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Mighty can also helo Aylar, two half-orc can give more boost.
matterbandit: This is so true! :) Players mistakes is part of the fun too, I agree! I think on the spot, I couldn't believe I made such a silly mistake and felt bad about it. Then I went to bed. Now it's early morning, on my way to work and I am happy I read your post because it gave me a better perspective. So, thank you! ;)
Glad to hear that, there's no need to feel bad about a D&D game. :)
Btw Polly can surely be scary hehe
Pugwash overhears Polly's lecture and has an existential crisis. So intent with keeping watch with his cursed glass eye, Pugwash failed to think about what he can actually see at night.

Is moonlight enough for Pugwash to see the tower action and the Denuvo, or must there be more light from torches/fires/lanterns?

Pugwash notes the town be well let so he can monitor for any commotion ashore. Pugwash would certainly notice a signal fire if the tower assault goes wrong, but expects so can everyone else.
Mortius1: Is moonlight enough for Pugwash to see the tower action and the Denuvo, or must there be more light from torches/fires/lanterns?

Pugwash notes the town be well let so he can monitor for any commotion ashore. Pugwash would certainly notice a signal fire if the tower assault goes wrong, but expects so can everyone else.
bjgamer: ... Although there was a sliver of a crescent moon, fate had favored them with wisps of cloud now and again, and a bare touch of mist near the shoreline. The darkness of the night didn't bother Felinoid eyes, for felines see by starlight, similar to Elven eyes although Aylar's night sight was reduced by his human half. Pugwash found his glass eye also helped, although not as much as a feline or other creatures of the night.
... and the Crew could hear the slight sounds of a port town.
So yes, the glass eye gives Pugwash better night vision, but only about half as good as Cap'n Rummyfangs or the Vampirates. Aylar also has about half the night vision of Cap'n Rummyfangs.

bjgamer: Unfortunately the curve in the blind spot that hides them from the Harbor Watch Tower also hides it from them. They can tell there is nobody on the Wall above the inlet where the longboat would soon head, and no ships anywhere near them on the sea, but that is the extent of their current vision.
The reason nobody can see the Tower is because they have been hiding in the Tower's only blind spot. They cannot see the Tower and the Tower cannot see them due to the curve of the bluff. They also cannot see the town because they are down on the sea and the town is over on the other side of sea cliffs + hill + 7 meter high wall on top of the hill, so also blocked from view. We would, however, definitely notice the glow from the signal fire if lit! Harbor Plans

Important current Mission Briefings, Mission Turn, Mission Updates and Plans will always be linked in Post 3 of this thread for reference. :)

Edit - Also, if somebody can see or hear something the GM will let you know, either by PM (as I told Rummyfangs he could hear the albatross's distress with Felinoid ears) or in the thread as in the posts quoted above. So no worries, I would have told Pugwash if he could see it. ;)
Post edited September 18, 2023 by bjgamer
There was a subtle shift in the Ship's spectral energies, the flow of pale greenish currents around it. The Ship had stayed at rest, but now shifted to come about slightly, and a net lowered itself over the side as the ghostly aura faded and the Ship came out of stealth once again.

"Arr. It seems we be preparing to welcome a new Crew member aboard," Polly told those on the deck. "I was wondering when he might be catchin' up to us. At least Grog'tial be ashore. I suggest we try not to scupper him this time."

With that Polly flew up to the Crow's Nest to inform Pugwash that a new Cursed Crew member would soon be coming aboard so the dwarf wouldn't shoot him.
Post edited September 18, 2023 by bjgamer
Peeps up slowly

ARRRGGG Me SCally Wags be Going Swell? cough cough Oh sorry... Sorry I am late I was sleeping then someone threw me in the ocean... not only that but my house is broken now...
I can't afford a new house so I guess I have to adventure with you scallywags... you guys will pay for my new home...

Starts exploring ship for water locations on ship
Post edited September 18, 2023 by aCyborg
Polly glided back down to the deck railing as the Ship once again dimmed into stealth and the boarding net returned to its original ready position.

Polly's eyes flared slightly. "Quietly, Kyp. We be preparing to pull a sneak raid and grab." Then she turned to the Crew. "Ahoy Mateys. This be Kyp Everswimmer. Ye have met him before, he be the Power behind the Fishbowl ... until Grog'tial's lady knocked him around and off the Ship that is. He be Half-Mer. Good swimmer, breathes underwater, and be able to take himself and whomever he can carry instantly to any water in sight."

