what was that bloody shiteshow about?! I would expect somethin' like that from an Orc. He wasted two perfectly good artifacts, one with very life-savin' potential no less. A saboteur perhaps? Double agent? Yeees, that makes sense, ain't it? I'll better keep a close eye on 'im.

I was about t' get rest earlier, but now, since I got proper recognition with officer's quarter, I feel much better already. Night is still young, might as well take o'er night watch. Damn, I missed that feeling of deck swayin' under the feet.
Post edited September 14, 2023 by ssling
The mermaid incident had left everyone onboard a bit astonished, or so it seemed. The half dwarf at the centre of it all was now trying to converse with the conch shell. Bhrigu felt a bit wary of his motivations, and worried about what other fiasco might be waiting for them. Cap'n Rummyfangs was complaining about him getting leeches while Grog'tial got a beautiful mermaid, but Bhrigu couldn't remember there being any leeches amongst the cursed weapons. May be he has been drinking grog in his cabin, afterall he had run off to his cabins a short while ago. Now, Bhrigu thought, he could also notice his garments to be a bit disheveled. While Count Karnstein stared mournfully towards the hook hand that had by now grown an uneasy attachment with the notice board and the fishbowl that by now must be sleeping with the fishes, Bhrigu made his way towards the comissioned officers' quarters. The dimly lit corridor led towards the captain's cabin, and just before that, on the right hand side his own quarters lay. He held the two heavy dogs— they were made of brass in the shape of crabs and were cold to the touch— and pushed the doors open.

The cabin was lushly furnished, well as far as ship cabins go it was. The bed looked inviting with its cotton stuffed pillow and batik green quilt, but after napping for the entire afternoon Bhrigu did not feel any desire to crash there at the moment. The sea chest near the foot of the bed looked heavy, made of dark teak planks and lined with iron. There were, strangely, no locks or handles, but when he touched the intricate floral designs, they lit up in a ghastly purple hue and the lid opened to reveal a lonely bottle of rum. He took a sip from the bottle ‐ it tasted tropical and fruity he thought— and promised to bring the bottle some companions in the future. When his attention fell on the rolltop desk his heart leapt in mirth. The desk was painted in deep mauve with golden inlays, and its well-oiled surface reflected some of the moonlight that came through the portholes, suggesting it had been someone's tresured piece. The port was, by now, only a distant splotch of light on the horizon. The salty sea breeze that entered through the porthole brought no tides of the land, but only a sense of despair mixed with anticipation that is usually aroused for the arrival of some sublime force. Bhrigu took a moment to regain his composure. Putting down his stachel on the emerald coloured rug, he started to debate with simself on how to best organise his spare shirts, trousers, a hat, and a long coat best, until the difficult job was done. Bhrigu, next, put his journal, his inkwells full of deep blue-black and magenta and sea green inks along with the newly collected invisible ink, and a fine nibbed pen on the respective compartments of the desk. Raising the lamp wick filled the room with an ethereal glow and his realisation of being consumed by something far beyond his own comprehension heightened. His fingers picked up the pen, and as the nib began to leave a trail of ink on the coarse fibrous paper, words started to take shape.

By the day her anchors drop-
a day of rest- an unkempt stop-
a town to see and wares to shop
a space to be merry- yo ho ho!

But in the night her sails are raised-
as townsfolk rest their bonce on the bed-
the sky overhead would burn so red
as the ship set sail- yo ho ho!

A feathered friend- a fiend to foes
keeps this band of salts on toes-
on deck roam fearless rovers of yore-
the ship is crewed- yo ho ho!

The waves are parted day and night
no land no albatross in sight-
the sea so severe in its might
still the vessel will flow- yo ho ho!

In a distant land- where caves of stone
are strewn with gold and piles of bone-
known only in shanties long forlorn
to there we sail- yo ho ho!

