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ShadowDragon8685: Because four miles is a pretty long haul on foot, especially both ways, and even if I were up for it (I'm not,) it would take about an hour and a half minimum? Also the only way to get there would have taken me down a busy 50-mph arterial road without any lights or sidewalk.
well the latter part I can certainly understand, but... its three miles from my house into the city - takes me about half an hour. Granted, I'm a lanky sod and walk fast though. Still, thanks for the reply and as I said via PM - please dont take our derailment personally, we are just a bunch of silly sods on here really - but also want to help where we can!
ShadowDragon8685: My bank told me that if my debit card numbers got used to charge up any fraudulent activity some fraudster overseas felt like, I was on the hook for it, so I went and explored other options.

PayPal was not a good option for me, or so I thought, so I looked into Paysafecard, and discovered that a truck stop about two and a half miles from my home was a paysafecard vendor. So I figured "Hey, that sounds like a plan."

And now I'm deeply, deeply regretting it.
GR00T: Hey, sorry to see you're having such a crappy issue with payment. Hopefully it will work out, but in the meantime, if you're interested in a copy of Planescape:Torment (I figure this game should be up your alley, seeing the others you listed in your OP), I happen to have a spare GOG key floating around. Might be a way to get your mind off the crap you're dealing with in regards to Paysafecard.
That's, uh, that's extremely generous of you. I'd thank you for it.

I'm just frustrated, is all, and afraid that I've basically pissed away ten bucks, between the money PSC keeps if you demand a refund and the sales tax, whilst being paranoidally afraid that I won't be getting anything back because they're never going to respond to my email.
tinyE: 900 foot boats vanish in that lake. You want to try swimming it? :P
Sachys: None of you are armed with the Loch Ness Monster as I am!
Which led me to this: :)

Perhaps Champlain would be more comfortable.
Post edited October 29, 2015 by budejovice
Sachys: Ye've never drunk buckfast laddie!
TARFU: Wreck the hoose juice?
Theres a moose, loose...
ShadowDragon8685: because they're never going to respond to my email.
I'm sure they will - soonish. Meantime, I reckon you should enjoy Planescape!

Well done GR00T!
Sachys: None of you are armed with the Loch Ness Monster as I am!
budejovice: Which led me to this: :)

Perhaps Champlain would be more comfortable.
Wrong kind of monster! o_________O

Post edited October 29, 2015 by Sachys
ShadowDragon8685: Because four miles is a pretty long haul on foot, especially both ways, and even if I were up for it (I'm not,) it would take about an hour and a half minimum? Also the only way to get there would have taken me down a busy 50-mph arterial road without any lights or sidewalk.
Sachys: well the latter part I can certainly understand, but... its three miles from my house into the city - takes me about half an hour. Granted, I'm a lanky sod and walk fast though. Still, thanks for the reply and as I said via PM - please dont take our derailment personally, we are just a bunch of silly sods on here really - but also want to help where we can!
I'm 'Murican, and in terrible physical shape, so an eight mile walk (4 miles two ways) is an extremely arduous and long journey for me, whereas by car it takes me about 10 minutes, including the time to get into my car and flip through my random playlist until I get to a song I wanna start my drive with.
ShadowDragon8685: including the time to get into my car and flip through my random playlist until I get to a song I wanna start my drive with.
Ever get to your destination only to have a really good song on the radio, so you stay there to listen to it, only to have to explain to your waiting party why it looks like you sat in your parked car staring out into space for five minutes? :P
ShadowDragon8685: including the time to get into my car and flip through my random playlist until I get to a song I wanna start my drive with.
tinyE: Ever get to your destination only to have a really good song on the radio, so you stay there to listen to it, only to have to explain to your waiting party why it looks like you sat in your parked car staring out into space for five minutes? :P
I tend to be very... Animated about enjoying music, so no, I can't honestly say that's happened to me before. :)
Sachys: well the latter part I can certainly understand, but... its three miles from my house into the city - takes me about half an hour. Granted, I'm a lanky sod and walk fast though. Still, thanks for the reply and as I said via PM - please dont take our derailment personally, we are just a bunch of silly sods on here really - but also want to help where we can!
ShadowDragon8685: I'm 'Murican, and in terrible physical shape, so an eight mile walk (4 miles two ways) is an extremely arduous and long journey for me, whereas by car it takes me about 10 minutes, including the time to get into my car and flip through my random playlist until I get to a song I wanna start my drive with.

*puts burger on fishing line and saddle on your back


*gets out switch stick

izzit working yet?!?! O___________________o?
ShadowDragon8685: I'm 'Murican, and in terrible physical shape, so an eight mile walk (4 miles two ways) is an extremely arduous and long journey for me, whereas by car it takes me about 10 minutes, including the time to get into my car and flip through my random playlist until I get to a song I wanna start my drive with.
Sachys: hmmm...

*puts burger on fishing line and saddle on your back


*gets out switch stick

izzit working yet?!?! O___________________o?

