MajicMan: No, Shadow, Mr. Paias is opposed to NN and voted against it in 2015. Thankfull,y NN will be repealed entirely. Get the Gov the F* out. From 1995-2015 no net neutrality and internet speeds increased, cost decreased and freedom of speech grew.
NN reverses all of that, as seen with Twitter, facebook censoring speech. Google, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix want NN because it means they can eliminate all smaller startups.
Netflix uses 25 percent of all the internet traffic in the US and pays the same amount as a Mom and Pop bakery to deliver content. That makes no sense. Could you imagine if Amazon delivered all their stuff on a truck on toll roads and paid $1.25 to use the toll road all day with 20,000 trucks for $1.25 and a car with a family of four paid $1.25 to travel it once. How is that fair? How is that neutral?
Use more, pay more. That is the way it works. Use more electricity, pay more, use more water, pay more.
NN has so many bad provisions and also has says the gov regulate the net like a water and electricity utility. BS to that. To hell with NN and I am glad it is going to be obliterated. Get the Gov the F* out of the internet.

Gilozard: You're clearly living in some alternate diimension.
Internet speeds increased for a select few, while stagnating for most Americans. Cost went up.
Net Neutrality
prevents ISPs from refusing to carry data based on content. It's also
completely separate from what you're complaining about, which is certain websites (NOT ISPs) deciding what they want their platforms to be used for.
Also, your road analogy makes no sense. Most roads in the US are funded by taxes, not tolls. If you want to talk about US tax reform, great because we need it, but that's a completely different subject.
Are you aware that the government invented the internet, and then passed it off to universities (which received significant governmental funding) to further develop? The government's sponsorship of the internet was what allowed it to become a neutral system like the road network, instead of a balkanized mess of toll roads and restricted access. Net neutrality would preserve that status quo from agencies and corporations that are trying to limit their customer's access to services and turn the Internet into the new cable TV system.
You really, really need to learn more about how the internet is built and what net neutrality means, because your ignorance is obvious and makes you look foolish.
Cost did come down. You used to pay by the minute for 14.4k dial-up speed. It is a fact speed increased, price decreased, and price per KB has not been lower. Access is way up. Almost everybody has a smart phone, businesses offer wi-fi everywhere. It is why Brick and Mortar businesses are getting killed. It is why Steam, GoG, Amazon, iTunes now dominate. Your idea that access decreased is - simply put - completely stupid and factually false. Netflix is down to 4 million DVD users, but is at all-time high membership. This is true across the board for internet usage.
The internet began in work from private citizens in labs in the US, UK and France. The US DOD then gave contracts out to develop the idea. Universities used it sparingly for decades. Then the private sector brought out its potential.
NN does not allow ISPs to charge based on usage. That is fair? How about Electricity neutrality. From now on The Wynn in Vegas, Bellagio, etc. will have their bills cut to $1,000 a month and all homes will have their cost go up to $1,000 month because electricity neutrality, it is ridiculous to think that usage can't be charged. You call it content, but it is usage. Streaming a movie takes far more data and uses far more network resources than sending an e-mail. That is what ISPs are charging for, not content. ISPs don't give a damn about the content. They don't care at all it is a video game, movie, e-book, e-mail, social networking. They only care about resource usage,
There were NO NN Laws prior to FCC regulations passed in 2015 for 2016. Yet the internet flourished. The internet already is a paid service. You pay for internet access, you pay for subscriptions to content from Netflix, WSJ, etc. All content has a different price. ISPs have that right. Use more, pay more. Walmart, Amazon, B&N, Target, etc. charge different prices for books at times, and music. Different newspapers have a different prices. Content is not equal. Saying content is equal is nonsense. Games on GoG have a different price. Publishers set up different deals with developers. Console holders sign exclusivity deals too. A math textbook has a very different cost than a paperback romance novel. Content is not equal.
You are the one who needs to understand a little bit more.