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Durik loots the half-orc leather armor. He will have to wait until he is aboard the Ship to put it on since he will have to convince Dakka to get off his back to let him put it on. Durik also takes the clothes (confirmed by PM). If he cleans them up, Polly can do any patches or repairs for him. :)

Provide_A_Username: Foggy murmur "Matey Admiral Polly, me offer the freezin' trident t' cool zombies. I chose it 'cause it didn' give any limit regardin' the number o' times I can use it. If that's correct, I wait yer orders t' move closer t' the main deck t' pin zombies".
ALL Cursed Items cursed abilities can only be used 1 time per Mission, unless on the Ship (since the Ship's energies recharge them), then they can be used 2 times, twice on the Ship or once aboard Ship and once off the Ship.
The only exceptions (so far) are:
Crab claw is a permanent attached 'shield' and a regular claw as it replaces a forearm and hand.
Glass Eye always gives Farsight when looked through that eye only, as it replaces an eye.
Harpoon Gun can always be used as a normal harpoon for fishing, but that is not using the special reeling in of creatures or enemies nor the rope bridge ability.
Gilius's Staff can be used as a regular staff/cudgel.
Trident can be used as a normal trident for fighting or fishing, but that is not using the Pinning ability.

phaolo: Durik accepted the cupcake and ate it.
"Oo thanks u tiny. Me feel better already." :)
"Wait, dis not carrot, no?" O_o
Lone_Scout: XD

*facepalm and quickly step away from Durik*

"Ye... B'tter don't ye smoke nothing or eat nay legumes till tomorrow..."
Ummm. It may be best to keep Durik away from the rum for a while too! LOL!

The wheel and pulley system for the harbor chain is in the half-hex building on the south wall of H1 as indicated in the small map below. ;)
towermap.png (497 Kb)
Post edited October 14, 2023 by bjgamer
Origi casually walks down the stairs. "Oh, it's you" she mutters, non-plussed. "Well, don't just stand there, my dearest Prince is in a state of medical emergency: need healers, doctors, veterinarians up on the roof straight away... Oh, and I seem to have sprained my wrist too. Bad landing, doncherknow?" She glances at her handiwork, the dead albatross-punching guard, with disdain. "As for the rest of you, look for some keys and a light source around here: there are some interesting chests in the barracks upstairs. Does anyone have lockpicks on their person?" She trudges back upstairs to search the barracks, barely acknowledging anyone's existence, the state of her prince weighing heavily on her mind.
Tower team, Mighty The Mighty Matey

"Monkey and Cracker did well and made Mighty happy."
Mighty pointed at guard captain "This human looks like a boss of this place, maybe he has keys to the doors. It would be quicker to just open them without lockpicking."

Mighty started to search guard captain's corps for keys.While he searched, Cracker leaned and squeaked something to his ear.
"Sneaky Cracker wants to fly around the tower and scout and Monkey can stay on guard here and make noise if anyone comes near" Monkey was not too happy to be bossed by parrot, but reluctantly nodded agreeing.

servobeupstry: Origi casually walks down the stairs. "Oh, it's you" she mutters, non-plussed. "Well, don't just stand there, my dearest Prince is in a state of medical emergency: need healers, doctors, veterinarians up on the roof straight away... Oh, and I seem to have sprained my wrist too. Bad landing, doncherknow?"
Mighty looks at Origi . "Mighty can go with you up there. He is not a healer but can help with moving the bird-prince back to ship. Claw is large enough for him to lay on it."

Mighty hopes noone will steal or eat remaining Harbor Watch leather armor before he returns.

+2 Mighty Cudgel of Crushing, a permanent +1 Strength, a parrot (Cracker), and a three-headed monkey
Crab claw - shield or strong pincer to grab and hold or crush.
Post edited September 23, 2023 by Sulibor
Okay, had to wait so this would be a separate post.

The Cursed Items/Weapons operate by Intent. Durik took what was not offered to him, and Argy had no intent for it to go off or harm him. The cupcake also would not have worked for Grog'tial - they respond to Argy and Argy's intent, no one else's.

But maybe when around our half-orc crew, others should think about a warning, and keeping explanations direct and simple. ;)

The attempted snatch back will depend on initiative, dice roll and luck cards ... stay tuned for the end of the turn. :P
Post edited September 23, 2023 by bjgamer
bjgamer: The Cursed Items/Weapons operate by Intent. Durik took what was not offered to him, and Argy had no intent for it to go off or harm him. The cupcake also would not have worked for Grog'tial - they respond to Argy and Argy's intent, no one else's.