Sorry, no. Besides, a burger has so many calories that it'd be counterproductive in any event, unless it was such a crappy small one I wouldn't be interested at all.

Plus, I'd hate you for tempting me with something with so many calories when I'm trying to lose weight by basically eating as little as is manageable.
Sachys: hmmm...

*puts burger on fishing line and saddle on your back


*gets out switch stick

izzit working yet?!?! O___________________o?
ShadowDragon8685: Hahahahahaaah.

Sorry, no. Besides, a burger has so many calories that it'd be counterproductive in any event, unless it was such a crappy small one I wouldn't be interested at all.

Plus, I'd hate you for tempting me with something with so many calories when I'm trying to lose weight by basically eating as little as is manageable.
You really need to treat yourself to a burger tonight. :P
ShadowDragon8685: Plus, I'd hate you for tempting me with something with so many calories when I'm trying to lose weight by basically eating as little as is manageable.
*doublestacks it with cheese and bacon

tempted yet?
- really need to get to tescos - and the calorie burn on the return....
ShadowDragon8685: Hahahahahaaah.

Sorry, no. Besides, a burger has so many calories that it'd be counterproductive in any event, unless it was such a crappy small one I wouldn't be interested at all.

Plus, I'd hate you for tempting me with something with so many calories when I'm trying to lose weight by basically eating as little as is manageable.
pimpmonkey2382.313: You really need to treat yourself to a burger tonight. :P
Hah. I had a bowl of Ma Po Tofu, actually. Loaded with fiesta lime seasoning and Mexican hot sauces.

ShadowDragon8685: Plus, I'd hate you for tempting me with something with so many calories when I'm trying to lose weight by basically eating as little as is manageable.
Sachys: *doublestacks it with cheese and bacon

tempted yet?
- really need to get to tescos - and the calorie burn on the return....
Hahahahahahaah, you evil person, you.

Last time I had a burger, it was a Denny's Bacon Slamburger. Just the burger, and a bowl of soup, no fries or anything. That one was Damn calorific...

But good.
Well, um... I'm officially bewildered, but relieved.

Out of sheet bloody-minded stubbornness, I tried the order again. This time, it went through.
I have no idea what the problem has been for the last day and change, but uh...

Well, that's that sorted.
Still, I would not recommend Paysafecard to anyone in the US, if PayPal will let you pay directly through a debit card, as even if they do charge you a $1 transaction fee, you'll be saving money over PSC since PSC only lets you buy cards in predetermined denominations, and I got charged sales tax at the register for the PSC transaction.

Note: I successfully completed the transaction through my phone's browser instead of my computers. What exactly this means, I can't tell you, future U.S. resident googling for help with their Paysafecard transactions that won't go through, because I'd previously tried with my phone and it didn't work then, either.

Thanks to everyone who injected some levity into this, helped keep me going. I was very close to decrying and PSC both as scams, but you guys really rallied and made me feel that my friends must be onto something raving about as they do.
ShadowDragon8685: That's, uh, that's extremely generous of you. I'd thank you for it.

I'm just frustrated, is all, and afraid that I've basically pissed away ten bucks, between the money PSC keeps if you demand a refund and the sales tax, whilst being paranoidally afraid that I won't be getting anything back because they're never going to respond to my email.
Sorry for the delay, I had to pick up my daughter from her art class. Check your Chat. :)
ShadowDragon8685: Well, um... I'm officially bewildered, but relieved.

Out of sheet bloody-minded stubbornness, I tried the order again. This time, it went through.
I have no idea what the problem has been for the last day and change, but uh...

Well, that's that sorted.
Still, I would not recommend Paysafecard to anyone in the US, if PayPal will let you pay directly through a debit card, as even if they do charge you a $1 transaction fee, you'll be saving money over PSC since PSC only lets you buy cards in predetermined denominations, and I got charged sales tax at the register for the PSC transaction.

Note: I successfully completed the transaction through my phone's browser instead of my computers. What exactly this means, I can't tell you, future U.S. resident googling for help with their Paysafecard transactions that won't go through, because I'd previously tried with my phone and it didn't work then, either.

Thanks to everyone who injected some levity into this, helped keep me going. I was very close to decrying and PSC both as scams, but you guys really rallied and made me feel that my friends must be onto something raving about as they do.
Hmmm, I wonder if there was a delay in activating the card after you bought it? Could explain the issue. Whatever it was though, I'm glad to see you got it working/
Post edited October 29, 2015 by GR00T
GR00T: Sorry for the delay, I had to pick up my daughter from her art class. Check your Chat. :)
Wow. I am floored. Thank you.

GR00T: Hmmm, I wonder if there was a delay in activating the card after you bought it? Could explain the issue. Whatever it was though, I'm glad to see you got it working/
That would be totally weird. It also behaved differently; before, when I tried to input the PIN, the entry box remained normal and didn't do anything. This time, the moment I put it in, it spun for a second and showed the amount on the card.

I wonder of PSC was having some kind of colossal technical fault.