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GameRager: It is FAR easier to ween one's self off of fat/sugar than alcohol(I had a relative with such addictions so i'm not just talking out my rear end on this one). :\
Cadaver747: You maybe right. In my case alcohol was the easiest part, than tobacco (several years of self lying that it's ok to smoke), than the so called soft drugs (almost impossible to resist, thank goodness I dispatched all my dealers). But the sugar and flour - I can't beat them. I can't live without something sweet for more than 1 week and I tried many times.
It depends on genetics/one's willpower, but what I also meant by difficulty is the side effects when quitting alcohol(shakes/etc).

As for sugar/ long as you eat them in moderation they're no worse than all the pollution one imbibes from the water we drink/air we breathe/etc. Heck, even WATER is bad for you in very large amounts.

P.S. Dispatching your dealers? Should I be watching out for you in a dark alley or what? 0.o ;)

Addition: Red meat is fine(despite what vegans/etc say) in moderation as well, and it provides complex nutrients in easier to obtain/process forms than vegan alternatives.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by GameRager
GameRager: P.S. Dispatching your dealers? Should I be watching out for you in a dark alley or what? 0.o ;)
Of course not, I'm a very friendly person, especially during my night walks through some dark alleys ;)

GameRager: Addition: Red meat is fine(despite what vegans/etc say) in moderation as well, and it provides complex nutrients in easier to obtain/process forms than vegan alternatives.
I agree on one simple condition: it's the cow meat raised on grass and hay, not the latest market invention "grain-fed meat" made of corn and something else I don't even know.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by Cadaver747
GameRager: P.S. Dispatching your dealers? Should I be watching out for you in a dark alley or what? 0.o ;)
Cadaver747: Of course not, I'm a very friendly person, especially during my night walks through some dark alleys ;)


GameRager: Addition: Red meat is fine(despite what vegans/etc say) in moderation as well, and it provides complex nutrients in easier to obtain/process forms than vegan alternatives.
Cadaver747: I agree on one simple condition: it's the cow meat raised on grass and hay, not the latest market invention "grain-fed meat" made of corn and something else I don't even know.
Now you have me wondering what you mean by "friendly". o.0
To me i'll eat it even with grain meal as long as the cows aren't fed with bone meal/animal parts as meal filler(It just seems a tad wrong to me).
GameRager: Now you have me wondering what you mean by "friendly". o.0
Means that I would probably say "hello" to you and show you some good manners I have ;)
GameRager: To me i'll eat it even with grain meal as long as the cows aren't fed with bone meal/animal parts as meal filler(It just seems a tad wrong to me).
And the only way to "control"/know it is to apply for work as a cattle farmer and/or butcher.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by Cadaver747
GameRager: Now you have me wondering what you mean by "friendly". o.0
Cadaver747: Means that I would probably say "hello" to you and show you some good manners I have ;)
GameRager: To me i'll eat it even with grain meal as long as the cows aren't fed with bone meal/animal parts as meal filler(It just seems a tad wrong to me).
Cadaver747: And the only way to "control"/know it is to apply for work as a cattle farmer and/or butcher.
1. Again....0.o

2. I am squeamish when kit comes to slaughter/large amount of blood irl so i'd probably never do's good to have an insider at the place you buy from, though.
GameRager: 1. Again....0.o

2. I am squeamish when kit comes to slaughter/large amount of blood irl so i'd probably never do's good to have an insider at the place you buy from, though.
1. seems to me that you may have some trust issues ;)
2. you're probably right, it's not very good to inhale air full of blood from slaughtered animals, I heard that butchers have the most high rate of infectious diseases among other professions; probably just an exaggeration, but still I would rather not test my lungs.
GameRager: 1. Again....0.o

2. I am squeamish when kit comes to slaughter/large amount of blood irl so i'd probably never do's good to have an insider at the place you buy from, though.
Cadaver747: 1. seems to me that you may have some trust issues ;)
2. you're probably right, it's not very good to inhale air full of blood from slaughtered animals, I heard that butchers have the most high rate of infectious diseases among other professions; probably just an exaggeration, but still I would rather not test my lungs.
1. I am partially being silly/joking...I actually do trust many people(unless given reason not to).