The pen was dancing on the coarse paper as if to a lively tune, when it dawned on him that he was supposed to meet the Admiral. Capping the pen, he placed it neatly alongside his journal in a drawer, adjusted his cummerbund, and started for the navigation room. When he stepped out on the deck, the lanterns had been lit all over the ship. The deck was empty, mostly, with most probably having retired to their quarters to get settled. A few old salts were there managing the sails. There was a sense of forboding that seemed to inhale the light and spit it out in a more insidious hue. He climbed the stairs to the quarter deck and entered the navigation room.

The navigation room was neat and orderly, a captains dream come true, full of maps and charts of all shapes and size. A large globe stood on a wooden stand. The Floor was covered with a lush carpet, embroidered in threads whose hues seemed too deep and otherworldly to be described. Through the large windows on the back one could see the lonely lantern hanging on a hook over a seemingly bottomless ocean. His appreciation of the ambience was broken only when Admiral Polly cleared throat to draw his attention.

When he walked onto the quarter deck again, Bhrigu seemed ruminative. He was feeling emptiness where food should be. "Shouldn't have lazed off in the afternoon and skipped my dinner", he murmured. "Now when are we going to have our supper?"
If a spectral parrot could sigh, Polly would have done so. She looked at the remnants of the mess the siren had caused, swiveled her head around to look at the Hook, cocked it at the table and then toward where the Fishbowl had abandoned ship. Shaking her few still growing feathers into shape, she lifted those phantasmal wings and righted the table, but left the Hook where it was. The knocked over laundry basket gathered the few patchwork rags left back into itself and took itself back to her cabin

She eyed Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs' slightly mussed clothing, noting the recent claw marks on the coat and breeches. "Just let me be knowin' if ye need anythin' Patched," Polly told him evenly. Then she took off flying towards the Navigation Room, leaving the Crew to settle in and enjoy their evening. Time enough tomorrow to face the first Mission.
Post edited September 15, 2023 by bjgamer

The next morning saw Polly out on the bow near the penguin figurehead. A seabird slowly glided in and perched nearby. A short while later the seabird plunged to the sea to grab a fish and Polly called the Crew together in the Great Cabin to give them their first Mission. The Great Cabin, like many things on the Ship, showed wear but was neatly kept. The long table where the Crew could gather for meals had been cleared, except for a map, some ship's deck plans and a covered basket.

"Arrr. Tonight the Ship will run dark, no lights. We be sneakin' into a harbor quiet like. There be a ship docked there that sails always under a dark sinister 'protection' that slowly robs all that come in contact with it from their energies and freedom. In that ship's Captain's Cabin should be a small chest that contains a key to a treasure we seek, and a way to counter their dark rituals. The small chest will be well hidden, but it will be there. Bring that chest back here. Do not try to open it, it will be well trapped, but the Ship's energies can help with that. If ye find other treasures, have Queen Origi and Bhrigu check them first before ye bring them back. These bilgewater hornswagglers deal in dark magics. Ye already be part of a Cursed Crew, ye need not get yerselves eternally damned as well."

Polly then opened the basket. Inside were many sharp wooden stakes and 5 small bottles of water. She looked at the Crew. "The Ship's doctor made these up for ye to take along. The ship we be after is named Denuvo, the premier ship of the DRM Alliance Fleet, and ye all know how they be hatin' the Grog Brethren. She's captained by a Vampirate, with a Vampirate Mage fer a First Mate and other vampirates and half-vamps aboard. We go in just after midnight. It is more dangerous, yes, but we will be covered from any 'normals' by darkness and most of the Denuvo's crew should be in the port town havin' fun. We'll be hopin' that ship has been left with only a watch crew, but be wary. An' no eatin' nor drinkin' anythin' while ye be there. Ye think our Ship's Cook catchin' rats and maybe usin' the meat be bad ... ye don't want to even imagine what might be used on that ship!"

