It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Xeshra: Burned CDs are not good for "long time storage" so this is a bad idea if you want to preserve a secure backup
maxpoweruser: M-Disc is an option.
Well, Verbatim is some sort of "legendary disc producer" who always was able to give some special quality and special endurance considering their products. It will come at a special price too but indeed, if you use this "M-Disc" and you burn it slowly, maybe you can achieve a very good lifespan...

Although i do not consider it safe for 1000 years, but maybe up to 50 or even 100 years (comparable to a usual BD) could be realistic. You will need a special drive and the discs are surely not for free.

The disadvantage of a M-disc simply is that it can be sensitive against to much humidity (some people live in a very humid environment) and it is sensitive against high temperatures in general. A HDD on the other hand is perfectly sealed and the environment will not matter a lot considering its endurance. So yeah, nothing is perfect but certain stuff is certainly more secure.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Xeshra
NuffCatnip: Some of you are blowing this out of proportion, seriously. Weekends are for relaxation, people aren't robots, you can't work 24/7. Give tech next week to fix this.
016R35: Hah, the thipical moralist comment.
It's good to hear some moderate voices, because otherwise it seems people just try to one-up each other.
Charliebob49: The game Sword and the stars - The pit - Osmodium Edition has an issue with updating the main game with one of the patches thru Gog Galaxy! Note I renamed the existing folder I had to do a fresh install.

The main game (1.1GB Download)which installs and plays fine if I use the shortcut that is created but then it tries to download a 69MB file which I assume is a patch and maybe the dlc's, and the update failed with no message. Again the game still runs from the shortcut and it save the game info.

The main issue is that the update periodically continues to try and update and fails. This is downloading that 69 MB file every time and failing when it tries to install it. I have limited data on my internet and this is not acceptable. The only way I can stop this downloading and failed install over and over is to rename the folder so it will not be availible to Gog Galaxy!

Any suggestions?
You can disable autoupdates in Galaxy settings -> Game features -> Game data features. You can also disable Galaxy overlay there and Galaxy won't open when you run game from the shortcut.
Xeshra: Burned CDs are not good for "long time storage" so this is a bad idea if you want to preserve a secure backup, A pressed BDXL (the one a PS5 got) is another story, they have a much longer endurance... perhaps up to 50 years if you treat them well and if temperatures are always constant in a dry environment,

HDDs, this is a special matter because, the data itself, on a healthy HDD, may last 10 to 20 years if you treat them well. Simply have to make sure there is no errors with the data integrity (MD5 checks is a good idea, most games natively got one but you should use a external check too... before you turn the HDD into your "long time archive".) And to be sure, you should make at least 2 more backups of the HDD. If you even want to have it perfect... copy the data to another (new) HDD every 5 years, this way it is almost failureproof. But you can also "rewrite" the data every 5 years, so the data is more easely readable and the HDD may even last 10 years and up without issues.

In my mind, any other way of backing up data is less secure. The SSDs got 2 weakness. One of them is the price of course... and the second one is, if they are without power for many years they might totally lose any charge inside their cells.°°° A HDD, if stored well, generally is able to hold its data for a longer period but the mechanism can become faulty at some point or the helium may leak and it may malfunction after... so the mechanics is the weak spot here.

°°°Usually they are always moving the data around their cells and becoming fresh power this way, so in this case the charge is being renewed which us helpful. So a SSD enjoy being used... just not to much overwrites.

However: SLC is actually good for long time storage (not TLC) but the costs is not affordable anymore. A modern 8 TB SSD may work in SLC up to 3 TB (always 1/3 of the capacity) but... the cost is huge. I use a SSD for my OS in SLC mode... and cooled well, this way the OS may last almost forever.
Durability of HDDs actually amazes me. I have laptop with Windows 98 from 1999 and it still works well on the same HDD and OS from the beginning! I still play some old games on it. :P Of my external HDDs, and I have many, only one died - 3tb Seagate one. I even heard it crashing ;_;, but I have 3 separate backups of everything so no panic. :)
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Caban
Charliebob49: The game Sword and the stars - The pit - Osmodium Edition has an issue with updating the main game with one of the patches thru Gog Galaxy! Note I renamed the existing folder I had to do a fresh install.

