drmike: Video games don't teach violence. They just provide an outlet to those tendencies that are already present.
Holding a controller and knowing how to use a gun (
load it and clean it) are completely abstracted away. I enjoy how Jim Sterling or ReviewTechUSA shows how holding a controller doesn't translate to a 'gun'. Also since games are sandboxed you can try things out that you would NEVER EVER EVER do. I mean running around with a bat beating the crap out of someone sounds fun... Getting beat by a group who don't like you being violent and having to live with the bruises, broken teeth, bones, etc... not something i want to experience :P
Fairfox: with the recent spat of 'video gamies are bad' spiel from politicians after violent pew-pew scenes in the US, what are your views on the whole situation? can more be done? Do vidya games
act. need more regulation-stations or is it crusty ol' gray men with early 90s outdated snapchat views?
what would you like to see?
Some of the high profile shootings recently are more the result of law enforcement not doing their job. Cruz said he wanted to be a professional school shooter, and he was called up 40 times to the police. He was also put on anti-depressants and SSRI's.
Now, while your mind is in an altered state, video games
might have more of an effect; Perhaps we need a study on this combination. Mind you a sudden change in SSRI's (
you have to change the dose VERY VERY slowly) or life change (
parent/sibling/child dying) can make someone very violent/psychotic very suddenly.
i won't say violent video games had no effect. But i am 100% certain video games and guns are not the core/sole cause of shootings.
As for what we can do... Regulations of video games should happen, but i'm thinking of dealing with predatory and crappy practices (
microtransactions, loot boxes, DRM, always-online). Adding a bunch of other regulations aren't going to do much because you'll probably work around it. Should you need a background check to get a video game? Seems silly and over the top. Although if someone got on mind altering drugs like SSRI's maybe having a stop to selling said video games at local stores and nearby towns, but that seems more if everyone is on the same page (
and they won't be).