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[Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs - Boarding Crew / Aboard Ship]

"I be lookin' like a plucked chicken!" Cap'n Rummyfangs lay on the floor of his quarters with most of his beautiful fur beneath him, like a rug of defeat. "Ne'er thought I'd be honorin' Cap'n B in such a state..."

Weakened, both physically and ego-wise, he crawled as quickly as he could to lock the door of his cabin, afraid that the Zombie Cook would barge through it at any moment. He needn't fully press his Felinoid ears to the door to hear his crewmates speaking under their breath to one another. There were soft victorious words exchanged between Count Karnstein and Captain Baldbeard, about how the two managed to behead the Zombie Cook. Relieved, but exhausted, Cap'n Rummyfangs pulled himself away from the door and began searching his quarters for anything that may help him regain some composure. Was there anything of interest hiding in the sea chest? Maybe the wardrobe had something useful for him? He also searched the drawers of the cubby desk for anything of interest.

He made his way back to the door, with his Rapier in hand (for he was not yet awares of Zombie Doctor's fate) and unlocked the door.

"Wit' great patches o' missin' fur, hope me mateys don't mistaken me fer the undead 'n behead me too!" Cap'n Rummyfangs paused for a moment to hold his breath, before finally turning the knob and stumbled out of his cabin to join the others.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs: Felinoid pirate / +1 agility, stealth / -1 constitution / permanent +1 hit (unless stunned or incapacitated) / Rapier +1 strike chance / 2 x rum concoctions for adrenaline rush / 2 x wooden stakes / 1 x holy water / 1 x rope / 1 x "harmless" disguise / weakness: loud noises (except roar of the sea & ship's cannons)
Mission 1, Turn 5 Update (Southern Building - Grog'tial, Argy, Durik)

(roll dice) Grog'tial found the Blacksmith's door, it was unlocked. (roll dice) Cautiously entering, he used the dim light of a banked fire to avoid furnishings and let his ears lead him to the sleeping ogre. (roll dice) Carefully positioning himself, Grog'tial used the dirk to perform the deadly work it was made for. Slipping back out just as sneakily, he spoke quietly to the others.

"Okay team, let's create some havoc, and get out of here," he said as he proceeded to the machine room.

The forge was banked, but still glowed with hot embers, which also served to radiate some heat into the stables next door. There was a large wooden sliding barn door to the stables in the middle of the brick eastern section wall, where they could hear the restive shifting about of many large animals. It became apparent that while the outside sea facing walls of the building were made of the same stone block construction as the towers, the rest of the actual building was made of normal wood and brick. A horse nickered softly.

The first part of the middle section was definitely a blacksmith's forge and machine shop, with hooks of hung tools, and plenty of extra chains and ropes stored. However towards the back, near the sea wall was a large wooden wheel set into the floor with spokes to attach oxen to for rotating it. It connected via a sturdy chain running through a covered trenched shaft dug into the ground (the oxen could walk over) to an iron gear and pulley system which turned a large sturdy spindle on which a very large chain with links thicker than Durik's arms could be wound up. The links ran through the back of the building and into the sea wall outside and they knew it must be the connection to the harbor entrance chain system.

As Argy looked for a place to put the Cupcake, a horse stomped and nickered again, shifting restlessly in it's stall just beyond the wooden barn door.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by bjgamer
Tower team, Argy

"Thar be 'orses around. Tasty meat, but no time for butcherin', forget that" -gazes at Durik.
The mechanism looks stronger than she expected but, on the other hand, if there are no ogres, horses or oxen to move it maybe it cannot be operated, and the poor half-dwarf seems too scared of explosions for some reason...

Argy continues looking for a good spot to place the cupcake, but gives a look to Grog'tial while doing so: "Ok, smartass, 'ny bett'r idea?"
Lone_Scout: Tower team, Argy

"Thar be 'orses around. Tasty meat, but no time for butcherin', forget that" -gazes at Durik.
The mechanism looks stronger than she expected but, on the other hand, if there are no ogres, horses or oxen to move it maybe it cannot be operated, and the poor half-dwarf seems too scared of explosions for some reason...