The main game (1.1GB Download)which installs and plays fine if I use the shortcut that is created but then it tries to download a 69MB file which I assume is a patch and maybe the dlc's, and the update failed with no message. Again the game still runs from the shortcut and it save the game info.

The main issue is that the update periodically continues to try and update and fails. This is downloading that 69 MB file every time and failing when it tries to install it. I have limited data on my internet and this is not acceptable. The only way I can stop this downloading and failed install over and over is to rename the folder so it will not be availible to Gog Galaxy!

Any suggestions?
You can download the offline installers and install from them. The two main installer files and the four DLC installer files are all currently downloable, at least for me. You won't be able to download all the "extras" ("goodies"), as some are missing (404 error), but that shouldn't prevent you from playing the game. Good luck.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by mrkgnao
Charliebob49: The game Sword and the stars - The pit - Osmodium Edition has an issue with updating the main game with one of the patches thru Gog Galaxy! Note I renamed the existing folder I had to do a fresh install.

The main game (1.1GB Download)which installs and plays fine if I use the shortcut that is created but then it tries to download a 69MB file which I assume is a patch and maybe the dlc's, and the update failed with no message. Again the game still runs from the shortcut and it save the game info.

The main issue is that the update periodically continues to try and update and fails. This is downloading that 69 MB file every time and failing when it tries to install it. I have limited data on my internet and this is not acceptable. The only way I can stop this downloading and failed install over and over is to rename the folder so it will not be availible to Gog Galaxy!

Any suggestions?
mrkgnao: You can download the offline installers and install from them. The two main installer files and the four DLC installer files are all currently downloable, at least for me. You won't be able to download all the "extras" ("goodies"), as some are missing (404 error), but that shouldn't prevent you from playing the game. Good luck.
Not really. If you have Galaxy installed and set up Galaxy overlay to be present in games it doesn't matter if game was installed from standalone installer. Galaxy gonna open anyway.
mrkgnao: You can download the offline installers and install from them. The two main installer files and the four DLC installer files are all currently downloable, at least for me. You won't be able to download all the "extras" ("goodies"), as some are missing (404 error), but that shouldn't prevent you from playing the game. Good luck.
Caban: Not really. If you have Galaxy installed and set up Galaxy overlay to be present in games it doesn't matter if game was installed from standalone installer. Galaxy gonna open anyway.
I presume it is possible to uninstall galaxy, isn't it?
Caban: Not really. If you have Galaxy installed and set up Galaxy overlay to be present in games it doesn't matter if game was installed from standalone installer. Galaxy gonna open anyway.
mrkgnao: I presume it is possible to uninstall galaxy, isn't it?
It is, but it's quite hardcore to do if you have bigger library of installed games to manage and only one causes some problems. :P It's a matter of 2 ticks in the settings. You can even enter in specitif installed game in Galaxy, click settings button there -> manage installation -> configure and turn off auto updates for just one specific game. I didn't know it until received help from GOG support when one update caused my game to freeze at black screen and I wanted to downgrade it and prevent from updating. :p
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Caban
mrkgnao: I presume it is possible to uninstall galaxy, isn't it?
Caban: It is, but it's quite hardcore to do if you have bigger library of installed games to manage and only one causes some problems. :P It's a matter of 2 ticks in the settings. You can even enter in specitif installed game in Galaxy, click settings button there -> manage installation -> configure and turn of auto updates for just one specific game. I didn't know it until received help from GOG support then one update caused my game to freeze at black screen and I wanted to downgrade it and prevent from updating. :p
Good to know. Thanks.
I guess the problem is fixed now..? I just finished downloading a game, it didn't get stuck at 92% like before.
Caban: Not really. If you have Galaxy installed and set up Galaxy overlay to be present in games it doesn't matter if game was installed from standalone installer. Galaxy gonna open anyway.
That is because your shortcut launches Galaxy itself. If you navigate to your games install folder you can find the actual launcher and launch it directly and skip Galaxy entirely.

