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I would like to have the virtual game shelf for my offline pc at home. Any ideas?
I "print" my shelf to a PDF (Chrome has a built-in ability).

I print twice - once by title and once by purchase date.

That's one way to do it..
Martek: I "print" my shelf to a PDF (Chrome has a built-in ability).

I print twice - once by title and once by purchase date.

That's one way to do it..
Heh, I only thought that this was possible through an extension. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
It's probably possible to create invisible links on top of an image file of your shelf. These links could direct you to a game's folder.
Martek: I "print" my shelf to a PDF (Chrome has a built-in ability).
On Firefox you can use the addon "Screengrab!" for example to create a png-file. If you print it you can see white spaces between your games.
Oddeus: I would like to have the virtual game shelf for my offline pc at home. Any ideas?
That would be nice. The explorer window of the download folder is unfortunately not a nice replacement because GOG do not name their download folders nice. The GOG downloader also cannot do it. The GOG Galaxy client which might be able to do it, is not ready yet.

The library, one can save, but it doesn update. The same with importing your games into GOGWiki.

So far I guess this is not possible. Someone would have to write something about it.
Trilarion: The library, one can save, but it doesn update. The same with importing your games into GOGWiki.
Could you explain what you mean?
Oddeus: I would like to have the virtual game shelf for my offline pc at home. Any ideas?
If you're wanting to see a sort of game shelf view like on the GOG website but offline I don't think there are any other options than what others suggested so far. Ultimately GOG Galaxy will provide this functionality and it should work offline just fine however it'll be a while yet before it is fully functional. You could sign up for the alpha if you're interested in alpha-testing and providing bug reports etc. but other than that I'd recommend waiting it out.
0Grapher: Could you explain what you mean?
Sorry, I was thinking much more than I was writing.

The library page of ( you can save as an html file in your browser. So you can see the list of games offline. But this list is just a static image of the GOG website and there does not change.

Similarly with the GOG wiki ( You can import your library there and then you can save the page as html but again it won't update automatically.

So having an HTML file (or maybe also a small app) showing all your games in your local library which is automatically updated - no way currently.
This may be unthinkable and unheard of, but you could try using separate folder to keep you game shortcuts. ;)
0Grapher: Could you explain what you mean?
Trilarion: Sorry, I was thinking much more than I was writing.

The library page of ( you can save as an html file in your browser. So you can see the list of games offline. But this list is just a static image of the GOG website and there does not change.

Similarly with the GOG wiki ( You can import your library there and then you can save the page as html but again it won't update automatically.

So having an HTML file (or maybe also a small app) showing all your games in your local library which is automatically updated - no way currently.
So that's what you meant. :)
Updating that HTML file shouldn't be so difficult, I think. Still, that's not to say I could do it. :P
Someone should easily be able to write a program which creates a HTML file of your library every time you have an internet connection. You probably wouldn't even need to log in to GOG because the program could retrieve the data automatically, similarly to the lgogdownloader.
0Grapher: Could you explain what you mean?
Trilarion: Sorry, I was thinking much more than I was writing.

The library page of ( you can save as an html file in your browser. So you can see the list of games offline. But this list is just a static image of the GOG website and there does not change.

Similarly with the GOG wiki ( You can import your library there and then you can save the page as html but again it won't update automatically.

So having an HTML file (or maybe also a small app) showing all your games in your local library which is automatically updated - no way currently.
Right, having a completely updated to current offline shelf that updates without online connectivity would be impossible of course. LOL Ultimately though GOG Galaxy client will provide this functionality for sure minus updating offline as of course the information is online and requires to go online to get it even if just opportunistically when a network connection is available and the client is running.

Also, GOG has indicated the Galaxy APIs will be publicized and available for others to use which is pretty cool and will encourage 3rd parties to create alternative clients including possibly some that have more limited scope and reduced capabilities with lower resource requirements for those who are interested in such things. I imagine that one way or another someone will create an app or apps (standalone or web based) that does just about anything one might want. There are already alternatives to GOG Downloader out there without any official published API for example so having an officially published one will only encourage it further, although we probably wont see that until a point after Galaxy launches and they feel the API is what they want it to be in order to entrench it and make it available externally. I'm looking forward to tinkering with that myself. :)
Check out Rainmeter.

It barely uses any memory/processor yet can do some amazing things.
Anything from pop-up games (or any programs) images to load games from or one I use GameView2.
Once got used to it, you can easily make your own UI setups by simply editing a Notepad text file :D

Or you can get various Docks to do similar, but less advanced.
Thank you for all the tips. The best thing, I could find is the program All My Movies, but it´s rather expensive and I´m not sure, if it works with games. Funny enough, I could not find any free virtual shelf for Win.
Post edited May 02, 2015 by Oddeus
skeletonbow: Right, having a completely updated to current offline shelf that updates without online connectivity would be impossible of course. LOL Ultimately though GOG Galaxy client will provide this functionality for sure minus updating offline as of course the information is online and requires to go online to get it even if just opportunistically when a network connection is available and the client is running. ...
That was not exactly what I was thinking about. I was more starting from a scenario where you are sometimes online and sometimes not. Then you want to automatically update the database when you are online (this are anyway the only occasions where new games can be added) but still be able to access it when you are offline. This means it must be stored local but must be updated upon request or automatically with some kind of smartly chosen intervals or upon notification.

I guess the GOG Galaxy client could provide exactly this if it wanted to. Heck, even the Steam client does it in a way. Or someone else could write a script if he/she wanted to. All you need to do is saving your library locally every now and then.
Post edited May 04, 2015 by Trilarion
Trilarion: That was not exactly what I was thinking about. I was more starting from a scenario where you are sometimes online and sometimes not. Then you want to automatically update the database when you are online (this are anyway the only occasions where new games can be added) but still be able to access it when you are offline. This means it must be stored local but must be updated upon request or automatically with some kind of smartly chosen intervals or upon notification.

I guess the GOG Galaxy client could provide exactly this if it wanted to. Heck, even the Steam client does it in a way. Or someone else could write a script if he/she wanted to. All you need to do is saving your library locally every now and then.
Yes, as far as I know Galaxy does this already. It certainly works without needing to be online anyway, and when it is online, the online functionality does work - modulo reported bugs of course.

Just log out of Galaxy and see for yourself what works and doesn't.