Argy continues looking for a good spot to place the cupcake, but gives a look to Grog'tial while doing so: "Ok, smartass, 'ny bett'r idea?"
Durik replied whispering:
"Me thinks no need to destroy now.
Argy could stay guardin' and explode if alarm."
"Uh, is that cake again? Me confused"
Post edited September 25, 2023 by phaolo
Tower team, Southern Building, Grog'tial
Grog'tial sorts through dozens of ideas and possibilities for jamming the chain or making the wheel inoperable. The wheel is too big to burn; that would cause too much smoke and fire, same as they'd risk with an explosion. Jamming the chain might work, but could be unjammed too swiftly for comfort. In the end, there's one swift solution which doesn't involve leaving anyone behind.

"Argy," he says, "you actually got any experience butchering? Judging by the size of the wheel, there'll be some big draft animals next door, probably some oxen - and without the ogre or those animals, there's no way this wheel be movin'..."
If Argy confirms butchering experience, and is willing to put it into practice, Grog'tial lends her the dirk to do the deed with (and makes certain he'll get it back). If not, he asks Durik to bash their heads in with his cudgel. Otherwise, he attempts cutting their throats himself.

After the animals are taken care of, Grog'tial moves back to the gate (assuming that the rest of the tower team will be there - if not, he'll enter the tower to see what's keeping them), picks up the armor he'd stored there, heads for the longboat, and back to the ship with the good news that they are safe to proceed into the harbour.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by gogtrial34987
Aylar looks around the room for a moment, noting how well appointed it was. This city be rich and concerned fer its defenses well enough to finance and secure their port guard that well, eh? However, it doesn't seem to contain anything worth closely looking at, being simply a gathering hub area, so he doesn't linger for very long, quickly opting to move downstairs. His pace is brisk but he still tries to not make much noise, keeping caution just in case.
LordKaylar: he doesn't linger for very long, quickly opting to move downstairs. His pace is brisk but he still tries to not make much noise, keeping caution just in case.
Aylar descends the stairs, down two levels in an L shape (first flight goes northward, second turns eastward) that lead to a small approximately 2m (7ft) long by 1.5m (~4.75ft) wide passage made of more stone blocks, with a locked door set into the wall that looks like thick oak braced with strong iron.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by bjgamer
gogtrial34987: "Argy," he says, "you actually got any experience butchering? Judging by the size of the wheel, there'll be some big draft animals next door, probably some oxen - and without the ogre or those animals, there's no way this wheel be movin'..."
If Argy confirms butchering experience, and is willing to put it into practice, Grog'tial lends her the dirk to do the deed with (and makes certain he'll get it back). If not, he asks Durik to bash their heads in with his cudgel. Otherwise, he attempts cutting their throats himself.
"Me has some 'xperience butcherin' some meat, but not killin' big thin's. Ye do that part. If thar be time, I can get some tasty cuts of meat afterwar's for the ship's provisions, but bett'r focus on our task and 'urry. The night is passin' and our mateys be waitin' for us"

"But listen. 'Tis 'orse seems agitated. It mus' have smell blood an' could trample us if ye be careless. Nay enter that stable if ye want no hoof on yer dirty face."
"Maybe we can set free safely, but a loose 'orse could reach the town and cause som' nasty ruckus."
Post edited September 25, 2023 by Lone_Scout
Aylar furrows a brow in thought as he carefully approaches the door and strains all his senses for anything out of the ordinary. Looks very sturdy and well made - could be a holding cell to keep failed assailants-to-be until main guard comes to pick 'em up. Could also be used for some extra protected storage space, though. Perhaps for something that shouldn't be found easily.

Whether he picks up on something or not, without a key or a lockpick he recognizes that he won't be able to do much, so having scouted, he'll go back upstairs and into the room the rest of the Crew presently in tower proper are at. He'll let them know that there be a well secured door downstairs that might or night not be worth checking, one that Mighty should have the keys for now; depending on what they might decide he'll either ask Mighty for a key to the door (to snip it off the keyring perhaps, would be an easy task fer the Claw), or assist them in looking through the barracks so that all three of them would be able to check the downstairs together after.
"Argy says no butcherin', Grog says butcherin'. Ye confusin!"
"Me no kill animals unless eat, humie mum taught dat be wrong."
"And ye no listened to Durik's idea."
Post edited September 26, 2023 by phaolo
Tower team, Mighty The Mighty Matey

Mighty on his way down remembered about the chests he saw earlier and he looked at his crab claw. Small cogs in his head turned a little bit.
Maybe it would be possible to use cut the padlocks without damaging the harness keeping the bird in place. He had a feeling that the moment he cuts bird while cutting the padlock the strange Queen Origi would cut him too in a really unpleasant way.

Mighty will attempt to gently cut the padlocks. If there would be problem with it, he would check if the keys can open them.

