Grace period? What grace period? When Obama did it, it was completely unannounced. People were sending in applications and no one was getting approved and no one knew why.
But again explain how great and flawless the system was under Obama.
This is the problem today. People who are trying to find everything wrong with the opposition candidate and pretending like the people they support are just perfect.
If the figures are correct, only 109 people were detained. How many of them were actual green card holders? How many mistakes were actually made? And how many were just on travel visas? But keep telling us what a real mess it was as someone who is getting all their information from activists...unless you want to tell us how you have direct information...
As to Green card holders not getting stopped, that isn't true either. I sure hope Homeland Security is checking out even Green card holders when they are coming back from visiting these countries to make sure they really are who they claim and there isn't other problems. To claim they should be given a free pass after being vetted once is rather short-sighted. Heck, Americans get stopped at the Canadian border all the time. Maybe you should get your facts straight instead of trying to find every excuse why Trump is wrong. I'm getting sick of the partisan politics and the number of uninformed people who have no clue what they are actually talking about.
Learn to think for yourself. Learn to read between the lines. This really wasn't the clusterfuck the activists and media are trying to make it out to be.
Funny, if the Quebec terrorist attack turned out to be Canadians, I'm sure this thread was going to be overrun by people blaming Trump.
One last food for thought:
Back to this statistic:
Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. since the start of the war there:
2011: 29
2012: 31
2013: 36
2014: 105
2015: 1,682
2016: >31,000
Does it really make sense to anyone that we can start admitting 20 times more people and vet them just as well? Did the immigration service go on a hiring binge? Or is it far more likely that those admitted in 2011-2014 were much more carefully checked than those who came after? Look at 2016, that's almost 100 a day. How many people do you think are assigned to do those background checks? How long do you think they spent per person? Where did they find all the new hires already familiar with vetting Syrian nationals?
Personally, I see the reasoning behind why Trump might be concerned with the vetting process. Look at the numbers. Think for yourself. Does being a neo-lib somehow mean you become blind to facts? Trump has promised to resume visas within 120 days after he's had a chance to reform the system. I don't see that as all that unreasonable especially when certain parties are undoubtedly going to blame him for anything that might go wrong. A temporary ban to get on top of things makes sense to me. If it becomes permanent, then we'll talk. Until that time, he deserves a bit of leeway, the same leeway every other President usually gets who isn't named Trump at the beginning of their term...