F4LL0UT: There was botched patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. It introduced some very buggy recurring side quest in the Wild Territory and I think it broke something related to multiplayer. They rolled back to version on Steam. I never played the GOG version but some other GOGer claimed that it's version on here (but that was years ago and it may have been changed since then).
Edit: Okay, found this article:
I was partially right, the patch breaks stuff in singleplayer but it's actually recommended for multiplayer. The article also links to downgrade instructions for the GOG release on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. subforum.
Edit 2: GOD DAMMIT. The forums won't get the link correctly because of the colon. Screw it, removing the link, leaving the URL as text.
Edit 3: GAAAAAAAH. The forum apparently automatically turns URLs into links. Screw it even harder, I'm outta here.
I wonder if %3A would work.