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LordKaylar: He cocks his head a bit also, almost unconsciously, "Be there more reasons fer concern? Would we need more manpower or a hastier retreat? I could keep an eye on the tower meself, but by me estimation me blade and tricks would be more use on deck."
Polly bobbed her head again. "If Grog'tial and maybe Durik bring back the only longboat, and there be trouble that sends us out o' the harbor with all speed ..." She ruffled the few phantom feathers, then settled with her eyes starting to glow slightly,"Who be gettin' Mighty off? Prince Albatross cannot fly Mighty, and he already has to go back after Argy. I nay like it if we have to leave quickly an' any guard change for the Tower should be a comin' from the town an' be seein' us anyway, unless Pugwash see them first."
bjgamer: Polly bobbed her head again. "If Grog'tial and maybe Durik bring back the only longboat, and there be trouble that sends us out o' the harbor with all speed ..." She ruffled the few phantom feathers, then settled with her eyes starting to glow slightly,"Who be gettin' Mighty off? Prince Albatross cannot fly Mighty, and he already has to go back after Argy. I nay like it if we have to leave quickly an' any guard change for the Tower should be a comin' from the town an' be seein' us anyway, unless Pugwash see them first."
He nods to her words. "Hrm. Well then, perhaps it would be best for us to take care of tower on our own and all together return by boat, without need to trouble Her High'ess and the Prince at the present. I best join Grog'tial lad in inquiring if she be so kind to allow us to resolve the issue without her royal assistance."

Aylar will briskly make his way to the bow and as politely and charm'ngly as he's able under the timely pressure, relay to Queen Origi his humble suggestion to, perhaps, hold off her take off from the Ship until the longboat crew made landfall and have sufficiently distracted, or, perhaps, even took care of the guards, completely removing the risk of either her or her companion being potentially accosted by arrow or gunfire. That way afterward, if she wishes, she may safely arrive with the Prince to supervise and rate their work - though perhaps, it would be best to not trouble the albatross at all, as Her High'ess would undoubtedly need to go back to the Ship shortly after as the Crew would absolutely need her indispensable magickal expertise to ensure the loot would be safe to ferry on deck.
Reply to post108 & earlier updated posts until this moment (In the best of my knowledge)

By the time Larissa woke up, the tower assault group was on its way
The brutal hang over helped her to prioritize & optimize her actions:
01 Count Karnstein asked her to prepare some gas grenades
(akka Anti-Vamp Garlic Gas grenades)
Due her botany investigations for her own skin problem,
she knew Vampires skin reacts violently with garlic
Pollys report helped to confirm the fact
02 She ran into the kitchen, mixed some juice of this & that,
added leftovers, stirred it & drank it in one sip
Goal: Get completely sober ASAP
03 Then, she took as much garlic as she found,
trew it on the oven for 1 hour to dry it,
to finally grind it with a mortar
The result: A fine powder she kept it in a sack inside her bag
04 Prepared some gas grenades using the garlic
Bellandra prepared & the fresh dung Pugwash got
05 She went to her cabin to rub her boots soles
vigorously with pumice she had
Goal: Reduce the chance of slips when walking on heights
06 Double checked the company of her trustworthy daggers
& the cursed harpoon at hand
07 She handed the gas grenades out to Count Karnstein
She warned their effectiveness wasnt tested yet
-You may want to make a small test IF you find a vampire nearby-
Said while doing a winking face
08 She offered to be the sentinel on the main mast crows nest
As soon as they paired the Denuvo, she would board it
through both top masts (aided by the cursed harpoon IF needed)
disable by surprise any sentinel on their crows nest
and stay there with 2 purposes:
a) Watch the activity on the main deck
Give an attack signal IF their master plan walked the plank to meet Davy Jones
b) IF they needed to call an attack, during her return to their ship,
she could pour the garlic powder as evenly as possible trough the area
It would cause the skin reaction on the enemy vampires
while being harmless to her mates!
Aye!: In case they were wearing clothes with nude skin areas
& enough powder would touch them...
multiple factors that could make the reaction to go from a simple harmless itch
to escalate to a serious threat
However, One positive factor already:
The East wind blowing that night IF used wisely
09 Once on their ship, she could keep helping with the fire attack from there
Remember, she had knowledge about explosives :)

Group: Denuvo boarding party
Where: Both main masts crows nests
Prepared: Garlic powder, gas grenades,
boots with some anti-slipping treatment,
daggers & cursed harpoon equipped
Cap'n Rummyfangs was often at his most energized during the night and his newly-patched garments made him feel all the more prepared for a good pouncing. He secured the rope he'd just acquired onto himself, somewhere between the two wooden stakes to his left and his Rapier on the right. Oh, yes, his cherished Rapier! A metaphor for his sharp fangs, he'd always believed. He also made certain that his two trusty flasks of his special rum were tucked within quick reach, as was his small bottle of water.