2. Agreed
DelanHellforce: If gaming will get labelled as addictive, please label shopping too and put up the warning signs at shopping malls.... or on sugary drinks, or on Netflix, or on salty snacks... basically, EVERYTHING ELSE.

Plus, it really puzzles me. In my opinion, alcohol deserves that kind of treatment much more than games. Yet, I do not see any visible, discouraging signs on my bottle of beer.
Its true some people are truly addicted to gaming. However there are so many other things that are also addictive, netflix would qualify there for sure.
The thing is its just people deciding oh what should we classify as a disorder, addiction etc. Put your hands up if you like this. I suppose they consider it a problem to society and therefore they do that. But addictions that help people function in society, are acceptable e.g. alcohol, snacks, coffee. Actually there are so many mild and acceptable addictions that people choose to ignore.

Also just disorders generally are just decided upon things..
Like homosexuality was once considered bad being seen as a wrong and a disorder now its good because deemed acceptable.
Not actual science, scientists will tell you so. Even a lot of more well known acceptable mental illnesses (not all) are just labels that people slap on people or generalisations at the least, there is no scientific way of reaching them just agreed rules. In fact depending on where you get your diagnosis which country, town or establishment its bound to vary, cultural phenomeons like hikkomori and that.

Though I can get there are certain societal pressures or perhaps there are certain issues with gaming that are easier to deal with once gaming can clearly be labelled as addictive. Good for policy and that or some streamlined treatment. I guess the whole idea is that they are trying to improve health outcomes.. and that makes it easier to checkbox.

paladin181: You can bet if being cylindrical was skewed in a negative light, companies like Altria would be the first to deny that their product fits those criteria.
GameRager: Is smoking still cool or not? That's what we all wanna know.
Vaping is the new big thing.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by flurrycream
GameRager: Is smoking still cool or not? That's what we all wanna know.
flurrycream: Vaping is the new big thing.
Yeah, but I said I wanna know what's cool...not what's the latest hipster fad. ;)

(Joking aside: To be clear I have no qualms with vape users and find it a better alternative to smoking for those with an addiction to cigs)
Post edited May 20, 2019 by GameRager
fr33kSh0w2012: Addictive Addicting is not a word
StarChan: Unless it's a verb in the continuous form.
No that verb is addictive

I have only ever seen this stupid word 'addicting' used in on-line forums over the past couple of years. No article, Piece of journalism or other professional writing that I have ever read has used it. Plus I have never heard it in person, People would get a long confused stare I imagine. It’s something fake made up on-line by people who want to claim they are grammatically superior. The word is 'addictive', Always has and always will be.
Post edited May 21, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
Might as well face it, you're addictive to love!

Yeah, that just doesn't sound right.
"Addicting" is not a word (verb)? They lied to me all these years!

And Oxford online dictionary have an adjective as well:

I feel ashamed now, English is so hard:
no_word.jpg (50 Kb)
Post edited May 21, 2019 by Cadaver747
tinyE: Might as well face it, you're addictive to love!

Yeah, that just doesn't sound right.
That word is Addicted.

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love!

TinyE needs his hearing aids checked if you're hearing it like that.
Post edited May 21, 2019 by fr33kSh0w2012
Cadaver747: "Addicting" is not a word (verb)? They lied to me all these years!

And Oxford online dictionary have an adjective as well:

I feel ashamed now, English is so hard:
Yes, It was made up years ago I was corrected several times by teachers.
tinyE: Might as well face it, you're addictive to love!

Yeah, that just doesn't sound right.
fr33kSh0w2012: That word is Addicted.

Might as well face it, you're addicted to love!

TinyE needs his hearing aids checked if you're hearing it like that.
sd.jpg (9 Kb)