She cocked her head at the Crew. "The Denuvo is docked at the long dock of Smuggler's Dock. We can slip some o'ye onto the the beach around the point and have ye either climb the Mount Wall, or take out the H1 Harborwatch Station nightwatch, there be 2-3 guards. Take 'em out quietly and the Ship can slip into the Harbor while ye head for the Denuvo."

"Once we get into the Naval Harbor, the Ship can edge up close and quiet in her shadow and be lettin' some o' ye more agile to swing over from the yardarm and board her from her riggin' if ye like, or we just be nice an' ready to cut loose and sail swift once ye be done. If ye sabotage their guns we be havin' the advantage, but that be a bonus. Be careful there if some crew are still about or sleepin'. Whatever you do, try not to rouse the whole port."

"Here be the Harbor plans and the Denuvo's deck plans as she not be arranged the same as our Ship. The chest we seek be hidden in the Captain's Quarters. There be should be another treasure chest there too. Talk among yerselves and decide what group(s) ye be in and what ways ye want to try. The Ship be nearin' the harbor at midnight."

**You have until 7AM UTC 16 September to plan together or ask questions, then Mission 1 will start.
Below are the harbor map and ship deck plans we will use for the mission.

Harbor Plans
Denuvo Deck Plans

Polly is suggesting the Ship will drop some Crew at a spot on the west side (N is up) and have that group either climb over the Mount Wall (7 meters high, rough stone blocks, mostly straight but aging so some small hand or toe holds) or take out the guards at H1 (I will roll for how many guards if you choose this). The Denuvo is docked at the longest dock at Smuggler's Dock. If the guards cannot give an alarm the Ship will quietly sail into the Naval Harbor and hide in the Denuvo's shadow (Denuvo is a bigger Galleon) and allow any Crew who wish to (Agility roll) either swing over to the other ship from the yardarm, or try to cross a plank. It is up to you to decide, but if you rouse the whole port the Ship will have to leave quickly so hurry back aboard. Luckily the Port town is a loud party town with plenty of taverns up Sail St. and Dock St. Coin Alley are smuggling enterprises closed for the night and the Old Temple district near Smuggler's Dock is poor and rundown. The most important item is the small chest, sabotaging the guns and extra treasure (blue and red chests in Captain's Cabin map) is a bonus.

Ships stores have ropes, tackle, sacks for loot. Just ask if you want to know.
Post edited September 15, 2023 by bjgamer
"Think meself pretty decent at climbing walls, but have a feel that taking care of them guards would be giving us a better upper hand, it would. And that be calling fer a touch gentler than a blade, if we be inclined to leave those sods still breathing..." Aylar looked at the galleon plans, humming in thought. "Perhaps, I be better suited for some good ol' boarding and helping with scouting ta looting. Should not be much hard to swing over to a target that large, assist with securing plank fer those needing a passage more stable. Don't see need to risk going all the way down her, treasure spotters should be able to make their way to the cabin from the main deck, while others keep an eye and ear out fer stragglers and have some fun making their cannons lose their means to chuck iron gobs." He smirked. "It be quite a hoot to fix up her wheel a little as well, just enough that she won't turn fer quite a while!"
Post edited September 15, 2023 by LordKaylar
"Mates, we 'ave 2 options :
- Option 1 : leave the ship west o' the town, sneak in o'er the wall, infiltrate the ship, then get back the same way (land approach).
- Option 2 : neutralize the watchtower, send the ship nearrr the Denuvo, board it, then set sail with the ship (sea approach).

The 2nd option will benefit more from sabotagin' the cannons since the ship be farrr with the 1st option. It also seems less stealthy an' more risky to me with the added risk that there somethin' goes wrong at the watchtower an' ruins everythin'.
The 1st option will allow us to make 2 teams, one boardin' team an' one backup team to 'elp from the ground.