The ship began its silent approach towards their destination, slicing through the darkness like a sea snake slithering along the tide towards its unsuspecting prey. He stood next to Pugwash and Aylar, all eyes collectively watchful of any dangerous surprises lurking in the surrounding darkness. Cap'n Rummyfangs' pupils were completely dilated, like two black moons in the night. And within those moons was the doubled reflection of Origi with her albatross, poised for flight towards the watchtower roof.

Cap'n Rummyfangs watched as Grog'tial, Durik, Mighty and Aylar boarded the longboat and discussed their plans for taking over the watchtower. The longboat was ever-so-cautiously lowered onto the dark waters below, like a dragonfly making an unrippled landing. He could feel the excitement and tension in the night air. He wished them luck on their mission.

As the others left the ship to embark on their missions, Cap'n Rummyfangs remained onboard and joined ranks with the likes of Bellandra, Bhrigu, Count Klaus Karnstein, Foggy, Pugwash and Larissa, feeling confident in his decision to take part of the Denuvo boarding mission. Perhaps it was the territorial Felinoid in him that was drawn to the possibility of battling vampirates, being somewhat of a nightcrawler himself. But, he was a smart Felinoid, one that favoured stealth over brawl, but was prepared for both. More importantly, Cap'n Rummyfangs felt that his ability to pull a "harmless" disguise could really come in handy when the time came to steal that tiny chest from the Vampirate Captain's Quarters.

And when that hour be upon him, Cap'n Rummyfangs will be looking to his Denuvo boarding Brethren for guidance and instruction.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs: Felinoid pirate / +1 agility, stealth / -1 constitution / permanent +1 hit (unless stunned or incapacitated) / Rapier +1 strike chance / 2 x rum concoctions for adrenaline rush / 2 x wooden stakes / 1 x holy water / 1 x rope / 1 x "harmless" disguise / weakness: loud noises (except roar of the sea & ship's cannons)
Post edited September 17, 2023 by matterbandit
Mission 1, Turn 1: Updated Actions so far- from Post 81
Please post any corrections. Inventories have been noted. Incorporating posts below.
2 stakes left, 2 holy water

Albatross Air (flight to Tower) -
Queen Origi and Albatross ready to fly to tower roof from the bow sprit; hide and ambush solitary guard, albatross will circle tower; fly to Denuvo when it is time
Aylar - tutorial example - will ride the Albatross if it proves his weight is not too much, otherwise he will go in longboat. In the preparations did anyone think to check if the albatross can do this, or did they assume Queen Origi had done it before? Without his specification to the GM, Aylar could have been left on the Ship waiting for a ride while the boat left without him. (roll dice) The albatross can carry Halflings with light loads only.
Thank you Aylar for another good tutorial example. :)

In longboat so far (Tower takeover team)-
Polly has told Durik and Mighty to listen to Aylar (he's been a Cap'n before) and help him with the large Pulley & Chains.
Grog'tial, will observe/help at tower then return with 'all clear' message for the Ship. Has tested Stake-Bolts in preparation. :) Reminds Queen Origi she may be needed at Denuvo (Eyepatch sees Hidden things). 6 stakes/5 stake-bolts, twine.
Durik (roll dice) found lockpicks, matches, knife, stole bandages from infirmary :p May return w/Grog'tial. 2 big stakes.
Mighty w/parrot & 3-headed monkey he proposes as distractions (per briefing)
Argy ready to assist with reconaissance/ambush; ready to assist Queen Origi (if albatross comes for her)
Aylar (roll dice) adds small belt axe to inventory, (some night vision-Half-Elf); will see if maybe all should return w/Grog'tial; suggests to Queen Origi to allow team to land and scout or take care of tower so as to protect her and the Prince from potentially getting shot down; asks Argy to come with longboat team to assist with setting distraction or ambush.

