morolf: Is the war powers resolution really important? My impression is if US presidents want to go to war, they'll find some way, even if there isn't authorization by congress...iirc
that's what Obama did with Libya (on some absurd legal pretext that it wasn't
really war).
I don't think we can apply the same thing to NK that happen with Libya... and Trump is under a constant microscope, not only by Dems but the liberal media at large. Something Obama didn't have to deal with, outside of the GOP. So going to far outside of his power seems unlikey because he will be held to a far higher standard.
If we were to see a preemptive strike by Trump, imo it would likley be due to some specific reason were NK has gone to far. It would most likley be a calculated appropriate response like in Syria.
morolf: The trouble is some people around Trump like McMaster are pushing for totally unrealistic goals, that is complete denuclearization (North Korea has to give up all its nukes)...which isn't going to happen. It's obviously regrettable that a horrible regime like that of NK has such weapons, but the only viable course now is deterrence. If Trump decides on a preventive strike (and there's serious talk about that), even a small one that's just supposed to send a "message", things could escalate to a catastrophic war really quickly.
What is else would you expect? You say denuclearization isn't going to happen but the other side of that coin is accepting that a man that acts like a two year old who threatens nuclear war when ever he doesn't get what he wants is going to be a constant danger to the world. Libs can say what they want about Trump but he will only be around at a max of 8 years.
So it's either denuclearization or the world will live on constant edge until Kim Jong-un dies (which could be a very long time) and who replaces him may be even worse. You may even be prolonging the inevitable (as far as war with NK) which could happen regardless of what Trump does.
So I think having denuclearization as the primary goal isn't a bad thing, even if it's a near impossible goal...
morolf: Regarding Israel/Palestine: Yes, a peace settlement has seemed unlikely for a long time, but this may well put the final nail into the coffin...
if there is indeed to be a one state solution it will end very badly one way or another.
Eh I disagree (I'm kind of optimistic)... but to each their own. I think most people that don't have a vested interest in the issue see Jerusalem as the capital of Israel regardless of official policy on the issue.