Posted April 20, 2016

Strigon the Drow Necromancer
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Turn based
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New GOGlin
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted April 21, 2016
Thanks for the answers bradley. I am playing as Malkavian now and I understand what omega64 meant, their dialogue is pretty weird. About the power up, I was wondering if it was possible that the cab driver set up some weaker vampire to take the fall while he was the actual sire. It would explain the first unknown email you get when you make it to first haven which says that pawn has been moved. (Pawn being the player, cabbie being the guy who sent it) Technically you haven't even started doing anything for prince so you can't be the pawn prince moved.
How does redemption compare to bloodlines?
How does redemption compare to bloodlines?
Post edited April 21, 2016 by Hunter65536

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted April 21, 2016

How does redemption compare to bloodlines?
Redemption is vastly different. It is 2d/pseudo 3d but still isometric and more of a hack and slash, like a 3d diablo 1/2 or something. You also control an entire coterie (vampire party), which feels awkward at first, but gameplay is really awesome! Its gameplay is totally different and alien to the tabletop rules, bloodlines and its skills, gameplay elements tried to be similar to the tabletop RPG to the best of its ability, still not faithful enough, either. But Redemption is a great game if you are not hardcore fan of tabletop rules. In redemption you have more of a romantic story, a big campaign that spawns in both dark ages and modern nights, you reach powerful status (main characters become Methuselahs, the most powerful vampires in existence other than Cain and his direct descendants) and the disciplines are not so few as in bloodlines, you learn many and you can get even more, by reading looted books. The tremere disciplines are overpowered to the point of breaking the game (prison of ice shuts down ANY foe and you can cast it on multiple targets, theft of vitae once or twice immediately empties the entire blood pool of even a boss making them unable to use disciplines, call lightning paralyzes temporarily and deals huge damage plus damages from afar, etc). You can also use a trick to transfer medieval armor to the modern nights, too. And there are even LEGENDARY WEAPONS, like Ainkurn Sword as well as a plethora of other, unique world of darkness artifacts (such as the monocle of clarity). Bloodlines lacked the item galore of redemption, even though it had quite a handful, but then again redemption was designed to be like diablo or something, a hack and slash item/loot-fest!
A true fan should get both. One completes and compliments the other with gameplay elements unique to each title. And they both have a nice view of Vampire the Masquerade setting; gloom, impending doom, grey world with hard choices and even harder impact, power struggles, survival, schemes, worms, legends, decisions... And both have multiple endings. Redemption has 3, Bloodlines 5.
Post edited April 21, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted April 21, 2016
On the contrary I fully support first playthrough as a malkavian.

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted April 24, 2016
Listening to music score.
Plus bump, there should always be a Bloodlines thread active here.
Plus bump, there should always be a Bloodlines thread active here.

Angel of Review
Registered: Oct 2011
From United States

Wandering fruit
Registered: Apr 2012
From Spain

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island
Posted April 24, 2016
are you our resident expert on VtM? Cause you seem knowledgeable.
hokay. I might missed it the answer to this so apologies.
the prince is sending us on ever increasing dangerous missions. Missions a talented, low gen vampire would not have been able to complete alone.
Prince wants us dead. At first they are low key missions where death could be attributed to bad luck and not enough of expected talent.
then he sends you against sabbatth which should have been death sentence.
Therefore, you must be getting help.
The theory I heard, as you are able to drop your generation in the tabletop (although apparently it requires a lot of points?)
is that Caine is dropping it for you, to give you fighting chances. Hence why you are able to become so strong so quickly, why you could resist LaCroix powers while you failed the first time.
Cause by the end of the game you are Elder vampire, from very low generation. Just few months old. not one thousand.
why? The end of days are approaching . So he just had fun with Jack before the end of the world.
and of course I want to replay the game again. it has bee at least 5 years since i done it (need to check game finished threads)
hokay. I might missed it the answer to this so apologies.
the prince is sending us on ever increasing dangerous missions. Missions a talented, low gen vampire would not have been able to complete alone.
Prince wants us dead. At first they are low key missions where death could be attributed to bad luck and not enough of expected talent.
then he sends you against sabbatth which should have been death sentence.
Therefore, you must be getting help.
The theory I heard, as you are able to drop your generation in the tabletop (although apparently it requires a lot of points?)
is that Caine is dropping it for you, to give you fighting chances. Hence why you are able to become so strong so quickly, why you could resist LaCroix powers while you failed the first time.
Cause by the end of the game you are Elder vampire, from very low generation. Just few months old. not one thousand.
why? The end of days are approaching . So he just had fun with Jack before the end of the world.
and of course I want to replay the game again. it has bee at least 5 years since i done it (need to check game finished threads)

gog n' cogs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted April 24, 2016

To drop your generation you'd need to commit diablerie. Which is to kill a lower generation vampire by draining his blood.
There was a Tremere ritual to allow multiple people to benefit from this.
Diablerie is strictly forbidden in the Camarilla

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted April 24, 2016

is that Caine is dropping it for you, to give you fighting chances. Hence why you are able to become so strong so quickly, why you could resist LaCroix powers while you failed the first time.
There was a missing link in the whole story. No greenhorn amateur freshly made noob could ever tackle an elder like Andrei and win, or the Sheriff, or Ming Zhao (the most difficult out of the entire bunch)! I would like that to had been presented in game, though, like some drink offered to us (like in redemption Ecaterina offered elder blood in a goblet to give to the Nosferatu guardian to drink, to allow us passing; imagine how powerful that fugly freak got, by being regularly bribed from elder blood per allowing entry)!

To drop your generation you'd need to commit diablerie. Which is to kill a lower generation vampire by draining his blood.
There was a Tremere ritual to allow multiple people to benefit from this.
Diablerie is strictly forbidden in the Camarilla
And besides it is officially forbidden, for GOOD reasons too (imagine loosing your soul in the battle of consciousnesses for example, or sleeping nearly forever after the deed, or being exhausted and spent to do anything and suffer diablerie yourself by others...), some stooges like the prince really wanted a go at that practice!
Post edited April 24, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

gog n' cogs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted April 24, 2016

is that Caine is dropping it for you, to give you fighting chances. Hence why you are able to become so strong so quickly, why you could resist LaCroix powers while you failed the first time.

There was a missing link in the whole story. No greenhorn amateur freshly made noob could ever tackle an elder like Andrei and win, or the Sheriff, or Ming Zhao (the most difficult out of the entire bunch)! I would like that to had been presented in game, though, like some drink offered to us (like in redemption Ecaterina offered elder blood in a goblet to give to the Nosferatu guardian to drink, to allow us passing; imagine how powerful that fugly freak got, by being regularly bribed from elder blood per allowing entry)!
In terms of a story, you could always have a character think they are a higher generation than they actually are. Thus with experience find they're more powerful than they thought.

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted April 24, 2016

In terms of a story, you could always have a character think they are a higher generation than they actually are. Thus with experience find they're more powerful than they thought.
Post edited April 24, 2016 by KiNgBrAdLeY7