Staying on Ship (Denuvo boarding party)
Bellandra 4 stakes
Count Klaus Karnstein has asked Larissa to prepare Anti-Vamp Garlic Gas grenades (roll dice) It can work. Creative!! (6 grenades)
Foggy checking Ship's readiness, ready to man guns or board and kill if things go deadly wrong.
Bhrigu 2 stakes.
Pugwash on watch in Crow's Nest w/crossbow (farsight/Sharpshooter)
Larissa made Anti-Vamp Garlic Gas grenades (roll dice) gives 6 to Count Karnstein. Pouch w/garlic powder, anti-slip boots. ready to man Crow's Nest or masts.
Rummyfangs watchful on deck (night vision-Felinoid), 2 stakes, 1 holy water
Captain Baldbeard asks for used clothing from crew for tracking if lost; 2 stakes, 1 holy water

NOTE: Anti-Vamp Garlic Gas grenades - I was curious, so I looked it up. The ammonia from either chicken or cow manure would intensify the garlic. I don't know about putting the Vampirates into a stupor, but the garlic would burn their eyes and drive them crazy and the Holy Water would burn/eat into their skin, so the reaction would definitely be to overwhelm their senses and cause them to blindly flee or be stunned depending on how much of it got on them.

Answering Foggy:
Cannons: The Fiendfyre cannons on the foreward and rear Gun Deck are controlled by the Ship. Normal-ish cannons on the Gun Deck mid-area (Berth) take cannon balls and are manually reloaded and operated.

Vampirates: die from beheading or crushing the skull completely, from a stake through the heart (it must be left in so no you cannot reuse the same stake), or by burning (fire is dangerous on a ship though). In this instance, Vampirates cannot turn into bats and do not fly.

awaiting others to post actions.
Pouyou-pouyou: *ping* I vote fer option 1 to use this here 2 teams strategy
Post edited October 21, 2023 by bjgamer
Pugwash apologises to Cap'n Rummyfangs for suggesting his soap scented rags had the aroma of dung.

Despite the name, Pugwash is not used to cleanliness, so it was an easy mistake to make.

With that out of the way, Pugwash returns to the crows nest to await the action.
As the ship continued its slow, stealthy glide along the harbour and Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs enjoyed the night breeze in the company of his Denuvo boarding Brethren, Pugwash the dwarf turned to him with unexpected words:

"Scallywag mate, I be sorry fer tellin' ye that yer rags reek o' most foul feculence..." Pugwash's apology seemed most sincere.

Cap'n Rummyfangs smiled at his dwarven comrad, the moonlight momentarily bouncing off his rum-coated fangs and placed an arm around Pugwash's shoulder in a friendly embrace.

"No scallywag means all he says, 'n yet mighty few say all they means, fer words are slippery 'n thought be viscous," chuckled Cap'n Rummyfangs.

And, to show that he fully accepted Pugwash's apology, in true Felinoid fashion and in a gesture of genuine bonding, Cap'n Rummyfangs leaned forward and barfed a rumball (that is, a hairball drenched in rum) onto the ship's deck, in the gap between where the two mates stood.
Having given his apology, and having accepted it, Pugwash returns to his watch upon the Crow's Nest while Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs continues to be watchful with Felinoid eyes on deck. (roll dice) The darkness and slight mist works in the Ship's favor and in it the dim spectral glow can be easily mistaken for bioluminescence. (roll dice) Unfortunately the curve in the blind spot that hides them from the Harbor Watch Tower also hides it from them. They can tell there is nobody on the Wall above the inlet where the longboat would soon head, and no ships anywhere near them on the sea, but that is the extent of their current vision.

(Edit - spelling)
Post edited September 17, 2023 by bjgamer
Wishing to state (just in case I might end up away for long) that regardless of Queen's reply, on his way back to rowboat from the bow Aylar will ask Argy if she would be up for taking a spot in the boat along with the ground assault group, as she could be a great help when it'd come to setting up a distraction or an ambush.
Captain Baldbeard gives all his crewmates a once-over with his eyes and his nose, keeping an eye out for any odd smells (excluding the garlic), and making sure he'd be able to recognise and find them if needed for this and future missions.

"Me mateys, if ye ken do me the favour of parting with some used item of clothing from yer person, in the case that my sharks be needing to track you or bring you back from some far of place now, or in the future?"

He then helps himself to 2 stakes and a bottle of water, in case they be needed.

"It seems we be goin' fer the option of squelching them landlubbering guards, and then sending a party ta be sneaking onboard the Denuvo. Be that the case, since I not be sure how much wall climbing the landing party will need, I be of the boarding party as well, unless ye be needing me help with them guards?"

Finally, he turns to Polly "I see here these stakes, and ye have told us their purpose, but what of this water. Intutition tells me it be holy water against vampirates, but ye have not said as much. What is the water for?"
"Thank ye, Larissa, very much." - Count said taking, with slightly shaking hands, small crate containing six small pouches. - "I'll just put'em 'ere, on the table. Fortunately Grog'tial is away. Take'em freely. But bare in mind their effectiveness should be very high in closed compartments yet rather pitiful in the open air."

