Posted January 01, 2016

Akash of Vishnu
Registered: Oct 2014
From Other

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted January 01, 2016

Three men decide to save money and book a hotel room together for the night and are surprised to see that it only has one bed, but decide to stay anyway. They awake in the morning after a night of partying and the guy on the left says "I had a dream last night that I was being jerked off by a gorgeous woman" and the guy on the right says "Wow that's a coincidence, so did I!" The guy sleeping in the middle of the bed says "I had a dream I was skiiing."
Rowing, as in "one who likes to arrange things in rows" :P
I made up my name in 2000 when I started Ultima Online, my first MMORPG. I had just watched Gladiator and was partly inspired by Maximus and Roman nomenclature.

Edit: I think I chose it at the dawn of the internet when meeting persons on the net meant typing on usenet. Back then something like my name was original. I got used to the name, realized it sounded like a real name and kept on using it.
From Urban dictionary
"tarn (tärn)►
A small mountain lake, especially one formed by glaciers"
I had just read this definition as I was looking up etymology of my own name :) That would be my honest guess.
Post edited January 01, 2016 by Tarnicus

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted January 01, 2016

Edit: I think I chose it at the dawn of the internet when meeting persons on the net meant typing on usenet. Back then something like my name was original. I got used to the name, realized it sounded like a real name and kept on using it.

From Urban dictionary
"tarn (tärn)►
A small mountain lake, especially one formed by glaciers"
I had just read this definition as I was looking up etymology of my own name :) That would be my honest guess.

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted January 01, 2016
Yeah I was wondering if it was perhaps one of those words where m/n are interchangeable, but that's probably me going back to my high school Japanese. I can relate to your "back then something like my name was original". It took years for another Tarnicus imposter to turn up!

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted January 01, 2016
I didn't choose my username. My username chose me.

'My Rewards' is DRM
Registered: Sep 2011
From Malta
Posted January 01, 2016
Ganni = translates to John in Maltese
1987 = well take a guess.
Not the most creative name and easily one that I can remember :)
1987 = well take a guess.
Not the most creative name and easily one that I can remember :)
Post edited January 01, 2016 by Ganni1987

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted January 01, 2016

Tarm is a word with a direct and very defined meaning in Swedish. Back in the day there wasn't that many Swedes around on the proto net so I had little competition. When that started to change also words and meanings started to blur because of the influx of languages and cultural meanings. But I'm a grognard so I stay with my name.

language geek
Registered: Jul 2014
From United States
Posted January 01, 2016
Random, made-up namey-sounding confabulation. I've come up with dozens of such phrases (Ask me about the weird workings of my brain!). It sounded kind of funny, so....
I might have been subconsciously influenced by the various names for Whatsisname Ryder in the Space Mutiny episode on Mystery Science Theater.
mrkgnao: The sound the cat made in chapter four of James Joyce's Ulysses. Basically an alternative spelling for meow. See, I've always mentally pronounced your username as "Mister Kay Now".
(I see MaGog is up to v6.6.5 -- will you be doing anything special for 6.6.6? Blood red background, perhaps? Or all hyperlinks redirecting to YouTube videos of black metal songs?)
I might have been subconsciously influenced by the various names for Whatsisname Ryder in the Space Mutiny episode on Mystery Science Theater.

(I see MaGog is up to v6.6.5 -- will you be doing anything special for 6.6.6? Blood red background, perhaps? Or all hyperlinks redirecting to YouTube videos of black metal songs?)

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted January 01, 2016

(I see MaGog is up to v6.6.5 -- will you be doing anything special for 6.6.6? Blood red background, perhaps? Or all hyperlinks redirecting to YouTube videos of black metal songs?)

language geek
Registered: Jul 2014
From United States

Registered: May 2011
From Australia
Posted January 01, 2016

Tarm is a word with a direct and very defined meaning in Swedish. Back in the day there wasn't that many Swedes around on the proto net so I had little competition. When that started to change also words and meanings started to blur because of the influx of languages and cultural meanings. But I'm a grognard so I stay with my name.

I might have been subconsciously influenced by the various names for Whatsisname Ryder in the Space Mutiny episode on Mystery Science Theater.

(I see MaGog is up to v6.6.5 -- will you be doing anything special for 6.6.6? Blood red background, perhaps? Or all hyperlinks redirecting to YouTube videos of black metal songs?)
Post edited January 01, 2016 by Tarnicus

Registered: Sep 2008
From Sweden
Posted January 01, 2016

Tarm is a word with a direct and very defined meaning in Swedish. Back in the day there wasn't that many Swedes around on the proto net so I had little competition. When that started to change also words and meanings started to blur because of the influx of languages and cultural meanings. But I'm a grognard so I stay with my name.

Edit: Removed stuff.
Post edited January 01, 2016 by Tarm

I like big bots
Registered: Sep 2013
From United States
Posted January 01, 2016
Mine was from one of my FO3 chars I liked

MMD Tigress
Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 01, 2016
My username stems from two characters from two of my favorite games from the 16-bit era of gaming. Ness from the SNES game Earthbound and Sonic the Hedgehog from the Sonic the Hedgehog games on Sega Genesis. They were part of my childhood from the 1990's.
Post edited January 03, 2016 by NessAndSonic