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Seeing Aylar's plan for getting the key, Grog'tial (thinking in the back of his mind - huh, I could've sworn those bars looked to be closer together when I was rushing up here - must've lain awake worrying too much about various plots last night...) hastily starts whispering suggestions to Mighty and Durik, making certain that Aylar (and Argy if she stuck around) is also up to speed.

"We don't know if the lock or door will make any noise when being opened. If it doesn't, we quietly sneak up to the door and let Aylar or ideally Argy look stealthily around the corner to make certain who all is in the guardhouse. If there are no nasty surprises, we wait for the Orcish lads to come down the stairs and settle down again. Then we rush them - you (a nod to Mighty) at the front. The goal is to get cold steel - or cold crab-claw - at the throats of the man and woman we heard, and have them order the orcs to stand down. If anyone tries to rush off to sound the alarm, they get a crossbow bolt in the back. If the fight doesn't go our way, I blow my shell."
"If the door does make a sound, it'll take them a few moments to react. Enough time for us to get into position right around the corner of the door. Then we just let them walk into our weapons. The good thing here will be that the orcs will still be coming down, so we get our hostages coming out in front! Same plan beyond that. Sound good?"
Post edited September 19, 2023 by gogtrial34987
gogtrial34987: If the door does make a sound, it'll take them a few moments to react. Enough time for us to get into position right around the corner of the door. Then we just let them walk into our weapons.
Durik whispered back:
"Queen not found, Durik thinks we should wait for her, before make noises"
"But ok, me be ready"
gogtrial34987: If the door does make a sound, it'll take them a few moments to react. Enough time for us to get into position right around the corner of the door. Then we just let them walk into our weapons.
phaolo: Durik whispered back:
"Queen not found, Durik thinks we should wait for her, before make noises"
"But ok, me be ready"
"If the door makes a sound when opened, we want the orcs to not yet be all the way downstairs, otherwise they'll come out in front. But let's hope the door won't make a sound, so we can wait and see. We also don't know the queen's situation, and if she is at all capable of making her way to us. Either way, I don't think she would be of much use in a fight here."
Lone_Scout: ... Or their favourite ring is thrown into a lava pit."

... starts climbing the half wall in search for a better position to see what's happening.
bjgamer: LOL. at the saying. ;)

The half wall surrounding the roof is referring to the wall around the top of the tower, which only comes up half height to a regular wall and encircles the tower roof, which also stopped Origi from falling off when she tumbled. Think crenelated battlements of a castle tower top. Argy would have to climb the 10m of the tower, not attracting attention, to reach the half wall.
Ook. All clear. And any ledge or something Argy can climb onto without having to go all the way up?
If there's no other choice, I'd climb the whole wall, but I prefer something halfway... or maybe take a peek into a window. Not sure if passing through one would be a good idea. Even for a halfling, it seems there's a good chance of getting stuck while trying to do so.
gogtrial34987: "We also don't know the queen's situation, and if she is at all capable of making her way to us. Either way, I don't think she would be of much use in a fight here."
"Queen's plan was sneak, no fight. She no found and no fell.. she gud. But ok, Durik will follow ye smarters"
And then:
"Wait, where be the tiny carrots lass?"
Post edited September 19, 2023 by phaolo
Oh because it is dark and quite here on this wee boat I am on... who else is here, let me know who are my friends and foes...

Kyp Everswimmer
Mission 1, Turn 2.5 - (Queen Origi and Tower team - advancing)
*Current Turn ends when all Tower Team posts or 7 PM UTC, 20 September*

Vowing violent retribution, Queen Origi furiously waits while the Half-Orc Harbor Watch Guards begin to descend the stairs. (roll dice) Once she is sure they are not trying an ambush and returning, she swiftly returns to her Prince albatross. While gently trying to coax him awake, she makes quiet soothing sounds to keep him calm as possible should he come to. (roll dice) Checking him over carefully, Origi is relieved to find nothing broken, but it is obvious the albatross is not waking up. The hideous animal abuser who so ruthlessly struck her Prince and thought to return to butcher and eat him, has done his foul deed too well. Her Prince is badly stunned and currently unable to save himself and her.