"Welcome back aboard, Kyp. There be a hammock for ye in the Gun Deck Berth, with Foggy here," Polly indicated the sturdy Half-Orc patrolling the deck and keeping a steady eye on things, "and the boyos. Meanwhile, we be running quiet and preparing to board and raid the DRM flagship Denuvo just as soon as that Harbor Watch Tower be neutralized and our team returns."
Post edited September 18, 2023 by bjgamer
Mission 1, Turn 2 - (Queen Origi and Tower team)
*Current Turn ends when all Tower Team posts or 7 PM UTC, 20 September*

Queen Origi quickly rushs to the albatross, checking that he's OK. (roll dice) He is a bit battered, like herself, but she sees no broken bones, just a few lost feathers. (roll dice) The albatross calms as Origi unbuckles what she can reach of the harness, but the tarp interferes with her getting it entirely and the sound of heavy booted feet draw near. (roll dice) Origi manages to find a nook and wedges herself behind the oil barrels used for the signal fire just in the nick of time.

Two half-orc guards emerge onto the tower roof, heavy bastard swords drawn, one holding a torch. (roll dice) The one with the torch looks around the roof alertly. The other goes to the albatross, now distressed again at their appearance and wanting to protect Origi. (roll dice) The guard grunts, then smacks a fist into the albatross's head, shutting it up and knocking it out. He drags the bird out from the tangled tarp and stops.

"Hey, what this then?" the guard asks, looking at the straps and pieces of harness. (roll dice)

"I dunno. Some mail pigeon?" the other mumbles while carefully keeping the torch away from the oiled wood scattered across the roof.

"Mail pigeon? It's al-be-tross, dolt! They be long-distance birdies."

"Yeah. Long distance package delivery." The other declares. "Me no dolt."

"Then where packages?" The first asks, looking around suspiciously. (roll dice) His glance takes in the mess of what was once the unlit signal fire, the rest of the roof, then passes over the barrels in the corner.

"Fell off."

The first guard tucks the limp albatross under one huge arm and takes it with him to look over the edge. (roll dice) "Where? I don't see nothin'."

"In da sea. Duh."

(roll dice) An exasperated voice comes from below. "What's going on? Report!"

The first guard looks at the second and shrugs. "Dumb birdie crashed in firewood," he reports to the captain below.

"Well fix it."

"Yessir." The half-orc looks at the knocked out albatross he still holds under his arm. "What we do with it?" (roll dice)

"Eat it!" the other replies.

"Mmm," the first grunts and nods. "What about fire?" he kicks a piece back of wood toward the now wrecked pile.

"Leave it, day watch do it," the other says. (roll dice) "Me have good cards! Go now. Leave birdie, come back fer birdie after."

The two guards look around the roof once more. Then grunting again, the first guard drops the limp albatross on the
roof to head back for the stairs.

Meanwhile ...
The tower assault team had made good time while keeping close to the shadow of the wall. Luckily the mist had increased slightly. Argy valiantly did her best to keep up with them, while watching for any other easy way inside or up the wall. The albatross had gone silent now, and no screams had been heard. None of them knew if that was good, or very bad.

(roll dice) At the front, Aylar set as swift a pace as possible while still maintaining quiet and safety. He used his eyes and ears to the best advantage his half-elven blood could. The sand and shore grasses helped to keep their footsteps muffled. The team could hear disguntled mumbling above them, but nothing definitive enough with tower roof's height and the breeze blowing. Soon Aylar could make out the tower gate, (roll dice) and no guard on patrol there. Through a window slit came the warm glow of firelight from a larger room and he and the others could hear a humanish voice shouting upwards.

"Well fix it."

"Yessir," called a deep orcish voice back from above. Then a low mumbled, "What we do with it?"

"Eat it!" another voice answered.

The humanish voice inside murmured something, and was answered by a sultry feminine voice, which elicited laughter from the first.

(roll dice) As they snuck up to the tower gate, they could see its iron bars in a 8 cm crosshatch pattern. The bars ran from 5 cm from the ground to 10 cm from the ceiling and it was a keyed lock. There was going to be no way to climb through. Then Aylar spotted the glint of a key dangling on a short leather loop hanging on a peg on the wall just over 1.5 meters inside the iron gate, and barely 0.5 meters from the guardroom tower door. A single lantern, dim and shielded from the breeze hung on the other side of the door.