"Queen Origi looks sneaky, maybe she could check the floor, maybe there is something interesting here?"
Post edited September 26, 2023 by Sulibor
Argy scratches her head: "Durik ma be righ'. Ye go s'cure the place if ye want. I be waitin' here and if things get out'o'control, me blow this thing and we escape to the ship."

"But it seems our job is 'most done. Me thinks wiser to break or trap this thing and go back to our mateys now."
Post edited September 26, 2023 by Lone_Scout
Sulibor: Tower team, Mighty The Mighty Matey

Mighty will attempt to gently cut the padlocks. If there would be problem with it, he would check if the keys can open them.
(roll dice) The Crab Claw easily clips the locks off the chests without disturbing the bird. (roll dice) Out of the 8 chests:
4 contain clean Half-Orc sized clothing of good sturdy construction - total 4 basic shirts & 4 breeches (pants) 2 Harbor Watch tabards
4 contain clean Human sized clothing of good sturdy construction - total 4 basic shirts & 4 breeches (pants) 4 Harbor Watch tabards
2 chests contain books along with the clothing, 1 has a letter started to a sweetheart, 1 has a fletchers kit for making arrows, 1 has a large mug with a smiley face and eyes painted on it, 1 has a whittling knife and a piece of partially carved wood, most have combs or hairbrushes. Any purses must be out on the town with their owners.

LordKaylar: Aylar furrows a brow in thought as he carefully approaches the door and strains all his senses for anything out of the ordinary ... having scouted, he'll go back upstairs and into the room the rest of the Crew presently in tower proper are at.
Having found nothing unusual, Aylar returns upstairs to the barracks room to see Mighty has clipped the locks off the chests there, and the items found. He informs Mighty and Queen Origi of the door downstairs, but three of the keys on the ring Mighty looted could unlock a sturdy door.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by bjgamer
"Also, while it still be fresh in me mind's eye," Aylar says, leaning on the doorframe as he waits for their further input on the door, "Mighty, I've sensed some shadow-like magicks coming off that VO-looking trinket ye picked up from the captain guard; might want to show that to the Queen quick-like so that her eyepatch can check what it be and if it be safe to bring aboard the Ship. Could be something given to him by the Denuvo-folk."
Post edited September 26, 2023 by LordKaylar
Mission 1, Turn 5 Update (Aboard Ship)

(roll dice) Foggy finally freed the Trident (roll dice) but a sharp tine also severed one section of rope Bhrigu, Bellandra and Gilius had wound around the Zombie Doctor while trying to lash it to the mast. That part of the rope began to loosen and unravel.

Now that the Zombie Cook had been taken care of, Captain Baldbeard descended from the Quarterdeck to the mast, keeping a wary eye on both of the zombie's hands for the slightest threatening movement. Keeping a relatively safe distance and exuding a threatening malice of his own, the dwarf lifted his cudgel to the Zombie Doctor's deformed face and snarled in his growliest whisper "Shut yer mouth if ye wanna keep yer head".

(roll dice) The Zombie Doctor drooled over his closely trimmed beard (think Star Trek's Commander Riker early years) then spit viciously at Captain Baldbeard while his unbroken hand kept grasping at his own belt.

Into this tense scene, Cap'n Rummyfangs emerged from the Commissioned Officers Quarters. The Felinoid was dressed in a white chef's coat and white pants, his rapier ready in his hand, but his fur looked disheveled and patchy where they could see it, and a putrid rotting stink enveloped him which assaulted everyone's nostrils.

Pugwash is in the Crow's Nest.
Kyp is on the Main Deck forward.
Foggy is forward of the Main Mast, standing on the Cargo Access doors, having just freed the Trident from the Main Mast and the Zombie Doctor.
Bhrigu and Gilius are trying to hold the rope lashing the Zombie Doctor to the mast tight as Bellandra ties it, but a section of the rope has now been cut and is unraveling.
Captain Baldbeard is threatening the Zombie Doctor at the Main Mast, diagonally Quarter Deck side.
Larissa is nearby, between the Main Mast and the Quarter Deck.
Count Karnstein is on the Quarter Deck, near the beheaded Zombie Cook.
Cap'n Rummyfangs has just emerged from the Commissioned Officers Quarters dressed in a white chef's outfit, fur disheveled and patchy in places, smelling putrid, with his rapier drawn.

The Ship, deck plan
Post edited September 26, 2023 by bjgamer