Suggested crew fer the boardin' team :
- Argy fer the explodin' cupackes with a 3 min fuse (might be useful fer the sabotaging)
- Rummyfangs fer doin' a recon job while bein' in disguise (or even stealin' the chest !)
- Bhrigu to 'elp fight potential enemies with 'is whip
- Bellandra with the sextant to buy some time if things go wrong
- Mighty the mighty matey (i love that name ! :) ) to 'ave some muscles to 'andle 'azards an' potential enemies
- Foggy fer the same reason as Mighty

Suggested crew fer backup in case anythin' goes wrong :
- Baldbeard to summon sharks to 'elp if needed
- Durik with the cannon
- Grog'tial with the seashell to monitor what 'appens on the ship from range so that there the backup team be aware o' all that there 'appens there, an' to mesmerize enemies if needed
- Origi with the eye patch to scout an' monitor the ship as a complement to Grog'tial
- Pugwash with the glass eye to scout an' monitor from afar, an' snipin' enemies if needed
- Larissa with the 'arpoon to 'elp the boardin' team get back if necessary
- Aylarrr with the silver mirror to 'elp the boardin' team by joinin' them instantly if needed

Remainin' crew (to be determined) :
- Karnstein with the pipe, could either provide some concealment to the boardin' party, or the backup party
- Gilius (myself) - I can 'elp the backup team to remain concealed an'/or board the ship to 'elp

I vote fer option 1 to use this here 2 teams strategy, but feel free to propose other suggestions."
Post edited September 15, 2023 by Pouyou-pouyou
韓国最大野党の共同民主党を含む複数の野党と市民団体は現地時間26日午後、ソウル都心で大規模集会を開き、日本政府に福島の核汚染水排出決定の撤回を強く促し、尹錫悦政府に福島の核汚染水排出を阻止するための措置を取るよう求めた。 共に民主党の李在明(イ・ジェミョン)党首は集会で、「日本は越えてはならない限界を越えており、核汚染水の海放出は環境に対する犯罪だ」と述べた。
韓国共同民主党の李在明(イ・ジェミョン)党首は、「(核汚染水が)安全なら、なぜ日本は自分の土地に貯蔵しないのか。それを太平洋に排出して、(世界の)誰もが自分の健康を心配している。希釈は(核汚染水を)なくさない。日本は環境 戦争犯罪者であり、世界環境に罪を犯している」と述べた。
"My dear prince Albatross can surely assist us over the wall, by flying each of us, one by one, on his back. We'll need to rig a simple harness first: get me some nails, hammer, wood and rope, and we'll be all set. Once we see the ship, my princey-wincey could even fly us directly onboard and offboard. As for me, I'm rather handy with a rapier, don'tchaknow?"
Shaking off his reverie, Grog'tial mutters, "Whew, lassie, ye be a handful, and no mistaking it! Must remember to catch yer name, next time ye come out..." He then sets off to familiarize himself with the ship, forcing himself to chat amiably with the few crew who're still awake and about at the surprisingly late hour of the night.

The following morning, the Admir'l starts giving orders for the first mission, with several crew coming up with plans. Now this is a subject Grog'tial finds himself very at home with. He eyes the provided maps and listens to the first proposals, letting his enhanced situational awareness mull it all over.

"Mateys!" he says, "I've heard several good ideas already for getting on board quietly, but making our escape is just as important - none of us would want to be left behind, ye ken? - and ferrying a boarding party back over the wall one by one is not gonna be possible if we're in a rush, savvy? While many of us seem only averagely stealthy or nimble, and some less so (p'rticularly Foggy and Mighty (all the more so with that crab-claw!)), so climbing walls en-masse in the dark feels like a bad idea! So going fer Gilius' option 1 seems like a definite no to me!"

