13ison: I think Portal and Assassin's Creed could crossover. Aperture is part of Abstergo, obviously. And then you could use portals for assassination game-play as well.
Since you're going for combining the stories, it's worth noting that neither of them have the kind of time-travel that allows bringing future technology into the past, unless you want to say G-Man displaced Chell into the past for whatever reason, and I guess murdering corrupt people in power is as good a career move for her as any.
But I'd much rather the combo be legally distinct from either property because every iota of the future that every single Asscreed game references ruins an otherwise fine experience. It's bad enough it all started with some tosser using a "what if" to justify bullshit sci-fi, but it's been a consistent rule every single time that if we were just in the various time-periods, the story would be 1,000x better. Just forget anything after the one in England.