kohlrak: Of course you loose testing, but we already lost it with galaxy, anyway. There's no cons that we don't already have.
Not exactly. On Galaxy, GOG negates testing because of the rollback feature. But they do test (supposedly) for offline installers. But frankly I think it's mainly due to GOG's nack for asserting to much control over everything that happens on the service.
kohlrak: And if we don't want to use zip files, why not somthing like GIT? if someone wants to pull an old version just like with galaxy, why can't that be thrown into a zip on the fly as well? It's not like it'd be the majority of the time, since the "current version" should be pre-zipped.
I'm sure there are plenty of different ways to approach this, my main point is that it should be doable and it would eliminate a lot of redundancy allowing offline backup builds (rather it be a traditional installer or a zip file) to be generated with all patches and content rather quickly, and without relying on GOG.
Just because we have gotten something one way for so long, doesn't mean we shouldn't be looking at other possible ways of doing this that is not only better for users, but GOG too.