Argy had kept checking the wall along the way (roll dice) but found no easy way for a Halfling to climb it. However coming to the tower, Argy thinks she might be able to make it high enough to sneakily peek in the window slit where the warm glow of light shone. (roll dice) The stones are slick with the moisture from the mist, but small hands cling determinedly. (roll dice) Inside she sees only the dim outline of what must be a small bare dark room with something piled in the corner, but through the doorway she sees a portion of a lit room, and part of a table where a pale human woman dressed in provocative buccaneer attire is speaking to someone else in a low sultry voice. In a moment the woman holds up her hand and turns her head, as if beginning to sense something. Argy sees blood red eyes looking straight towards her own as a smile revealing fangs begins to appear on the pale woman's face.

Aylar (roll dice) sneaks silently to the gate. Steadying himself with one hand, he quietly draws his cutlass with the other and lining himself up just right, extends the blade and his hand thru the crosshatch towards the key, trusting his Half-Elven blessed agility will not fail him here. (roll dice/Luck Card) By twisting his hand and the blade, extended to the very edge of his reach, Aylar is able to barely snag the leather loop of the key and slide it down the back of his blade so as to not sever the leather loop. (roll dice) He extracts his arm and inserts the key in the lock, turning it carefully. (roll dice) It works! The gate is unlocked.

Grog'tial, noticing what Aylar plans, begins to suggest a plan to Mighty and Durik, making certain that Aylar can also hear his low whispering and hoping Argy is nearby enough to hear it as well. He suggests either Argy or Aylar take a peek, then waiting for the Orcish guards they heard on the roof to come back down and rushing them once the group is together, putting cold steel to the throats of the human officer(s) to order the guards. He goes through variations of this plan, trying to cover all the angles he can possibly foresee.

Durik listens closely then whispers back his concern for Queen Origi, but reluctantly agrees to the plan. Then Durik whispers to the others as he realizes Argy isn't with them anymore, "Wait, where be the tiny carrots lass?"
Post edited September 19, 2023 by bjgamer
Argy smiles back to the woman in a nervous way for a single second and climbs down as fast as she safely can. She clings to Grog'tial and whispers anxiously, pointing at the window: -"Quick, matey! Evil vampire in that window. Use yer crossbow if she appears..." after a second of hugging, she pulls away from him: " Hey, r'spec' me personal space or I'll grind some pepper unto yer lus'ful eyes" says swinging her pepper grinder menacingly.
aCyborg: Oh because it is dark and quite here on this wee boat I am on... who else is here, let me know who are my friends and foes...
Crew List and Cursed Weapons List/Assignments w/links
Crew Notices, Current Action Reports links, Current Mission background info links

You will especially want to look over the Mission Briefing and the latest Updated Actions report links in Post 3. Updated Actions for the whole crew will be updated again tonight USA time.

GM Note to Crew - Polly won't eat the Crew for introducing themselves and talking quietly so go ahead and get to know Kyp - just please no shouting, or exclaiming with ! punctuation. ;)
Post edited September 19, 2023 by bjgamer
"A vampire? Have ye got yerself spotted, lass?" Quietly joining the party, Aylar narrows his eyes, visibly recalculating, but maintains low volume of voice all the same, speaking quickly. "Right. I unlocked the gate, but let us assume the worst: our element of surprise walked the plank and we be out of time. Argy, if she has seen ye, maybe it be best for you to swing the door open, as they be expecting you to be here, then duck to the side and wait out the opener act; after assist as ye deem fair, safe fer cupcakes. Cannae risk making too much noise or bringing the place down. Lads, be ready to rush in through the open way and smash skulls but nae get cocky, aim to also disorient them." (he glances at Mighty's companions as he says so). "Grog'tial, spare me one of yer stakes and be ready to lean into the room and use yer shell mesmer, we nae want siren's song to carry in open air. Ye may choose to wait until their larger fellows enter the room, but ye must use it either way, as they might be well waiting for us by then. Once ye done, focus the vampire. Likewise I be trying to get a good slash or strike at 'er to best of my ability."

