GameRager: True, but bugs will exist no matter what no matter how much they polish, and sometimes new bugs spring up when old ones are squashed as well.
Also sometimes some devs like to add unneeded stuff when they have extra time that only the focus groups/execs seem to want, or the devs think people want.
In the end, I will be happy if the game is good enough for me...even if others dislike it/pan it/etc.
Ok, reposting...
Sure, bugs will always exist. But I believe with more time (of course, with setting roadmaps, deadlines, etc), bugs can be more limited in their influence as well as their numbers, overall. BUT. I'm not a game dev, just a... 'kind of a programmer' :) , so take my comments with a pinch of salt.
GameRager: Also sometimes some devs like to add unneeded stuff when they have extra time that only the focus groups/execs seem to want, or the devs think people want.
I wouldn't know that (see above me not being a game dev), I guess I have to trust on their leadership in that regards.
GameRager: In the end, I will be happy if the game is good enough for me...even if others dislike it/pan it/etc.
Fair enough. :)
EDIT: Ok, I think I finally *got* the quoting system here haha.