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Being started by the sudden actions and staying somewhat hidden. After deciding a surprise attack would not be necessary I head over to the main mast with sword drawn in case anything surprising happens.

"Hey guys you need help?"

Kyp Everswim
"This be pointless" growls Captain Baldbeard to those around him.
"We'll not be getting any knowings from this lost soul. The mouldy stench on his breath, the same on the dead cook, and...not from the catty Cap'n" Baldbeard gestures to Cap'n Rummyfangs curiously. "The stench is coming from below decks. We'll find whatever turned them down there."

With that, Captain Baldbeard cudgels off the zombie's head
Tower team, Southern Building, Grog'tial

phaolo: Whispering:
"Argy says no butcherin', Grog says butcherin'. Ye confusin!"
"Me no kill animals unless eat, humie mum taught dat be wrong."
"And ye no listened to Durik's idea."
Grog'tial turns to Durik, giving him his full attention, and whispers back with as much sincerity as he can muster, "I'm sorry matey, for giving you the impression that I didn't listen to your idea. I did! But we have only one boat to get back to the ship with, and let them know they can proceed to the Denuvo - and no idea how much time we'll have upon leaving to pick up anyone. So we should try to all go back. Meanwhile Argy agrees with the butchering, and indeed also wants to eat the animals. Could you kindly bash their heads in for us? And as Argy said, beware of the horse's hooves!" (Grog'tial figures that the horse is probably in a separate enclosure from the oxen, so shouldn't be too much of a bother.)

Grog'tial then proceeds (moving cautiously as always) to the barn on the eastern side, pointedly holding the door open for Durik, and meanwhile taking a good look at the layout of the place.

If that convinces Durik, Grog'tial lets him kill the animals. Otherwise he figures that cutting the throat of an ogre is not that different from cutting the throat of a (presumed) ox, so tries doing it himself, still taking great care with how he positions himself. If he judges - based on the positioning of the animals and how much space he has to get out of the way from any horns or hooves - that it's actively unsafe to do so, he instead goes see if he can construct any lever with which Durik could exert enough force to break the (smaller) chain.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by gogtrial34987
bjgamer: ALL Cursed Items cursed abilities can only be used 1 time per Mission, unless on the Ship (since the Ship's energies recharge them), then they can be used 2 times, twice on the Ship or once aboard Ship and once off the Ship.
The only exceptions (so far) are:
Crab claw is a permanent attached 'shield' and a regular claw as it replaces a forearm and hand.
Glass Eye always gives Farsight when looked through that eye only, as it replaces an eye.
Harpoon Gun can always be used as a normal harpoon for fishing, but that is not using the special reeling in of creatures or enemies nor the rope bridge ability.
Gilius's Staff can be used as a regular staff/cudgel.
Trident can be used as a normal trident for fighting or fishing, but that is not using the Pinning ability.
Just quoting this bit for no particular reason, given that I'm not around anywhere where this information might be pertinent.
I keep losing my sword there, why?
gogtrial34987: Grog'tial then proceeds to the barn on the eastern side, pointedly holding the door open for Durik, and meanwhile taking a good look at the layout of the place.
Grog'tial, moved to cautiously slide the barn door open a wide enough crack to get a good look inside. (roll dice) Inside across the way was a tack room. To the right was a corral area containing three large oxen with long horns wearing only halters. To the left was a stable with a central hall running between stalls and another barn door to the outside. Above was a hay loft and a hay door which was cracked open. From what he could see in the light from the dim lantern carefully hung over a water barrel, there looked to be two matching draft ponies probably the ones meant for the cart harness in the tack area, and two very alert war horses who were now watching the door very closely. On the barn wall right beside him were hung the three ox yokes, which must be the only way the oxen could be hitched to either a gun wagon or the wheel operating the mechanism. (roll dice) There was no way the ponies could push the wheel, and from what any halfway observant individual could think, which Grog'tial considered himself to be, only a complete fool would try to hitch those two war horses to it and expect to live.

(roll dice + Luck card) Argy had been right. Without the ogre or the oxen the mechanism could not be used. Without the ox yokes, it would be effectively as if broken until the town could find more and bring them.

Edit - please ignore post 246. Reported for spam.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by bjgamer
Tower team, Southern Building, Grog'tial

"Okay, Durik, never mind with the bashing the oxes" Grog'tial points to the yokes, "Bash those instead, until they're thoroughly broken. And, err, better move them into the workshop before doing so, to keep those horses from startling too much."

