Painted_Doll: Well if you are a Steam user you were able to purchase these :
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Complete Pack ( Humble Jumbo Bundle 2 ) $1
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II ( Humble Jumbo Bundle 4 ) $4.51
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III ( Steam ) $7.49
and you get the new version for free . But if you want to own the game on Gog : $44.99
Is it fair ?
No one buys off of GOG because the prices are cheaper here. In fact, it's usually more expensive and people tend not to care because they prefer paying more for DRM-Free. And remember that GOG is for last sales any publisher considers (except CDPR). "We have nothing more to lose from piracy, we've squeezed out Steam humble bundle sales, and we won't have to update it anymore since it's the final version. Now's the time to put it on GOG!"
There also aren't enough GOG users to get a decent profit at the discounted rates. A few will buy day 1 and the rest will wait for a 50% sale or something during xmas. :P