But maybe when around our half-orc crew, others should think about a warning, and keeping explanations direct and simple. ;)
Oh, nice.
Yes pls, Ph..Durik is dumb and trusts his companions :')
After listening the news, Foggy did advanced quick Math using his fingers. The action plan, runs like hell, approach the main mast to nail the trident along with zombie menace. Tachi and knives on his way? Please! The cutlass in his right hand was screaming for the battle action! Errm, whispering, I meant. Once rigid, he would charge like a bulldozer against both pestilent swine corpses towards the sea, considering the skinny lady suggestion. That's Trigonometry theory, let's see if it works in practice. "Test time!" He grunted.
Mission 1, Turn 4 - (Aboard Ship)
*Current Turn ends midnight UTC, 24 September*

Bellandra was on guard, and suggested to Gilius "See, the good doctor is near the mast. What say ye we both take one end of the rope, and run circles around him? We could tie him 'round with the rope and pull him tight against the mast...."

(roll dice) Gilius was already moving. He had previous experience with such things, and those memories surfaced strongly in him now. After the past few years spent with Admiral Polly on the weirding seas, he was taking no chances.

(roll dice) Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs discretely descended down the Main Mast to the Fighting Top for a better view of the situation. Swiftly assessing things, he took the rope he had carried for the boarding of the Denuvo and made a noose, thinking to slyly catch the Zombie Doctor unawares in the hope that if he could keep the intruder in one spot his nearby crewmates could take action. He lowered the rope ...

After a moment of indecision, Bhrigu drew his saber and stood ready, waiting to see what Pugwash and Cap'n Rummyfangs would do.

Captain Baldbeard side-stepped to keep out of the Zombie Doctor's line of sight. (roll dice) Just then a crossbow bolt shot by Pugwash thunked solidly through the Zombie Doctor's foot, pinning it to the deck. (roll dice) Baldbeard used the moment to swing his cudgel with all of his strength in an attempt to take off the zombie's head, but the bolt had caused the undead doctor to look down, and the cudgel took out only the back part of it's brain instead, (roll dice) while knocking the rest of its now deformed head to one side.

(roll dice) Cap'n Rummyfangs snagged the crooked head of the zombie and jerked the rope tight. Bhrigu moved to strike, (roll dice) but a sudden slice of a tachi severed the rope as the Cook, still in the process of becoming undead, threw the second galley knife at Bhrigu while leaping for Captain Baldbeard. (roll dice) Bhrigu was forced to dodge while throwing his saber forward in an attempt to bat the knife away, and fell against Larissa.

(roll dice) Gilius's Staff swept in from the side, and the sound of cracking ribs could be heard as it knocked the undying Cook off target, (roll dice) but not before Captain Baldbeard's beard was trimmed and a line of blood showed where a new scar would forever be a reminder of how close he had just come to having his own head separated from his body.

(roll dice) The Cook twisted in midair, landed on his feet as any feline does and leapt over Count Karnstein onto the Quarterdeck, then to rigging and the Main Yard with unnatural speed, leaving another wad of fur on the deck. His eyes locked on Cap'n Rummyfangs as he bared his fangs and began to climb.

(roll dice) Foggy lowered his Trident and charged, brushing aside both Gilius and Captain Baldbeard in his rush. (roll dice) The Trident hit home in the Zombie Doctor's mid-section, sweeping him up and against the Main Mast, leaving the pinned foot behind still wriggling its gruesome toes on the deck. (roll dice) Bellandra came right in behind and motioned for the others to help lash the once doctor to the mast.

That still left the furry fiend above them ...

The Ship, deck plan

GM Note: Foggy would have headed to the side rails to toss the Zombie Doctor into the sea, but with so many Crew crowded around there was no room, the dice indicated he would use the mast rather than run through a Crew member with the Trident.
Post edited September 24, 2023 by bjgamer
Seething with rage as he felt for his missing bit of beard, Captain Baldbeard (now Baldhalfbeard?) vows to himself that he will have his vengeance on Gilius's beard, but has the presence of mind to not express his anger out loud and up-end the mission any more than it already has been.

In the mean time, he just gives Gilius a look of pure anger, while he extricates himself from the situation.

Sniffing out the peculiar fungal scent he had also detected 'neath that of rum on the undead doctor's breath, Baldbeard triangulates the second zombie - the one that he wished some of his crewmates had focused on instead of making the mess they did - he lines himself up so that he would be facing (sidenote: where on the map are these stairs to the lower deck? I can't see them on the plans) the cook, but not in the way of the others. Cleaning the gunk off his cudgel, he readies it and himself, and eyes the zombie and the rest of the crew, many of who are more agile and further reaching than him, to make a move, so that he would be ready to react.
babark: Captain Baldbeard (now Baldhalfbeard?) vows to himself that he will have his vengeance on Gilius's beard, but has the presence of mind to not express his anger out loud and up-end the mission any more than it already has been.

In the mean time, he just gives Gilius a look of pure anger, while he extricates himself from the situation.

