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BitCoin didn't get any traction here so I wouldn't hold my breath. Maybe when one of these crypto-currencies is fully backed by some major government, then we'll see them make headway.

If these take off, I'm going to invent BeerCoin. Most crypto-currencies seem to be based on unicorn tears and kitten farts, but mine will be based on an actual thing: beer bottle caps.
HereForTheBeer: If these take off, I'm going to invent BeerCoin. Most crypto-currencies seem to be based on unicorn tears and kitten farts, but mine will be based on an actual thing: beer bottle caps.
Preparing for life in the wasteland I see.
HereForTheBeer: mine will be based on an actual thing: beer bottle caps.
Fallout already did it better, sorry. They even made one flavor with Strontium for that extra radioactive kick!
Aw, dammit. How about BeerCoasterCoin?
HereForTheBeer: Aw, dammit. How about BeerCoasterCoin?
Or maybe Warcraft fish? Do people still do that, go fishing in WoW? We could use those fish as currency.
Pheace: He even made a similar post on the Steam forums
Checking our clients' anti spam system doesn't show anything.

His google trail is rather interesting. Do note the topics:

The do have a reddit although it's self created:

Most of the comments there are self answered.
drmike: Checking our clients' anti spam system doesn't show anything.

His google trail is rather interesting. Do note the topics:

The do have a reddit although it's self created:

Most of the comments there are self answered.
Well, this seems to be unraveling quickly.
low rated
Where have I seen this before?
So, are we taking bets on whether we'll ever see the OP again?
He's convincing companies and charities to accept Vertcoin as payment method.
Writing to companies and charities to ask them to accept Vertcoin! (Reddit)
MiKiL: He's convincing companies and charities to accept Vertcoin as payment method.
Writing to companies and charities to ask them to accept Vertcoin! (Reddit)
I have a feeling the other replies are sockpuppets at best, and astroturfed at worst.
MiKiL: He's convincing companies and charities to accept Vertcoin as payment method.
Writing to companies and charities to ask them to accept Vertcoin! (Reddit)
I guess I know what his kids are getting for christmas.

Man, what a slime.
Post edited November 10, 2017 by tinyE
huan: Vertcoins? That is a thing? Does it have anything to do with miss Green heart herself?
I had to like this :P
Hi again everyone,

I guess you will see the OP again:-)

Yes, I have been writing several entities as per my reddit post. Not really sure why you think you unraveled a big secret here but hey: to each his own.

Surprised with the negativity and pure hostility in some cases but ok this is the age of the internet so I will just throw it on that....

For those of who who did manage to stay on topic:

Thank you for your replies.

And yes, I am aware that the chances of Crypto currency being accepted is small to nothing though I do not see that as a reason to not ask the question.

If we already think the answer is 'no' does this mean we stop trying everything in life? Rather approach it with a positive attitude, then again this can explain the more negative replies here:-)

Kind regards,

Wrench Crowbar

P.S. Our website is and we are the owner of that domain.
Not sure what companies with a similar or even same name in other countries have to do with us but thank you for letting us know.