It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Asileth: SO YES - paying $60 for a game that is not available because of a known issue does bother me. I would have appreciated a warning that there is a known issue BEFORE purchasing.
Actually there was a warning on the store front page.

The popup said that currently they have problems with downloading or upgrading games and that already downloaded files are not affected.

What good does a warning do if people don't read it?

mrtnptrs: ... only a few files of two of my games still having been unavailable...
Which two games don't work for you?
Since the problem seems to have been solved, this might be something else entirely and you may have to report these two as bug.
Post edited July 25, 2023 by neumi5694
Is this fixed now? I tried downloading Prey and its still stuck at 2%
mrtnptrs: ... only a few files of two of my games still having been unavailable...
neumi5694: Which two games don't work for you?
Since the problem seems to have been solved, this might be something else entirely and you may have to report these two as bug.
Are people unable to read? "Having been" is part of a qualifying phrase, indicating something that was in the past, but isn't anymore.... haha, again, all files have been available since later yesterday, just meant that earlier that day only 2 games had some files still unavailable. That means thus: everything is now available! Also see: (so, already explained it one extra time haha, gonna edit my original message as people are apparently unable to read properly and read subsequent messages haha. Maybe out of panic? idk, but people should chill)

kenadrian: Is this fixed now? I tried downloading Prey and its still stuck at 2%
For me, downloading of all my 119 games (offline backup versions) works correctly in The Netherlands, but some games might still have a failure rate possibly for others as my library doesn't cover it all of course haha. Maybe also differs per region as GOG likely has different servers/CDNs per region to increase download speeds for that region... We don't know for sure of course.
Post edited July 25, 2023 by mrtnptrs
mrtnptrs: Are people unable to read?
Not before coffee :D, at least my interpretation skills are lacking.

@kenadrian yes, offline installers work again.
I just started the download of Prey for testing, looks good.
neumi5694: @kenadrian yes, offline installers work again.
I just started the download of Prey for testing, looks good.
Oh, I only have downloaded from GOG Galaxy so far. Are downloads from Galaxy doing okay at your end?
kenadrian: Is this fixed now? I tried downloading Prey and its still stuck at 2%
"... until our provider brings back all of our storage data, which is aimed for Thursday morning (CEST), there still may be singular cases where downloads/updates are unsuccessful, slow downloads speeds are also to be expected in the nearest future. Please contact our Customer Support should you encounter such problems."
post 756 (you probably have to scroll to it yourself, since the direct link doesn't work)
kenadrian: Is this fixed now? I tried downloading Prey and its still stuck at 2%
Ice_Mage: "... until our provider brings back all of our storage data, which is aimed for Thursday morning (CEST), there still may be singular cases where downloads/updates are unsuccessful, slow downloads speeds are also to be expected in the nearest future. Please contact our Customer Support should you encounter such problems."
post 756 (you probably have to scroll to it yourself, since the direct link doesn't work)
Oh thanks for the info! Guess I'll download it on the weekend then.
Can you please investigate and correct corruption in the "Cyberpunk 2077 Offline Installer" for version 1.63hotfix please? As downloading through Gog Galaxy doesn't work and also through web browser. As likely affected by this issue due to the data loss.

It's a game developed by a part of CD Projekt group just like its publisher.
Post edited July 25, 2023 by MrGrymReaper
MrGrymReaper: Can you please investigate and correct corruption in the "Cyberpunk 2077 Offline Installer" for version 1.63hotfix please? As downloading through Gog Galaxy doesn't work and also through web browser. As likely affected by this issue due to the data loss.

It's a game developed by a part of CD Projekt group just like its publisher.
This is the type of thing you should raise a ticket for - Support don't spend a lot of time on here and so may not see your comment.

For issues with missing/corrupted installers for Witcher 3 RTX, in my experience support have been very responsive through the bot/ticketing system.
neumi5694: Actually there was a warning on the store front page.
It was only shown from Friday evening until Saturday evening, European time. There were still reports of outages on Sunday.
octalot: It was only shown from Friday evening until Saturday evening
Don't know about that. I had the impression that it stayed until I clicked it away.

edit: My downloads worked on Sunday late afternoon CET, of course I can't tell at what time exactly it was fixed, since I didn't try over and over again.
Post edited July 25, 2023 by neumi5694
MrGrymReaper: Can you please investigate and correct corruption in the "Cyberpunk 2077 Offline Installer" for version 1.63hotfix please? As downloading through Gog Galaxy doesn't work and also through web browser. As likely affected by this issue due to the data loss.

