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rtcvb32: I'd hesitate to overclock. You may get more performance but burning your chip and heavily reducing it's life seems like it's not worth it (to me).

I suppose, do you really NEED more speed? If just having more cores would be better, then go for that, namely the quad or hex core (4-6); Although a lot of programs don't support multiple cores, there are programs for those who know what they're doing to still effectively use most of the processing power. And a number of programs/games/emulators/engines DO use multiple cores when offered a chance.

Personally i've taken to putting my computer's in low power (power saving) which is about 50% processing power. This seems fine for 95% of the tasks i work on, and every so often i have to boost it to balanced.
I decided just to rebuild to something that will run witcher 3 wolfenstein new order.
I just got a heat-sink today the stock intel one is starting to get noisy.
Only thing else i'll do is install windows 7pro. should've done this years ago but never found time to do it, always seemed to need the pc for something. Never liked vista
Good idea using low power mode then moving into balanced when needed
Good luck with the new build.

My experience with overclocking is that once I feel the need for it the result won't satisfy me anyway, and I'd end up upgrading.

And get an SSD. It will make quite a difference for everyday use. As a result I haven't really done it since the Pentium 3 days.
Post edited September 08, 2015 by ET3D
ET3D: My experience with overclocking is that once I feel the need for it the result won't satisfy me anyway, and I'd end up upgrading.
I find overclocking pretty fun though, I was amazed how much more performance I could squeeze out of an obsolete system.
Actually it made me regret I bought a new computer last year, wished I waited longer.
Strijkbout: I was amazed how much more performance I could squeeze out of an obsolete system.
I've got a i7-4770k on water (well, antifreeze) and it stays stable up to remarkably high speeds if I push it. Mostly I just keep it at 4.2GHz, up from the stock 3.5, though. I'm like a little old granddad with overclocking; it's a little sad, and I'm clearly doing it wrong :P
Just two more questions. I've got a 4gb crucial kit 240 pin 667 that's been waiting for me to install win 7pr 64bit.
Will this work with the 4gb corsair RAM installed? Exact same specs. I couldn't get the 667 corsair version only 800 available, so go the crucial kit.
Also Motherboard has the 4 slot 2 channel setup should i have the 2 corsair sticks in channel 1 and crucial in 2?
HG1995: Just two more questions. I've got a 4gb crucial kit 240 pin 667 that's been waiting for me to install win 7pr 64bit.
Will this work with the 4gb corsair RAM installed? Exact same specs. I couldn't get the 667 corsair version only 800 available, so go the crucial kit.
It should work, unless this is a rare case where the sticks are incompatible.
HG1995: Also Motherboard has the 4 slot 2 channel setup should i have the 2 corsair sticks in channel 1 and crucial in 2?
Install them dual channel according to your mobo's instruction manual, in most cases this means slot 1-3 or 2-4.
I had to install my sticks in 2-4 to leave space for the CPU cooler.
Then and Now: Almost 10 Years of Intel CPUs Compared

For 150$/€ I think you could find a I5 2400 and LGA1155 motherboard (second hand).
HG1995: Just two more questions. I've got a 4gb crucial kit 240 pin 667 that's been waiting for me to install win 7pr 64bit.
Will this work with the 4gb corsair RAM installed? Exact same specs. I couldn't get the 667 corsair version only 800 available, so go the crucial kit.
Strijkbout: It should work, unless this is a rare case where the sticks are incompatible.
HG1995: Also Motherboard has the 4 slot 2 channel setup should i have the 2 corsair sticks in channel 1 and crucial in 2?
Strijkbout: Install them dual channel according to your mobo's instruction manual, in most cases this means slot 1-3 or 2-4.
I had to install my sticks in 2-4 to leave space for the CPU cooler.
Thanks. there was all sorts of different answers on the web about the compatibility of use different brands together.
OlivawR: Then and Now: Almost 10 Years of Intel CPUs Compared

For 150$/€ I think you could find a I5 2400 and LGA1155 motherboard (second hand).
Thanks for the link. Great info helped a lot,