If/ when he recieves a stake, he'll spin it between his fingers of his off-hand for a moment, trying to get a good grip, and whether opinions at the plan are voiced or not, look at the group, expression serious. "Fair warning: No fooling round. I was to suggest to nae waste yer breath with hostage plans either way, but now that we know there be vampire, we be absolutely doing this to kill. Dead men tell no tales, but undead need extra persuading; we may be looked after by spectral energies, but even magicks have their limits, treat this as combat till death and watch each others' backs. Look for the Queen only once it's over. Move out when ready."
Post edited September 19, 2023 by LordKaylar
aCyborg: Oh because it is dark and quite here on this wee boat I am on... who else is here, let me know who are my friends and foes...
bjgamer: Crew List and Cursed Weapons List/Assignments w/links
Crew Notices, Current Action Reports links, Current Mission background info links

You will especially want to look over the Mission Briefing and the latest Updated Actions report links in Post 3. Updated Actions for the whole crew will be updated again tonight USA time.
ya I was trying to get some quite talking going among the crew members in the same area as me
LordKaylar: be ready to lean into the room and use yer shell mesmer, we nae want siren's song to carry in open air.
ooc, I'll share it properly in character tomorrow when I have more time: sound carrying from the shell isn't a significant risk (we're too far away from town and the Denuvo - only explosions would be heard that far) - but yes, I should lean inward to make certain the sound will reach the orcs (range is 6 meters, though it might carry further in the tower). It should be an instant end to the fight, with everyone mesmerized for 12-15 minutes, though the vampirate will probably have some resistance, leaving us with less time. Still, plenty to stake her. I'd however _still_ like to try a stake-bolt shot to the heart first, and only blow my shell if I miss.
I have 6 regular stakes with me and am happy to share; anyone else who wants one, please speak up.

Proper talk and actions from me coming tomorrow!
Mission 1, Turn 2.5: Updated Actions so far- from Post 130
Current Turn will end 7 PM UTC, 20 September.
Please post any corrections. Inventories have been noted. Incorporating below post.
6 Anti-Vamp Garlic Gas grenades, 4 holy water inked fliers on deck table

Albatross Air (flight to Tower) -
Queen Origi and Albatross crashed into the wood kept for a signal fire on the tower roof. Origi - battered, bruised, sprained wrist, successfully hid from guards, checking albatross; Albatross - knocked out/stunned by guard, otherwise nothing apparently broken; harness unbuckled and tangled; guards going back downstairs.

Tower takeover team - at Tower gate
Polly has told Durik and Mighty to listen to Aylar (he's been a Cap'n before) and help him with the large Pulley & Chains.
Grog'tial, wants to stake-bolt vampire first, blow shell if necessary. 5 stakes/5 stake-bolts, twine.
Aylar (some night vision-Half-Elf); unlocks gate, prepares to use Argy to open gate then duck to side and have Durik and Mighty rush and smash skulls, have Grog'tial use shell, focus on vampire, go for the kill, not capture. small belt axe, 1 stake (from Grog'tial)
Durik lockpicks, matches, knife, bandages, 2 big stakes. Ready to smash skulls (per PM).
Mighty w/parrot & 3-headed monkey he proposes as distractions (per briefing) Will help Aylar.
Argy climbed 3m (9.8 ft) to tower window slit, pale woman with fangs may have spotted her. Tells the others. Pepper Grinder in hand.

Staying on Ship (Denuvo boarding party)
Bellandra 4 stakes
Count Klaus Karnstein - Vampirate info, Suggestions
Foggy checking Ship's readiness, ready to man guns or board and kill if things go deadly wrong.
Bhrigu 2 stakes, 2 holy water inked fliers, offers remaining 4 to crew.
Pugwash on watch in Crow's Nest w/crossbow (Farsight/Sharpshooter)
Larissa Pouch w/garlic powder, anti-slip boots. ready to man Crow's Nest or masts.
Rummyfangs (night vision-Felinoid); gave Baldbeard handkerchief, joined Pugwash in Crow's Nest, 2 stakes, 1 holy water
Captain Baldbeard asks for used clothing from crew for tracking if lost; 2 stakes, 1 holy water
Gilius now entitled to say "I told you so"; 2 stakes, 1 holy water
Kyp Everswimmer comes aboard to join the Crew, would like to get to know Crew.

NOTE: Anti-Vamp Garlic Gas grenades - I was curious, so I looked it up. The ammonia from either chicken or cow manure would intensify the garlic. I don't know about putting the Vampirates into a stupor, but the garlic would burn their eyes and drive them crazy and the Holy Water would burn/eat into their skin, so the reaction would definitely be to overwhelm their senses and cause them to blindly flee or be stunned depending on how much of it got on them.

