It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
high rated
mrkgnao: They have moved to an alternative server for a few days, expecting to return to the regular CDN on Thursday morning, Poland time.

At the moment, the vast majority of files work just fine (I have 5 out of 10,225 that fail). The plan seems to be that by Thursday all will be back to pre-outage state.
SpellSword: Thank you for the information, that is good to hear.

If you don't mind could you tell me which of the 5 files you encountered problems with?
09:23:51 | failed to fetch
09:23:56 | failed to fetch
09:24:08 | failed to fetch
09:24:17 | failed to fetch
11:35:15 | failed to fetch

But, as reported by Hustlefan, if you replace /downloads/ with /downlink/ they should work.
SpellSword: Thank you for the information, that is good to hear.

If you don't mind could you tell me which of the 5 files you encountered problems with?
mrkgnao: 09:23:51 | failed to fetch
09:23:56 | failed to fetch
09:24:08 | failed to fetch
09:24:17 | failed to fetch
11:35:15 | failed to fetch

But, as reported by Hustlefan, if you replace /downloads/ with /downlink/ they should work.
Thank you I'll give the /downlink/ method a try if anything fails.
Post edited July 25, 2023 by SpellSword
mrtnptrs: You know that not being able to download something isn't the same as file corruption? Additionally, there was no data loss. This literally is just some downloads being temporarily unavailable.... I know you're probably misinterpreting things by mistake, but this is how false news gets spread....
DyNaer: Actually there was data loss see below :

And they should have updated the message displayed in the support center : but they didn't do it :-/ . Or at least the 1st message from this thread.
With "data loss" they seem to actually just mean data lost because the CDN is just unavailable. So, just looks like bad choice of words to me, but hey, open to interpretation.
DemonKiller49: The bins 17 18 and 19 of CP2077 have indeed been corrupt since their release. No fake news, and no misinformation. It's a known issue, buddy.
neumi5694: ... just "no". What you are saying is complete nonsense.

First of all, the installer has been updated 25(!!!) times so far. You can find the details here:
Every time you read "Download changed: Installer", the installer was updated.

On my hard disc I had until recently build 50001 (Vanilla, I think) and currently build 65540.

I installed the game back then with the offline installer, which worked.

Just to make sure, I just reinstalled the game with the version 65540, that also worked (see attachment).

Has there been a version with corrupted bins? Maybe, I couldn't tell. But the release version and the current buil 65540 both work. (which build are you using btw?)
Yeah, makes me still suspect it is just the current download-feature having interfered with the user reporting this and that that caused an incomplete download/corruption and that that is the real cause instead of real actual corrupt data being stored on the servers. Also DemonKiller49 mentions "It has been since the 1.63 hotfix" which sounds like a lot, but please realize that is the very latest version of the game. If others can install the game fine using these files and DemonKiller49 really did download the "corrupted" files even before the CDN issues started, idk what happened, but could possibly be an error at his/her side?
Atom rpg stuck at %92
neumi5694: ... just "no". What you are saying is complete nonsense.

First of all, the installer has been updated 25(!!!) times so far. You can find the details here:
Every time you read "Download changed: Installer", the installer was updated.

On my hard disc I had until recently build 50001 (Vanilla, I think) and currently build 65540.

I installed the game back then with the offline installer, which worked.

Just to make sure, I just reinstalled the game with the version 65540, that also worked (see attachment).

Has there been a version with corrupted bins? Maybe, I couldn't tell. But the release version and the current buil 65540 both work. (which build are you using btw?)
mrtnptrs: Yeah, makes me still suspect it is just the current download-feature having interfered with the user reporting this and that that caused an incomplete download/corruption and that that is the real cause instead of real actual corrupt data being stored on the servers. Also DemonKiller49 mentions "It has been since the 1.63 hotfix" which sounds like a lot, but please realize that is the very latest version of the game. If others can install the game fine using these files and DemonKiller49 really did download the "corrupted" files even before the CDN issues started, idk what happened, but could possibly be an error at his/her side?
We can't all be making the same mistake.
There are 4 threads in the Cyberpunk Forum with people unable to get the 1.63 hotfix version to work through Galaxy or as in my case the offline installer.
Here's one thread showing both methods don't work:

It seems that the only people who can get this version to work are the ones who patched up to it from previous versions. But those of us trying to do a fresh install with the latest files can't do so. I tried for the first time one day last week. Others, as stated, have tried since the hotfix came out.
I attached a screen shot of the error I get every time I try a new download.
All GOG said to me was we're having trouble with our download provider. So that lead me to this thread because according to GOG the issues are related or this issue is preventing them from fixing the corruption issue.
But that doesn't explain why they let this damaged files issue go on long before the download problem started.
Finally, when downloading the offline installers, all files download completely. There is no indication of a problem until the integrity check.
mrtnptrs: If others can install the game fine using these files and DemonKiller49 really did download the "corrupted" files even before the CDN issues started, idk what happened, but could possibly be an error at his/her side?
It's not just them.
Frankd3: There are 4 threads in the Cyberpunk Forum with people unable to get the 1.63 hotfix version to work through Galaxy or as in my case the offline installer.
The problem has already been acknowledged by a staff member.
DemonKiller49: The bins 17 18 and 19 of CP2077 have indeed been corrupt since their release. No fake news, and no misinformation. It's a known issue, buddy.
neumi5694: ... just "no". What you are saying is complete nonsense.
Not nonsense. He didn't mention in that post that he's referring to the v1.63_hotfix.
So far the only people that got it to work, who posted in the Cyberpunk Forum, are the ones who patched a previous version.
And yes we are all trying to install the latest build, 65540.
Frankd3: There are 4 threads in the Cyberpunk Forum with people unable to get the 1.63 hotfix version to work through Galaxy or as in my case the offline installer.
Ice_Mage: The problem has already been acknowledged by a staff member.
Thank you for posting that!
I just wish he had also replied in the Cyberpunk Forum.
Now I'll stay out of this thread. My apologies since this is probably in reality an unrelated issue.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Frankd3
A dev told me that their game's not receiving updates on here at the moment because the servers are having problems. Yet here we are promoting sales and releasing new titles.
Frankd3: Not nonsense.
Well, he said "since release" and that makes it nonsense.
Frankd3: He didn't mention in that post that he's referring to the v1.63_hotfix.
That actually would have made a lot more sense.

Frankd3: So far the only people that got it to work, who posted in the Cyberpunk Forum, are the ones who patched a previous version.
And yes we are all trying to install the latest build, 65540.
You mean this one?

I downloaded it today and it works. It's the one I took the screenshot from.
I didn't have Cyberpunk installed before, since I just replaced my SSD.

After that I also installed
whatever that may be. But it got downloaded at the same time, so ...

Edit: Maybe it depends on the chosen language? After all the installer is a lot larger than the installed game, containing more languages. I chose English, maybe the files in question were not even read.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by neumi5694
Frankd3: Not nonsense.
neumi5694: Well, he said "since release" and that makes it nonsense.

Frankd3: He didn't mention in that post that he's referring to the v1.63_hotfix.
So far the only people that got it to work, who posted in the Cyberpunk Forum, are the ones who patched a previous version.
And yes we are all trying to install the latest build, 65540.
neumi5694: You mean this one?

I downloaded it today and it works. It's the one I took the screenshot from.
I didn't have Cyberpunk installed before, since I just replaced my SSD.

After that I also installed
whatever that may be. But it got downloaded at the same time, so ...
As I said before he was referring to the v1.63_hotfix since that version was released.
He simply forgot to mention the version probably because it was mentioned in his previous posts.
And there are others in the Cyberpunk Forum that also say since it was released.

That's the exe file. Nobody said there was a problem with that.
Didn't you download the bin files?
We are referring to 3 of the bin files. -17 -18 & -19
when you download the offline install as shown in my attachment.
The integrity check fails and the game can not be installed.
Post edited July 26, 2023 by Frankd3
Frankd3: That's the exe file. Nobody said there was a problem with that.
Didn't you download the bin files?
We are referring to 3 of the bin files. -17 -18 & -19
when you download the offline install as shown in my attachment.
The integrity check fails and the game can not be installed.
Gee ... didn't think I had to post all file names, but here you go, see attachment

How did you think I installed the game if I didn't have all files? With just the .exe? No sir, not gonna happen.
Frankd3: That's the exe file. Nobody said there was a problem with that.
Didn't you download the bin files?
We are referring to 3 of the bin files. -17 -18 & -19
when you download the offline install as shown in my attachment.
The integrity check fails and the game can not be installed.
Maybe the reason why neumi was able to install the game was that you have the option to disable integrity check? Maybe - I am just guessing here - the game will install this way ... and probably not working correct?
Post edited July 26, 2023 by MarkoH01
MarkoH01: Maybe the reason why neumi was able to install the game was that you have the option to disable integrity check? Maybe - I am just guessing here - the game will install this way ... and probably not working correct?
That coud be a reason.
But I doubt the game is working incorrectly, corrupted files cause the installation to fail, no matter if the integrity check before the installation was performed or not (had that already, the installation in that case goes on until the error is encountered).

My suspicion is still, that - if there is a corruption - the damaged parts of the fils are not accessed at all, because they are not needed for the chosen language.

Tomorrow (it's close to 1:00, time for bed) I'll try two things
1. let Galaxy check if the installation is ok.
2. Do a reinstall with integrity check enabled.