Klumpen0815: There are only two users on this board: you and me. The rest are alternate accounts.
So it's true? Germans actually read all agrement sections :)))
hummer010: Aim high. Fail Big.
Sachys: ...and lo, the barking was heard by all - from the seas of the South, to the cold lake in the North.
And there was men who dis spake of things without context and sense had forsaken them for they did not understand each other anymore.
And with the sound of many bum trumpets it did begin.
I'll take two more statements please
mike_cesara: As a vegetarian I don't do sausages, I prefer peaches.
Good one, hope it's yours
HereForTheBeer: I have no idea what '"importance", aesthetically speaking' is supposed to mean, but I am able, in a manner
succinctly speaking, to express this particular sentiment regarding said Tournament: not in.
What a shame
Breja: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for a group of people to order pizza, and to choose toppings to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should never order seafood nor spinach, as that would be gross beyond measure.
You are the rule trickster, technically it's still one statement
InfraSuperman: The reason of the unreason with which my reason is afflicted so weakens my reason that with reason I murmur at your beauty.
Tautology is not a bad thing it's just unimportant
Emachine9643: What is this! And why am I shouting?!
Think i know what you're talking about
Jeets2: First rule of Statement Club is, well, you (here and forth "user") may participate by making a statement.