Vampirates: die from beheading or crushing the skull completely, from a stake through the heart (it must be left in so no you cannot reuse the same stake), or by burning (fire is dangerous on a ship though). In this instance, Vampirates cannot turn into bats and do not fly. Holy water acts like acid, burning and eating into their skin. Intense sunlight will also cause them to burn and possibly catch fire if in it long enough, shadowed sunlight however, only causes sunburn.

Cannons: The Fiendfyre cannons on the foreward and rear Gun Deck are controlled by the Ship. Normal-ish cannons on the Gun Deck mid-area (Berth) take cannon balls and are manually reloaded and operated.
Post edited October 21, 2023 by bjgamer
LordKaylar: be ready to lean into the room and use yer shell mesmer, we nae want siren's song to carry in open air.
gogtrial34987: ooc, I'll share it properly in character tomorrow when I have more time: sound carrying from the shell isn't a significant risk (we're too far away from town and the Denuvo - only explosions would be heard that far) - but yes, I should lean inward to make certain the sound will reach the orcs (range is 6 meters, though it might carry further in the tower). It should be an instant end to the fight, with everyone mesmerized for 12-15 minutes, though the vampirate will probably have some resistance, leaving us with less time. Still, plenty to stake her. I'd however _still_ like to try a stake-bolt shot to the heart first, and only blow my shell if I miss.
I have 6 regular stakes with me and am happy to share; anyone else who wants one, please speak up.

Proper talk and actions from me coming tomorrow!
It has been confirmed by GM, that the tower has 'slits', too small for normal beings. We see window that Argy climbed up to - approx 3 meters above us but further back. Another window, same height is over the dim lantern by the door, but further along the wall to the inside. Any others are too dark to see for now.

Mighty leaned to Aylar and Grog'tial . "Mighty thinks Cracker has a sneaky plan, she wants to fly to the windows on the other side of tower and tell us how many guards are there. She can also make some noise to distract guards, so that you do not use up that siren thingy. If we go smashing, Mighty can go first, this crab claw is big enough to use it as shield. Claw will shield Mighty, Mighty will shield you..."

"... and Craker will distract, you will crack the skulls." the - whispered the parrot.

"Does monkey want to go spying too?" Mighty asked his Three-Headed companion.
Lawful Good head nodded sharply for yes, Chaotic Good shaked for no and Neutral good leaned a bit towards the Lawful Good one.

"2 yay, 1 nay. Monkey wants to go too. If anyone sees it, he will be distracted for sure."
Post edited September 20, 2023 by Sulibor
Grog'tial is just about to bestow some grudging praise on Aylar for the deft opening of the gate, as he's accosted by the Halfling. His annoyance at her crazy antics - the second halfling in a row to be messing up what should've been such a milk run of a mission - takes a backseat when he hears the vital intelligence she brings. "Vampirate!" And she can appear in the window, so must be on the first floor of the tower. He eyes the window. No way he can make a useful shot from here. Maybe a very tricky headshot if she leans out to look straight down? But that's not the heart. Still, he swiftly loads a stake-bolt into his crossbow.

As Aylar and Mighty share their thinking, Grog'tial nods approvingly at Cracker and Mighty, while being puzzled at Aylar's thinking (of course we kill everyone; the hostage tactic would be just to get the orcs to stand down so we can take 'em out easier). He hands the requested stake to Aylar, and whispers urgently, "Cracker causing a distraction at yet another window sounds good. Go for it! Our one remaining advantage is that the vampirate has only seen Argy. She should stay right here, pretending to be trimming the verge, as I've heard is well-known to be a favorite late night halfling activity. That should give the vampirate a moment's pause. The rest of us, let's rush into the tower before we can be spotted from above - and let's hope that door isn't locked! - Otherwise, Mighty, bash it in! - There might be another guard immediately inside the door, but I figure we're more likely looking at a dark and empty room - don't look at the lantern outside the door, so your eyes remain dark-adapted! - with a flight of stairs leading up. We go up those, Mighty shielding us, and still try to put cold steel to the human male's throat so he can order everyone to stand down!"

If I can take a shot at the vampirate, I do. If I miss, hear the orcs (which must be down at least one level from the roof by now) being ordered to raise the alarm, or otherwise see the fight going badly, I blow the shell.
Post edited September 20, 2023 by gogtrial34987