Harbor Plans
H1 on the Harbor Map, North square tower of H1 is your target. The gate is right beside that tower, the key and peg are on the south wall of that tower as is the guardroom tower door. The roof of the tower is approx. 10 meters up, surrounded by a crenelated half-wall battlement - like a castle tower of old, which juts out around the wall. It stops anyone from an easy straight climb up, but also hid the team from the guard when looking down from the roof. Windows are basically defensive slits and cannot be climbed into easily by normal beings and definitely not by half-orcs. The lighter area inside H1 is open space for training, etc. The wheel and pulley are at the southern half-hex building. There are 2 more lanterns shielded from the winds by the doors of the other 2 squarish towers southward as well. All lights, except inside, are kept dim.

Edit - specifying half wall topping the roof of the tower, corrected a number - ty for pointing that out gogtrial. :)
Post edited September 19, 2023 by bjgamer
The atmosphere on the ship turned tense as Cap'n Rummyfangs suddenly heard screeching and screaming sound from the direction of the tower. The felinoid in his inpatient anxiety started shouting that it sounded like Queen Origi's albatross, and was promptly reprimanded by Admiral Polly. The feathered admiral's stern demeanour coupled with a swarming surge of soectral energy that had started to swirl around him caused Rummyfangs to realise how he was potentially jeopardizing the mission by shouting. Yet after a quick apology things were fine again. Bhrigu noted that the strong bond between the Grog brethren of which he had heard before was truly a force that did bind this diverse cast of buccaneers in a band. Yet the anxiety that arose after the bird's shriek was heard was certainly a matter of concern, and yet the team on the ship could hardly do much except to wait with bated breath and hope for the best. The team that had started on the longboat had, too, moved mostly out of vision by now. The night wore a veil of chilly mist, and with each passing minute it was increasing ever so slightly. The sliver of a crescent moon in the sky was shirking appearance by constantly hiding its face behind passing caravans of clouds that in this season carried rain from the western seas to the fertile plains inland. "Aye my fellow messmates, the omens of the world seem to be on our side. Avast, me just hopes Origi is fine an' dandy, and Aylar and Argy and the rest of our team takes those blighter blaggards out" exclaimed Bhrigu in a hushed voice.

Amidst the hushed discussion that arose among those on the deck, the ship suddenly shed its shroud of stealth off. Just when everyone was startled up thinking the ship has been spotted, Admiral Polly announced that a new member is going to join the cursed crew, as some untoward incident had delayed them. Bhrigu wondered who could this be , especially how on earth were they going to be arriving on the ship. All the questions were laid to rest when a half-mer, Kyp Everswimmer, with glistening scally skin, amicable behaviour, and a jocundly irritated accent climbed his way on board. The crew came to realise that the antics of Grog'tial had resulted in the destruction of Kyp's home, the fishbowl, and he was now going to be a part of crew, one with a personal journey to find a home of his own.

"Ahoy matey! Welcome to the ship. Ye settle yourself a little, Kyp! And then, maybe, ye can help us we go onboard the vampirate vessel" exclaimed Bhrigu in a friendly tone, and then suddenly remembering something addressing all said "Avast me hearties, me still has four holy water fliers on me hand fer ye, take some if ye want to".

The flier read thus:

×××××××××××××Bored of Plant Based Wines?××××××××××××
××××××××Tired of music that ain't from the Middle Ages?×××××××
×××Irritated of bartenders suggesting you to file your incisors?×××

--Your wait for an Establishment that fills all your needs is OVER!--

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆—–‐<<<<<DEADLY DISCO>>>>>-–—☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
A Place for the Distinguished Patrons with a Sanguine Humour
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Place for YOU!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

● Coffin seating available.
● Exotic 'drinks' from all around the world.
● No Siring allowed inside the club premises.
● Entry barred for those below the age of 130 years.

"If this don't attract the attention of those vampirates, me not knows what else will, arr!" said he, "now who wants a few copies?"
Post edited September 19, 2023 by bhrigu
Origi is enraged by the guard's hideous animal abuse, and vows violent retribution. She returns to prince Albatross, gently trying to coax him awake, making sure he stays silent and calm as possible, and confirming if he's still able to fly at all. Then she heads to the top of the stairs, listening to make sure both guards have descended, sneaking quietly inside to ascertain the nature and number of its occupants, the layout of the interior, and any further hiding spots she can use on her way down.
There's a saying in Argy's homeland:
"People never pay attention to halflings.
Until they notice their purse is missing.
Or their favourite ring is thrown into a lava pit."

So Argy feels relieved by the sudden silence, as it most probably means Origi is safe.
On the other hand, she notices that trying to keep the peace of the noisy half-orcs is not meant for her, so she sneaks aside from the group and starts climbing the half wall in search for a better position to see what's happening.
Lone_Scout: ... Or their favourite ring is thrown into a lava pit."