It's a game developed by a part of CD Projekt group just like its publisher.
You know that not being able to download something isn't the same as file corruption? Additionally, there was no data loss. This literally is just some downloads being temporarily unavailable.... I know you're probably misinterpreting things by mistake, but this is how false news gets spread....
Post edited July 25, 2023 by mrtnptrs
MrGrymReaper: Can you please investigate and correct corruption in the "Cyberpunk 2077 Offline Installer" for version 1.63hotfix please? As downloading through Gog Galaxy doesn't work and also through web browser. As likely affected by this issue due to the data loss.

It's a game developed by a part of CD Projekt group just like its publisher.
mrtnptrs: You know that not being able to download something isn't the same as file corruption? Additionally, there was no data loss. This literally is just some downloads being temporarily unavailable.... I know you're probably misinterpreting things by mistake, but this is how false news gets spread....
Actually, you shouldn't be so high and mighty and presumptive and mistaking things yourself. The bins 17 18 and 19 of CP2077 have indeed been corrupt since their release. No fake news, and no misinformation. It's a known issue, buddy.
Post edited July 25, 2023 by DemonKiller49
MrGrymReaper: Can you please investigate and correct corruption in the "Cyberpunk 2077 Offline Installer" for version 1.63hotfix please? As downloading through Gog Galaxy doesn't work and also through web browser. As likely affected by this issue due to the data loss.

It's a game developed by a part of CD Projekt group just like its publisher.
mrtnptrs: You know that not being able to download something isn't the same as file corruption? Additionally, there was no data loss. This literally is just some downloads being temporarily unavailable.... I know you're probably misinterpreting things by mistake, but this is how false news gets spread....
GOG is using that excuse for not being able to fix the corruption too.
I contacted support specifically for the Cyberpunk file corruption issue since the files are downloadable.
This was the response:

"Due to our storage provider's outage, we are experiencing technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and your library.

Downloaded files are in no way affected and we are working on resolving this issue ASAP.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Best regards,"

But I'm wondering if the storage provider issue is simply preventing GOG from replacing the damaged files. They should say that if true.
mrtnptrs: You know that not being able to download something isn't the same as file corruption? Additionally, there was no data loss. This literally is just some downloads being temporarily unavailable.... I know you're probably misinterpreting things by mistake, but this is how false news gets spread....
DemonKiller49: Actually, you shouldn't be so high and mighty and presumptive and mistaking things yourself. The bins 17 18 and 19 of CP2077 have indeed been corrupt since their release. No fake news, and no misinformation.
Oh sorry, didn't want to sound arrogant, but looked to me like he confused not-downloadable with corrupted as he mentions both things in his message and also mentions data loss, which there seems to be no sign of. But didn't know the offline CyberPunk 2077 install files really were suffering from corruption, sorry, my bad for making too quick assumptions...
mrtnptrs: You know that not being able to download something isn't the same as file corruption? Additionally, there was no data loss. This literally is just some downloads being temporarily unavailable.... I know you're probably misinterpreting things by mistake, but this is how false news gets spread....
Frankd3: GOG is using that excuse for not being able to fix the corruption too.
I contacted support specifically for the Cyberpunk file corruption issue since the files are downloadable.
This was the response:

"Due to our storage provider's outage, we are experiencing technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and your library.

Downloaded files are in no way affected and we are working on resolving this issue ASAP.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Best regards,"

But I'm wondering if the storage provider issue is simply preventing GOG from replacing the damaged files. They should say that if true.
Since when has this corruption then been a problem. The previously mentioned "since their release" by @DemonKiller49 suggests this has happened after the latest CP2077 update from around a month back or has this only been happening since the CDN problems? If the latter: isn't it just an issue of the file download getting stuck at a certain percentage and thus being incomplete/corrupted?

Edit: wouldn't surprise me if the possible corruption issue is fully known but just not their top priority now.
Post edited July 25, 2023 by mrtnptrs