Just create a shortcut to that.
Caban: Not really. If you have Galaxy installed and set up Galaxy overlay to be present in games it doesn't matter if game was installed from standalone installer. Galaxy gonna open anyway.
Fuguss: That is because your shortcut launches Galaxy itself. If you navigate to your games install folder you can find the actual launcher and launch it directly and skip Galaxy entirely.

Just create a shortcut to that.
Was just going to say this.
altosy: Are you calling everyone to open their own topic for every broken game? or report on yours?
Magnitus: Unless they are willing to acknowledge that the issue is still ongoing and that they are hard at work addressing it for EVERY game whose installer fails (no game left behind).

Especially since unless they address the root of the issue, downloads of some offline installers are likely to consistently fail (until you have to jump through many hoops to beg support to fix it) well after they consider this incident solved.

Downloads on some of their installers were systematically failing well before that.

I'm tired of being nice about it. I pay for the game, give me my downloads without me having to beg for it.

I'm not being unreasonable: I pay for a drm-free product, I expect to be able to download the product I paid for without feeling like I'm filing my taxes and I expect the product I'm paying for to work offline as advertised.

Let GOG stop fooling around wasting resources on Galaxy until they've addressed their core mission statement properly. GOG is still around because they are selling drm-free games. Period. If they want to half-ass that in order to try to go against Steam on their turf with a fraction of the resources Steam has, best of luck with that.

altosy: And why until Monday?
Magnitus: To give them some time to properly address the issues on a working day.

altosy: Let's discuss the further actions as I don't agree with your proposal. I prefer to stay on what GOG decided to be the official channel considering that any complain here should be taken as such without any excuse. I am creating my ticket meanwhile.
Magnitus: Depends on what they do on Monday, but if they plan to be complacent about it like they have in the past, I'm keeping this stuck in the forums and visible until they fix it. No more j*rking around with Zowie cr*p combined with waiting for days/weeks for they to acknowledge and resolve their bad links (this is something I would expect to be expediently resolved in any other platform I'm using).
I hear you and the situation does not look good. I am facing the "404 - Not Found" with this other game I just got donated. The Whisperer (Part 1 of 2). I tried to add it to the Support Request 368935 the bot opened yesterday and it did not work:

Me: I would like to add information to the support request 368935
Bot: If you'd like, you can send me a screenshot illustrating the problem.
Me: Skip.
Bot: Thank you! ?? I've passed your request on to our Support Team.

Thankfully, checking my email I got a reply earlier saying "this issue should now be solved" which is incorrect, the Prey soundtrack still has "404 - Not Found". I replied my no and the extra file to be added.

Let's see how things keep moving.
tricos: I am getting the impression that nobody's working on the issue due to it being a weekend - otherwise I can't understand why fixing it should take more than two days.
Maybe GOG should give away Cyberpunk 2077 for taking so long. Not joking
Clownski_: Seems unrelated. Feel free to open a ticket with our Support.
Clownski_ and GOG team,

Could you tell me how can I add information to a Support Request your bot created yesterday?.
Using your bot did not work:

Me: I would like to add information to the support request 368935
Bot: If you'd like, you can send me a screenshot illustrating the problem.
Me: Skip.
Bot: Thank you! ?? I've passed your request on to our Support Team.

5 hours ago I got an email saying:
this issue should now be solved. Could you please try to download the game once again?

And Prey soundtrack got the same 404 - Not Found error. The problem is still there. I ask you to include The Whisperer (Part 1 of 2) to the list.
Fuguss: The only real thing I wish GoG would do in this regard would be to make a program with a GUI that could download your entire collection of offline installers and bonus content to a specific folder and update them as things changed so people could maintain a collection themselves.
I like this idea a lot.