It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
aminaz: I guess the problem is fixed now..? I just finished downloading a game, it didn't get stuck at 92% like before.
No, not really. Some games work (i.e. install correctly), others don't.
Also, there's no progress regarding randomly missing offline installers.
Finally sent a support request myself. But oh-mi-gosh, that support "form" is _really_ bad and unintuitive. ô.O
Fuguss: The only real thing I wish GoG would do in this regard would be to make a program with a GUI that could download your entire collection of offline installers and bonus content to a specific folder and update them as things changed so people could maintain a collection themselves.
chevkoch: I like this idea a lot.
high rated
Fuguss: [...] The only real thing I wish GoG would do in this regard would be to make a program with a GUI that could download your entire collection of offline installers and bonus content to a specific folder and update them as things changed so people could maintain a collection themselves. [...]
You mean like the GOG Downloader we used to have, and GOG decided to discontinue?
The fact that this is such a widespread issue and that they are still trying to sell games is abhorrent. The sentiment is “yeah, it’s broken, but give us money anyway.” It just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. As for their flagship titles…..that’s a mess too. Cyberpunk has been broken much longer than this outage. Bins 17 18 and 19 have been corrupt for well over a week on here without any way for folks who did not download 1.63 PT hotfix to patch. So, it’s always like this here….excuses, excuses, excuses. This is precisely why most publishers in the industry don’t want to do business with GOG. It’s comparable to doing business with a monkey.
I just wanted to test it so i downloaded recettear and chantelise and it downloaded but the downloads fluctated below 10mb per second while the speed would usually be over 20mb per second
These two games were removed from the store a longer while back and i can still donwload them completely.

Also i already had these games downloaded on my external HDD before.
So maybe i will at least reinstall chantelise while recettear is a game i have forever installed.
Also the recettear download did go below 1mb for a while it went to 10 mb per second at end
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Fonzer
Xeshra: So they are now drinking some vine and taking a weekend off? Guess "safe to assume".
Caban: If it's external provider fault GOG can't do much about it, they can just phonecall them and demand fulfilling the contract. In worst case scenario GOG will have to change storage provider and ask publishers to rebuild file library. :P It doesn't look good but lack of competence probably isn't on GOG side. What surprises me is only that they don't know themselves what files are missing. It should be a matter of simple script on their side to check situation within seconds and mark only exact games in their store as temporarily unavaiable.
It doesn't matter. GOG doesn't technically have a SLA with its customers, but in practice, the customers are gonna be (are currently) pissed. This is true of SLAs too. If company A swears they'll have 99.99% uptime and they don't because of an external dependency, Company B can still sue them for breach of contract. What Company A should do is have backups to prevent this sort of thing.

But let's be realistic, even with a 4-day outage, you're looking at a 98.9% uptime, so I plan to give them another couple of days before I start demanding refunds or really raising a stink, but I'd be surprised if this goes on much longer than Monday or Tuesday, once the office wakes up again fully. Mind you, if they do surprise me, I may have to rethink my shopping habits, but we'll see. Clearly the expectation they have is that they'll get this solved sooner than later.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Mailanka
high rated
What kind of cowboy outfit "CDN" are you guys using that it's still offline after 3 days?!? I thought the whole point of a "CDN" (vs a regular website) was that it's run by a large company that has mirrored server clusters all over the world (America, Europe, Asia, etc) so that in the event there's some disaster (earthquake, flood, DDOS, etc) the others will step in and pick up the slack. The longer this goes on the more I get the feeling GOG were conned into paying a lot for a fake CDN with a fancy brochure only for it to turnout to be one server run by one guy whose "backups" consist of a million 1.44MB floppy disks stored in shoeboxes in BillyBob's lockup...
So is it resolved yet? I have tried to downloaad some random games, it seems to work. But I am not sure, there are two games on sale I wanted to buy but postponed it, not knowing if the problem is going to be resolved at all.
Leszek38: So is it resolved yet? I have tried to downloaad some random games, it seems to work. But I am not sure, there are two games on sale I wanted to buy but postponed it, not knowing if the problem is going to be resolved at all.
It seems to be hit-and-miss right now. Expect it to be fixed on Monday or Tuesday fully. If not, GOG is shooting itself in the foot.
ListyG: What kind of cowboy outfit "CDN" are you guys using that it's still offline after 3 days?!? I thought the whole point of a "CDN" (vs a regular website) was that it's run by a large company that has mirrored server clusters all over the world (America, Europe, Asia, etc) so that in the event there's some disaster (earthquake, flood, DDOS, etc) the others will step in and pick up the slack. The longer this goes on the more I get the feeling GOG were conned into paying a lot for a fake CDN with a fancy brochure only for it to turnout to be one server run by one guy whose "backups" consist of a million 1.44MB floppy disks stored in shoeboxes in BillyBob's lockup...
Keyword your feeling.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Syphon72
Leszek38: So is it resolved yet? I have tried to downloaad some random games, it seems to work. But I am not sure, there are two games on sale I wanted to buy but postponed it, not knowing if the problem is going to be resolved at all.
As of this exact writing, Dungeon Keeper II is still missing. So nope, they didn't do squat.
Fuguss: And to unify their game installers into a single multi-operating system installer where all the files are present in their typical format and they include the installer in .exe for Windows and a flatpack installer for linux and whatever Mac uses so it is just 1 unified installer. Would potentially save them space and management on their end and would save users time redownloading anything if they have multiple operating systems just use the same installer and launch it from the appropriate format for your operating system. Would make the installers slightly bigger but shouldn't be by much considering the game files should mostly be the same.
I think a more universal installer would be a tar.gz, not three different format installers. Just tell the Windows users to use something like PeaZip, they'll be fine. And Flatpak as a Linux user is classed as a "Cold dead hands" situation on my personal sphere of interest. Just so long as GOG bothers to remember to package the languages separately, it'd save us all time.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Darvond
I can confirm that dungeon keeper 2 is 404 not found on offline installers

Something offtopic we had some nasty winds here and some people are without electricity in our country for a week now.
Post edited July 23, 2023 by Fonzer
Skyrim Special Edition 404 - Not Found
Leszek38: So is it resolved yet? I have tried to downloaad some random games, it seems to work. But I am not sure, there are two games on sale I wanted to buy but postponed it, not knowing if the problem is going to be resolved at all.
Roller coaster tycoon 2 offline download link is still returning 404 :/
bumbicek: -snip-
I wish I could be positive as you are, but as rather famously adaged: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

They should have had preventive redundancies, not outages. They should have said, "Ah, we had to kick on our backups, but our images should mirror across the weekend, hopefully none of you notice anything odd happening."

At the end of the day this is downtime, and that tends to boil the lobsters of bean counters and management, because the C-Suite starts to ask questions, unless they're the type to spin in their chair and be of altered mind all day.
Leszek38: So is it resolved yet? I have tried to downloaad some random games, it seems to work. But I am not sure, there are two games on sale I wanted to buy but postponed it, not knowing if the problem is going to be resolved at all.
It is not. About 10-11% of games/files fail.