If for any reason Durik doesn't, Grog'tial walks back to the workshop, gets himself a sturdy metal bar, and proceeds to do this himself.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by gogtrial34987
Bellandra intercepted Captain Baldbeard's cudgel with her cutlass, to deflect it before it struck the zombie doctor. "Hold - we may need a ship's doctor yet if the journey prove treacherous. Remember what Polly said? 'The Ship won't have them under control just yet.' So the ship may yet get him under control, given time. Let us just tie him up better, and tie his mouth shut with rags too, then we can investigate. Fetch other ropes, 'ere this one tears. Also, when he's tied up better, let's see why the good doctor keeps reaching for his belt, maybe he has something there that could be of help?"

"Polly, ye know the ship's ways, how long would it take for the ship to regain control of his shambling form?"
Post edited September 26, 2023 by DiffuseReflection
gogtrial34987: Argy agrees with the butchering, and indeed also wants to eat the animals. Could you kindly bash their heads in for us?
"Yu want eat all animals now? Even da horseis?"
gogtrial34987: "Okay, Durik, never mind with the bashing the oxes" Grog'tial points to the yokes, "Bash those instead, until they're thoroughly broken. And, err, better move them into the workshop before doing so, to keep those horses from startling too much."
"And now you not want to eat. Grog weird sometimes." O_o
"Me can break yokes but not want ruin weapon, need metal"
Post edited September 26, 2023 by phaolo
gogtrial34987: "Okay, Durik, never mind with the bashing the oxes" Grog'tial points to the yokes, "Bash those instead, until they're thoroughly broken. And, err, better move them into the workshop before doing so, to keep those horses from startling too much."
phaolo: "And now you not want to eat. Grog weird sometimes." O_o
"I can break yokes but not want ruin weapon, need metal"
"Yes, I'm sorry, I remembered that Polly told us not to eat anything on the Denuvo, and just now realized that might also count here. Just carry over those things (pointing at the yokes) into the workshop, and I'll get you a nice sturdy metal bar to smash them with, or better yet, maybe one of the available tools will be handy to pry them apart with."
Post edited September 26, 2023 by gogtrial34987
phaolo: "And now you not want to eat. Grog weird sometimes." O_o
"I can break yokes but not want ruin weapon, need metal"
gogtrial34987: "Yes, I'm sorry, I remembered that Polly told us not to eat anything on the Denuvo, and just now realized that might also count here. Just carry over those things (pointing at the yokes) into the workshop, and I'll get you a nice sturdy metal bar to smash them with."
"Aye, better no make Polly angy."
"For yokes me think, we can burn instead. Bashin' be loud."
"Forge still hot, Durik puts them in embers with poker."
Post edited September 26, 2023 by phaolo
Tower Team, Argy

Once Grog'tial and Durik deal with the animals, Argy claps her hands with joy: "Our job here is done. Let's gather the others an' return to the ship. It seems the "Magdalena party" 'll take place at the Denuvo."

Making the cutest puppy eyes she can, she asks Durik: "Me be very tired of keepin' yer pace with tiny legs. Can ye please carry me on yer back?"
Post edited September 26, 2023 by Lone_Scout
Lone_Scout: Making the cutest puppy eyes she can, she asks Durik: "Me be very tired of keepin' yer pace with tiny legs. Can ye please carry me on yer back?"
"Oo yes tiny, me carry you." :)
(Dakka behave)
"But pls be cookin' someting later, ye cakes made Durik hungry."
Origi uses the whittling knife and partially carved wood together with some leftover leather strap pieces to make a splint for her sprained wrist. The next job is to carefully carry the sleeping prince to the longboat, with the help of Mighty and Aylar. Then, to the locked downstairs door. She knocks. "Good day, is anybody home? In the name of your majesty, open the door, if you'd be so kind." She listens for a few seconds, then gestures to Mighty if there is no reply: "Try your keys here, would you old chap?", raising her rapier in readiness.
servobeupstry: Origi uses the whittling knife and partially carved wood together with some leftover leather strap pieces to make a splint for her sprained wrist. The next job is to carefully carry the sleeping prince to the longboat, with the help of Mighty and Aylar. Then, to the locked downstairs door. She knocks. "Good day, is anybody home? In the name of your majesty, open the door, if you'd be so kind." She listens for a few seconds, then gestures to Mighty if there is no reply: "Try your keys here, would you old chap?", raising her rapier in readiness.
Mighty rubbed his head."Mighty did not know this is the sneaky way to check doors."
After acquiring new knowledge he, uses the keys he found on the doors, one after another hoping to unlock them.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by Sulibor