"We want the ship there in the harbour with us - and pr'bly as much of the crew together as we can manage, to deal with whatever comes up - so taking out the guards is super important. Now, I see clear as day here on the map that the guard house is pretty isolated - so I can just blow my conch seashell and have all guards mesmerized, without attracting any attention from anyone out of mesmerizing range. Then we tie 'em up or take 'em out more permanently, depending on just how bloody yer tastes are. Then we get back aboard ship. Mebbe one or more stealthy folks continue over land to get the gist of the situation there - though I figger that Pugwash and me in the crow's nest and fighting top to see and listen with our eye and shell would be just as good fer that - and then we board once we're nice and cozy with the Denuvo."

"Now, if we're ever discovered, we might need a distraction - and some exploding cupcakes sounds like just the thing for that - mebbe right here in the vicinity of this "C52" fortification, where it'll draw all attention away from the docks? (We need to arrange some signal so Argy knows when to set 'em off.) And then of course the albatross to get Argy to safety, if your majesty would be so kind as to allow this?" Grog'tial makes a sincere half-bow in Origi's direction.

"What I dinnae figger yet is how we neutralize the watch crew - if we try t'be all stealthy-like, or can come up with something even better, p'rticularly for sabotaging the cannons?"
Post edited September 15, 2023 by gogtrial34987
I be seeking some clarification fer the first part o' the plan.
First off, the ship we be robbing be at these docks?
*Captain Baldbeard points to the leftmost dock on the map, next to the label 'Smuggler's Dock'

Second, as fer the two options, a group o' us 'll land at the beach and either:
- Taking out the H1 Harbourwatch, thus allowing our ship to slink inta the harbour and have the rest o' the Cursed Crew board the Denuvo from there
- Climb the wall, and then...what? And does the first option not require us ta climb the wall?

Second, be it necessary to take our whole ship there? Surely our longboat would suffice, and be a far sneakier vessel?

As fer the plan itself, I hafta admit, I be not the sneakiest or most agile of fellows, and dwarfs were never known for their skill at climbing walls. I'm pretty good at tracking and sensing people, however, so I could help on the Denuvo, or hunting down soldiers at the Harbour watch.
As some of our companions ability to climb o'er this wall is dubious at best, we should scratch that possibility if you ask me. This is our first assignment, perhaps least challengin' one. We should take full advantage of it, and use it as training ground for our capabilities as both team and individuals.

No point in moving en masse, I suggest three groups. One will take care of watchtower. Second, as few as possible, will infiltrate target vessel and do what has to be done. Third, as per Gilius sayin', will be our backup and support in case somethin' went sour on the board of Denuvo.

So, ideally: we neutralize guards, then move near Denuvo, then infiltrate it, and then unnoticed go back pickin' up our watchtower party along the way.
Post edited September 15, 2023 by ssling
ssling: So ideally, we neutralize guards, then move near Denuvo, then infiltrate it, and unnoticed go back picking up our watchtower party along the way.
We have all night long. We can pick up the crew taking care of the guard tower before the ship moves into the harbour - that way, if we need to make a hasty retreat, we won't leave anyone behind.
Pugwash agrees that he be no good in a boarding action. It isn't fear, although the prospect failing the to swing over to the other ship and falling into the salty sea is something to be dreaded.

Instead Pugwash be a marksman .Whatever course of action be decided, Pugwash will support it - from a distance.

If the crew chooses a ship-to-ship boarding action, Pugwash will remain in the crows nest of the cursed shop and provide support by raining bolts down upon the accursed DRM foes and watching for trouble in the town.

Pugwash be willing to leave the ship should Gilius' option 1 be adopted, on the condition that he is not required to swim ashore. Though Pugwash may be able to see far enough from the ship with his glass eye of farsight, there be no way to warn the rest of the crew if trouble arises.
gogtrial34987: We have all night long. We can pick up the crew taking care of the guard tower before the ship moves into the harbour - that way, if we need to make a hasty retreat, we won't leave anyone behind.
Nay, someone could approach the tower in the meantime, find dead or unconscious guards, and raise the alarm. Then we'd be cooked.