"Now would be good time t' talk the second part o' our plan. Puttin' it all together, we should take Denuvo's upper deck unnoticed, disable their guns 'n wheel, and last but not least, retrieve the objects we're goin' fer. The last part is most tricky as we don't know how well the objects are hidden or protected, nor who will be in there. If we be lucky maybe nobody, but if aforementioned Captain or Mage are onboard, they likely be sittin' in Officer's Quarters."

"I don't know how common this knowledge is, but higher vampirates like 'em can easily see through any disguise that one is not of their kin. Hence, in case sneakin' fails, grenades may be yer only chance o' survival. Them be harmless, if unpleasant, fer living, but should be able t' temporarily dispose o' any bloodsucker, Mage or not."

"As I proposed earlier, I could try trickery at lower deck t' disable guns wit'out any ruckus. That if our silent approach will work at all. Assistance would be welcome, in case less subtle method would need t' be applied."
Post edited September 18, 2023 by ssling
LordKaylar: Wishing to state (just in case I might end up away for long) that regardless of Queen's reply, on his way back to rowboat from the bow Aylar will ask Argy if she would be up for taking a spot in the boat along with the ground assault group, as she could be a great help when it'd come to setting up a distraction or an ambush.
Ok. Then going back to the original plan (joining the ground assault team to do some sneaky reconnaissance). However, if Origi needs backup and sends the albatross, she will be ready to ride it to the top of the tower.
Post edited September 17, 2023 by Lone_Scout
"I'm here for dangerous adventures with my darling prince, and dangerous adventures I will have! Don't worry, your queen will fly to the Denuvo when the time is right. But first, to the tower roof! Up, up and away!"
babark: Finally, he turns to Polly "I see here these stakes, and ye have told us their purpose, but what of this water. Intutition tells me it be holy water against vampirates, but ye have not said as much. What is the water for?"
"The holy water is said to burn their skin like acid," Polly replied to Captain Baldbeard, "I believe it be more a deterrent than fully deadly, but a strong one." She watched as Count Karnstein thanked Larissa, then very carefully put the small crate of 6 Anti-Vamp Garlic Gas grenades down on the deck table and explained they would be better used in enclosed spaces.

The longboat slipped quietly toward the inlet's beach, Aylar in the bow as the best to see in the darkness, Grog'tial next with his crossbow ready, then Durik and Mighty at the oars, and Argy toward the stern with her backpack tightened down and ready.

Insisting that she was here for dangerous adventures with her darling prince, but assuring them she would fly to the Denuvo when time was right, Queen Origi had the albatross take off into the wind. It circled a few times to gain height and not crash into the cliffs for the albatross is a bird mainly made for gliding long distances on sea winds and not good on land nor powered flight. It then turned toward the inlet itself passing over the longboat still quietly rowing for shore and following the wall to the tower.

Aboard the Ship, Polly's eyes glowed and the Ship's energies returned it to stealth, seemingly disappearing from normal view. Now they waited, watchful, for the assault team to do their work and return.

The real action begins soon - giving another hour or so for some missing Crew to check in with me.
Post edited September 17, 2023 by bjgamer
"Me mateys, if ye ken do me the favour of parting with some used item of clothing from yer person, in the case that my sharks be needing to track you or bring you back from some far of place now, or in the future?" Captain Baldbeard addressed the crewmates still aboard the ship.

Cap'n Rummyfangs was tempted to tear off a piece of his shirt cuffs or maybe even rip some buttons from his coat, but after all the fuss Admiral Polly invested in re-patching his pirate ensemble, he decided against further damaging his threads, more so because they were blessed with the three cursed patchworks. Instead, Cap'n Rummyfangs pulled a crusty hankerchief from one of his coat pockets and held it in Captain Baldbeard's direction.

"Be this good enough fer yer sharks, heartie? A gift..., straight from me nose t' yer sharks' snout!"

Shortly thereafter, he watched and listened to Admiral Polly explaining the use of the bottled holy water to Captain Baldbeard and its strong burning effect on vampirates. Cap'n Rummyfangs nodded his head, smiling, pretending to be very intelligent and not reveal the fact that he believed it was regular drinking water in case he got thirsty during his boarding mission..., and so with discrete fingers, he moved his bottle of holy water away from his mini flasks of special rum and fastened it alongside his two wooden stakes.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Cap'n Barfdeck Rummyfangs: Felinoid pirate / +1 agility, stealth / -1 constitution / permanent +1 hit (unless stunned or incapacitated) / Rapier +1 strike chance / 2 x rum concoctions for adrenaline rush / 2 x wooden stakes / 1 x holy water / 1 x rope / 1 x "harmless" disguise / weakness: loud noises (except roar of the sea & ship's cannons)