... starts climbing the half wall in search for a better position to see what's happening.
LOL. at the saying. ;)

The half wall surrounding the roof is referring to the wall around the top of the tower, which only comes up half height to a regular wall and encircles the tower roof, which also stopped Origi from falling off when she tumbled. Think crenelated battlements of a castle tower top. Argy would have to climb the 10m of the tower, not attracting attention, to reach the half wall.
After eyeing the key for a few moments, Aylar exhales quietly, then sneaks up to the gate, trying to line himself up with the peg juuust right. He steadies himself by carefully gripping the gate bars with one hand, takes his cutlass out with the other, and then tries to reach into the hatching-gap closest to the key with his blade, perhaps, silently hoping that his limberness would be a boon here.

If he had noticed Argy sneaking away, he be silently trusting her to not get herself in trouble.
bhrigu: "Ahoy matey! Welcome to the ship. Ye settle yourself a little, Kyp! And then, maybe, ye can help us we go onboard the vampirate vessel" exclaimed Bhrigu in a friendly tone, and then suddenly remembering something addressing all said "Avast me hearties, me still has four holy water fliers on me hand fer ye, take some if ye want to".
Polly watched the greeting, spread her wings and the Ship's energies rose slightly again as patchwork rags came flying from her cabin and hovered around the Crew, threatening to gag with their soapy fragrance anyone who exclaimed, shouted or broke the quiet again.

"If ye nay be thinkin' of our own situation an' us being discovered and the Harbor Watch alertin' the port, then maybe ye should think o' our Crew mateys near that tower now, and what may happen to them should we be discovered by yer noise."

(GM Note: talking is not forbidden - but how many times must Polly indicate quiet is needed? LOL)
Post edited September 19, 2023 by bjgamer
Cap'n Rummyfangs has seen many menacing moons in his lifetime, but nothing has frightened him more than seeing Admiral Polly's wrath lunge at him from out of the darkness with silent precision. She was mad and she had every reason to be. But Polly wasn't the only one to show her miscontentment: the ship itself was not at all pleased with Cap'n Rummyfangs' overzealous shouting and it let him know by wrapping its spectral energies dangerously about him, as if ready to squeeze every last drop of rum from his Felinoid body, much like one would do to a lemon in the night.

It was important that we all remain quiet and stealthy, as not to alert the harbour of our presence. Cap'n Rummyfangs kept his head low while Admiral Polly scolded him. He even tightened his lips in an attempt to conceal his fangs from her, for fear of appearing confrontational. Admiral Polly's words of warning may have been directed at him and his stupidity, but in reality, he knew she was using this moment to remind the entire crew of the importance of maintaining the quiet. He apologized and said he'd be less excitable from this moment on.

But what was truly up with Cap'n Rummyfangs? Everything began with him boarding the ship with no recollection of having boarded the ship. Then, he was assaulted by leeches that only existed in his mind's eye. And now, he dangerously broke the silence aboard a silent mission. What in the seven seas will he do next? And will it end well for him?

Cap'n Rummyfangs clung to the hope that perhaps luck might be on their side, for if he heard the faint distress cries of Origi's albatross, it was because the wind was blowing from the direction of the watchtower towards their ship. If this is so, then perhaps his own voice was not carried back to them. Or, at least, this is what he was hoping for.

To help him regain some focus on the mission at hand, Cap'n Rummyfangs decided to stroll over to the Crow's Nest and momentarily join Pugwash. Along the way, he nodded a discrete "Welcome aboard" to Kyp Everswimmer, who just moments ago joined our shipcrew, like a fresh fish out of dark salty waters.

"Mind if I join ye fer a wee while?" Cap'n Rummyfangs stood next to Pugwash now, wanting to search the night from a different angle. He stared at the dark horizon ahead, possibly in the direction of the watchtower but nothing was certain.

"Did ye know I can see better than most durin' the night?" the Felinoid pirate said to Pugwash. "Who knows, maybe wit' that glass eye o' yers, I can see more than the sum o' us?"

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs: Felinoid pirate / +1 agility, stealth / -1 constitution / permanent +1 hit (unless stunned or incapacitated) / Rapier +1 strike chance / 2 x rum concoctions for adrenaline rush / 2 x wooden stakes / 1 x holy water / 1 x rope / 1 x "harmless" disguise / weakness: loud noises (except roar of the sea & ship's cannons)