Posted March 11, 2018

Truckin' Along
Registered: Mar 2015
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Registered: Sep 2010
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Posted March 11, 2018

Old Fat User
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted March 11, 2018
My toxic masculinity was declared an EPA Superfund site.

I was told there would always be a bigger fish
Registered: Jun 2013
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2018

Registered: Nov 2012
From United States
Posted March 11, 2018
I support the right to own weapons. I also support the responsibility to ensure people purchasing weapons are of sound mind. A prospective buyer of a firearm should have to submit a psychological examination that is no more than 6 months old for every firearm purchase. This psych eval has to be paid out of pocket by the prospective purchaser, and the purchaser can not buy more than 2 weapons in a given 6 month period. That would greatly reduce the amount of ridiculous violence people are displaying. Naturally, the NRA is shitting bricks at the idea of any legislation because they feel that moar gunz is betterer. Really, they want the anarchy they are sowing. But that's my last politically charged post here.
EDIT: I earned my black belt last week from playing Tekken. Bandai Namco said it is in the mail.
EDIT: I earned my black belt last week from playing Tekken. Bandai Namco said it is in the mail.
Post edited March 11, 2018 by paladin181

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted March 11, 2018

Toxic masculinity kills people.
(Before anybody says anything, I should point out that "toxic masculinity" is by definition harmful; aspects of masculinity that are not harmful are not toxic.)

You can thank leftism the SJW's and feminism for that Men are so FED UP we have tried EVERYTHING and the whole world has gone mental!
Men are the Oppressed ones NOT WOMEN!
Post edited March 11, 2018 by fr33kSh0w2012

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted March 11, 2018
low rated

Dexter Grif
Protect me, cone!
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted March 11, 2018
I don't think toxic masculinity is to blame. Nor do I think feminism or SJWs are either. These are not causes but symptoms of a larger issue. We have become fragmented as a society in a way I never thought I would see.
Thanks to social media sites, people can inhabit their very own bubble, populated with people and ideas that validate their own set of beliefs. In these bubbles people don't have to deal with "them", the ones who believe different. Thanks to smartphones people can travel in their bubble wherever they go. I see this every day.
Our government is broken because no one dares compromise for fear of being labeled "weak" or "a traitor to the party". They so fear being voted out and losing their perks and power they tow the party line even when compromise is called for.
Identity politics has further fractured us. "Oh I am not an American, I'm a (blank)". It sets us farther apart from one another.
Talking about mental health still carries a stigma in our country. People are afraid to appear weak, or worried about being judged by their family or friends for needing help with mental issues. It is woefully underfunded, and little attention is paid to it until it is too late. This is especially sadly true for our military returning from war.
With all this, is it any wonder that people are snapping? We can blame guns, but they are an inantimate object. Would getting rid of them reduce gun deaths? Of course, but we cannot say that people determined to take lives won't use something else, like a homemade bomb or car. I once saw on the news a man who armored up a bulldozer and went on a rampage. Do we get rid of bulldozers?
Video games are not to blame. Guns are just the easiest tool to use. What's to blame is our society, where discord and extremist views have become the norm. Where people who feel they have no other recourse snap. But it's easier to go after a scapegoat than it is to fix a broken society. And there will always be another scapegoat.
Thanks to social media sites, people can inhabit their very own bubble, populated with people and ideas that validate their own set of beliefs. In these bubbles people don't have to deal with "them", the ones who believe different. Thanks to smartphones people can travel in their bubble wherever they go. I see this every day.
Our government is broken because no one dares compromise for fear of being labeled "weak" or "a traitor to the party". They so fear being voted out and losing their perks and power they tow the party line even when compromise is called for.
Identity politics has further fractured us. "Oh I am not an American, I'm a (blank)". It sets us farther apart from one another.
Talking about mental health still carries a stigma in our country. People are afraid to appear weak, or worried about being judged by their family or friends for needing help with mental issues. It is woefully underfunded, and little attention is paid to it until it is too late. This is especially sadly true for our military returning from war.
With all this, is it any wonder that people are snapping? We can blame guns, but they are an inantimate object. Would getting rid of them reduce gun deaths? Of course, but we cannot say that people determined to take lives won't use something else, like a homemade bomb or car. I once saw on the news a man who armored up a bulldozer and went on a rampage. Do we get rid of bulldozers?
Video games are not to blame. Guns are just the easiest tool to use. What's to blame is our society, where discord and extremist views have become the norm. Where people who feel they have no other recourse snap. But it's easier to go after a scapegoat than it is to fix a broken society. And there will always be another scapegoat.

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted March 11, 2018
low rated

The only reason there's division is that some privileged people refuse to see members of marginalized groups as people; it is those people who are dividing us, not the marginalized.
(This can be generalized to *any* marginalized group.)
Edit: In fact, I think the users of the term "identity politics" are the ones who are seeking to divide us.
Post edited March 11, 2018 by dtgreene

vaccines work she/her
Registered: Jan 2010
From United States
Posted March 11, 2018
low rated

1. I could argue that this is a symptom of toxic masculinity; men are under pressure to not appear "weak", and therefore are less likely to seek help for mental health issues.
2. There is definitely a stigma toward mental health issues; I could consider those with mental health issues to be a marginalized group. This is certainly true, for example, for autistic people, whose voices are frequently drowned out. Consider, for example, the organization "Autism Speaks", which claimes to advocate of autistic people, but has only 2 autistic members on their board (out of 28), and is widely criticized by autistic people. (Case in point: Autism Wikia,
on their Autism Speaks page, has the warning "This article is about a person/organisation who is an enemy of the Autistic community and should be ignored:. (Also, I have occasionally seen the word "autist", or similar words, used as insults, much the way "gay" used to be.)
3. Another example of the stigma: Misuse of "triggered". A person who returns from war with PTSD can legitimately be triggered by certain words or sounds (for example, the sound of a gun shot might be a trigger); such things can cause them to relive their trauma. However, people have started using "triggered" in a derogatory manner, suggesting that being triggered is being "too sensitive". In fact, I could say that, again, this is another symptom of toxic masculinity.
So, in conclusion, all this can be said to be the result of toxic masculinity, or at least toxic masculinity is a major contributing factor.

(On the other hand, I believe studies have failed to connect video games and violence.)
Post edited March 11, 2018 by dtgreene

Registered: Oct 2012
From Canada
Posted March 11, 2018
I tried to read it, my brain shutdown lol

Dexter Grif
Protect me, cone!
Registered: Jan 2013
From United States
Posted March 11, 2018

The only reason there's division is that some privileged people refuse to see members of marginalized groups as people; it is those people who are dividing us, not the marginalized.
While I did say there was toxic masculinity, and you are right in your assesment, there is also toxic feminism to blame as well. Their blaming of every ill to befall the world on men everywhere does nothing but create friction, frustration, and animosity. Any ideology taken to extreme is by nature toxic.
And it's rather useless to compare the US homicide rate to other western countries. They typically have smaller populations than the US, which naturally skews the results. Not to mention a totally different history and culture which also skews things.
I enjoyed reading your posts, and found them thoughtful.
You are also right in that no study has ever connected violence and video games. Doesn't stop idiots from trying :) And speaking of, I think that is where I will retreat. RL sucks :P

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted March 11, 2018
My domestic slave-spouse scrubbed me down good with baking soda and lemon juice, and then rubbed rosemary and lemongrass all over for a fresh, clean scent.
The toxic masculinity has now been cleansed and I am a fully self-actualized ximan.
The toxic masculinity has now been cleansed and I am a fully self-actualized ximan.