...(sidenote: where on the map are these stairs to the lower deck? I can't see them on the plans)
LOL. Please inform the GM if you wish a name change ... :P However, it was not Gilius who cut your beard, but the Cook's tachi which made the cut. Gilius saved your throat (and a little over half your beard) by striking with his staff to alter the Cook's leap. ;)

The steep stairs down to the lower deck on galleons are usually close to the entrances to the officer's quarters, with about a meter of deck for walkway between them and the side of the Quarterdeck - so consider them between the chains and the Main Mast on the Ship deck plan.
Having taken a breath (still) Captain Baldbeard realises that it a dwarf with a staff mast can't really chop beards, so it wasn't Gilius who impugned his beautiful chin locks. He is still unwilling to let go of all his red hot anger, and thus redirects it at the crew's lack of coordination, and the bloody undead. He keeps in mind to collect trophies of any of his enemies' chin-swaggle, just because.

Reorienting himself and realising the short space available above the stairs, as well as the steepness of the stairs (almost a ladder!), Captain Baldbeard instead aligns himself above the stairs on the side, where the second zombie (who perhaps has not noticed him yet? Even if he has, it would be a good location where he'd have the upper hand over the zombie) will come out, and be well-primed for a head-cudgeling.

He eyes the rest of the crew, including a grimace up at Pugwash who he hopes could see him, to indicate cooperation rather than another mess, and readies his cudgel.
phaolo: Durik accepted the cupcake and ate it.
"Oo thanks u tiny. Me feel better already." :)
"Wait, dis not carrot, no?" O_o
Lone_Scout: XD

Argy tries to snatch the cupcake back before Durik eats it. "Don't, ye fool, if ye appreciate yer teeth, and the rest of the head..."

If she fails... *facepalm and quickly step away from Durik*

"Ye... B'tter don't ye smoke nothing or eat nay legumes till tomorrow..."
"That's probably for the best - an explosion here could very well be heard in town, alerting the Denuvo! I'm sure we'll manage to wreck things without one!"
What the blazes? Zombie... cat? Do the creepy parrot keep an Indian burial ground in our cargo hold? I wouldn't even be surprised.

Count Karnstein gets right after the furry abomination that just jumped by him, tries to catch any part of it and throw it off whatever it's climbing.
Post edited September 23, 2023 by ssling
babark: Captain Baldbeard instead aligns himself above the stairs on the side, where the second zombie (who perhaps has not noticed him yet? Even if he has, it would be a good location where he'd have the upper hand over the zombie) will come out, and be well-primed for a head-cudgeling.
"Arr, Cap'n, look above" Bellandra whispers to Baldbeard as the crew near the main mast finish tying the Doctor. "The second shambler be past us already - the Cook be climbing up the main mast there, towards the Fighting Top where Cap'n Rummyfangs is!"

She conferred with the others quickly. "He is up high at the Main Yard already, too high to reach from the deck with a sword or cudgel, unless we climb after him. Karnstein's trying to do that, but the rotter has a head start. Mayhap Foggy's long trident could still reach him? Or mayhap someone with a throwing object, could knock 'im off the mast? Or Pugwash could shoot his arm or leg. Or else Rummyfangs up there at the Fighting Top may kick 'im down to us."
Post edited September 23, 2023 by DiffuseReflection
Arrrr...cooks, doctors, tridents, so much confusion!

Captain Baldbeard goes back to his initial plan.

lines himself up so that he would be facing the cook, but not in the way of the others. Cleaning the gunk off his cudgel, he readies it and himself, and eyes the zombie and the rest of the crew, many of who are more agile and further reaching than him, to make a move, so that he would be ready to react.
Tower team, Mighty The Mighty Matey

Mighty thought long and hard. Finally decided what to do, so below post has been updated.

Reposting for convenience:

"Monkey and Cracker did well and made Mighty happy."
Mighty pointed at guard captain "This human looks like a boss of this place, maybe he has keys to the doors. It would be quicker to just open them without lockpicking."

"Sneaky Cracker wants to scout place where chains are operated (H1) so Grog'tial and Durik better wait for it to return as we do not know how many guards are still here. After that it will scout tower a bit more. Monkey can stay on guard here and make noise if anyone comes near" Monkey was not too happy to be bossed by parrot, but reluctantly nodded agreeing.

servobeupstry: Origi casually walks down the stairs. "Oh, it's you" she mutters, non-plussed. "Well, don't just stand there, my dearest Prince is in a state of medical emergency: need healers, doctors, veterinarians up on the roof straight away... Oh, and I seem to have sprained my wrist too. Bad landing, doncherknow?"
Mighty looks at Origi . "Mighty can go with you up there. He is not a healer but can help with moving the bird-prince back to ship. Claw is large enough for him to lay on it."

Mighty hopes noone will steal or eat remaining Harbor Watch leather armor before he returns.
Post edited September 24, 2023 by Sulibor