White_Barry: D0 y0u m34n f00d 1rL th4t 1s 1n v1d30 g4m3s 0r f00d 1n v1d30 g4m3s th4t h4s b33n tr4nsm34tw0rld1z3d fr0m cyb3rsp4c3 0r b0th 0r s0m3th1ng 3ls3 0r 4 c0mb1n4t10n 0f s0m3th1ng 3ls3 4nd 0n3 0f th3 0th3r tw0 0r 3v3n s0m3th1ng 3ls3 0th3r th4n th4t?
Fairfox: welp can be any combo, fo' sho'. liek... kkz. so, original lee i meant
act. branded stuffages on store shelves, y'kno, cereals with candy crap in (shaped from gamies) for examp., theeeen i thought hmmmm mebbe thars liek marshmallow ms. pacman ghosts or whatevs, theeeen peeps adapted taht talkin' 'boot real branded (?) food in virtual areas, which is fine too-too.
so anythang! just gamie-inspired foods, period.
1 d0n't g0 t0 th3 sup3rm4rk3t th4t 0ft3n, th3 gr0c3r13s 4r3 usu4LLy d3L1v3r3d 4nd 1 try t0 4v01d junk f00ds but y34h, n3xt 1'm th3r3 1t m1ght b3 fun t0 h4v3 4 L00k 0ut f0r stuff l1k3 th4t.