Posted January 25, 2018

feminist gamer
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted January 25, 2018
low rated

3. Albert Einstein's was a supporter of Labor Zionism but was opposed to the idea of a Jewish State - he wanted a Jewish homeland in the British controlled Palestine. I would expect that he would not have a problem with that being discussed at his funeral. What is the point of advocating for something (whether its controversial or not), if it is off limits when one dies?
Not Afterword. You were saying that a if someone introduced to feminism, this person immediately becomes feminist.
Post edited January 25, 2018 by LootHunter

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted January 25, 2018
low rated

P.S. Oh and I'm also sure that Le Guin would be happy to know that in the thread dedicated to her memory she is compared to Hitler.</sarcasm>
Post edited January 25, 2018 by LootHunter

Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted January 25, 2018
I remember reading through Earthsea as quickly as I could. I just couldn't put the books down. It was awesome.
I know I read Left Hand of Darkness but I have honestly no real memory of it.
I also read Orsinian Tales at some point. I wonder if I still have it.
I have read The Dispossessed several times, in German and English, and was surprised how different that book felt at different times of my life.
I read through the three Annals of the Western Shore books just a few years ago.
Her books connected me with many other people, and I have fond memories of talking about them with friends late at night.
Sorry for rambling a bit here and writing unconnected stuff.
I think I'll see if I can get Earthsea in English at the library and read it again.
*hugs everyone and leaves*
I remember reading through Earthsea as quickly as I could. I just couldn't put the books down. It was awesome.
I know I read Left Hand of Darkness but I have honestly no real memory of it.
I also read Orsinian Tales at some point. I wonder if I still have it.
I have read The Dispossessed several times, in German and English, and was surprised how different that book felt at different times of my life.
I read through the three Annals of the Western Shore books just a few years ago.
Her books connected me with many other people, and I have fond memories of talking about them with friends late at night.
Sorry for rambling a bit here and writing unconnected stuff.
I think I'll see if I can get Earthsea in English at the library and read it again.
*hugs everyone and leaves*

feminist gamer
Registered: Jul 2011
From Australia

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted January 25, 2018
low rated

Post edited January 25, 2018 by LootHunter

You're in my spot
Registered: Apr 2012
From Poland
Posted January 25, 2018

I am not going to ask for the thread to be closed, you can all rot in here for all I care. I wash my hands of it. It's all just sad and pathetic and I don't want to further associate the memory of Le Guin and my grief with this dumpster fire.
Post edited January 25, 2018 by Breja

Political non-Euclidean
Registered: Dec 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted January 25, 2018
low rated
Oh, I perfectly know what side your're on. You think that you're going to stay aside, "sit on a fence". It's not gonna work buddy. Feminists, anti-white racists and other cultural biggots like htown1980 and Vainamoinen are going to raize every inch of history, remaknig it into their own twisted argument against white straigh man.
And after that all white straight men would go into concentration camps where they would learn to obey their infalliable women/black/LGBT masters. And you will help them to enforce that on humankinde. Or they send you to such camp yourslef.
Maybe not next year, not in the year after that, but this time will come. And you will have to choose a side.
And just so you know, apparently Ursula Le Guin did have her hand in this. As she indeed considered that European history should be forgotten and replaced with oral tradition of non-white nations.
And after that all white straight men would go into concentration camps where they would learn to obey their infalliable women/black/LGBT masters. And you will help them to enforce that on humankinde. Or they send you to such camp yourslef.
Maybe not next year, not in the year after that, but this time will come. And you will have to choose a side.
And just so you know, apparently Ursula Le Guin did have her hand in this. As she indeed considered that European history should be forgotten and replaced with oral tradition of non-white nations.

Grumpy Old Gamer
Registered: Apr 2010
From Spain
Posted January 25, 2018
This thread is awesome!
...not! -.-
Can't we have any threads without gender, race and crap discussions anymore? And "SJWs" really wonder why people (or "white men", as they call them) are sick of this topic?
Seriously, dude (/sexism)... I'm out of here...
...not! -.-
Can't we have any threads without gender, race and crap discussions anymore? And "SJWs" really wonder why people (or "white men", as they call them) are sick of this topic?
Seriously, dude (/sexism)... I'm out of here...

Thanks for everything, and goodbye for now
Registered: Dec 2016
From Indonesia
Posted January 25, 2018
Coming here with some jokes about how she hated the Ghibli's adaptation of Earthsea, left shaking my head with how civil the conversation above was.

New User
Registered: Nov 2014
From Canada
Posted January 25, 2018

New User
Registered: Nov 2014
From Canada
Posted January 25, 2018

It's not all elves with lightsabers.

Sometimes the worst critic of an artistic or literary work is the author himself/herself (and I should know). ^_^U
Fantasy, in all it's forms, is one of the (however small) rewards that makes 'Real Life' a little more tolerable.
May more of them become (a) Reaiity someday.
Post edited January 25, 2018 by ChainsawGenie

Asha uses all.
Registered: Jun 2013
From Russian Federation
Posted January 26, 2018

Culture Industry
Registered: Oct 2014
From United States
Posted January 26, 2018
A favorite of mine - an essay from Le Guin that appeared in Harper's here in the U.S. (for any EU fans that might be interested):
Post edited January 26, 2018 by xSinghx