It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
A lot of people are forgetting that even the giant "top tier" CDNs like AWS have major outages, and seemingly annually.
Icinix: Definitely not a myth - I've lived and work remotely over the last 12 years or so - and Steam fails to authenticate periodically during periods without network (even if set to run offline) and the majority of my library will not run without the client authenticating.
Admitedly the number of games I've bought on Steam over the last coupel of years can be counted on both hands so potentially more games may be on there that don't require the client to be authetnicated but - predate is absoloutely hopeless.
mrkgnao: That's because you're using the steam client. I don't, just like I don't use galaxy.

For more details:
This is awesome and something I did not have any idea on. Thanks for this!
Ahhhh, I thought I couldn't DL BG3 yesterday because they'd gone into some pre-launch lockdown.

Thanks for the heads-up, and good luck getting it sorted.
high rated
victorchopin: Plus im the old start menu games click and play old fart so no brainer!!
Wimps and posers leave the hall!

Making your way through directories, subdirectories and folders until you get to the .exe is the trve and only sanctioned way to boot up and run games.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by Swedrami
Thanks GOG, for reaching out on this, to resolve the issue for all of us.
high rated
victorchopin: im the old start menu games click and play old fart so no brainer!!
Start Menu is indeed the best launcher. It's also "Cross-platform" lol.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by SargonAelther
mqstout: A lot of people are forgetting that even the giant "top tier" CDNs like AWS have major outages, and seemingly annually.
Sony always seems to have PSN issues going on.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by Syphon72
mrkgnao: That's because you're using the steam client. I don't, just like I don't use galaxy.

For more details:
Icinix: This is awesome and something I did not have any idea on. Thanks for this!
You're welcome. I didn't know about it myself for years either and therefore never bought anything on steam, until someone told me about it in 2021.
So... some people still thinks "a huge external server is the only thing we ever need"? Nothing is ever 100% safe... just nothing. Hope it gets restored soon... you never know.

victorchopin: im the old start menu games click and play old fart so no brainer!!
SargonAelther: Start Menu is indeed the best launcher. It's also "Cross-platform" lol.
Yeah, it just works on every platform using or emulating Windows at least. I have all my games installed on my PC, without "external stuff".
Post edited July 21, 2023 by Xeshra
mrkgnao: I have reported some broken links in January. The ticket was closed in March without anything being fixed, only "forwarded to the appropriate departments". I opened a new ticket with the same requests in May. It too got closed without anything changing.

I am sure these two tickets will be counted as successfully resolved in the 2023 year summary report (just like the 91% resolution rate reported for 2022).
"Forwarded" in GOG speech unfortunately means "we don't care and we won't do anything". So whenever they say that they've forwarded the issue I know that I have lost and have to find another way to fix my issue if possible.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by MarkoH01
Thank you for posting the loud and clear on the main page! Download tomorrow then...
mrkgnao: I have reported some broken links in January. The ticket was closed in March without anything being fixed, only "forwarded to the appropriate departments". I opened a new ticket with the same requests in May. It too got closed without anything changing.

I am sure these two tickets will be counted as successfully resolved in the 2023 year summary report (just like the 91% resolution rate reported for 2022).
MarkoH01: "Forwarded" in GOG speech unfortunately means "we don't care and we won't do anything". So whenever they say that they've forwarded the issue I know that I have lost and have to find another way to fix my issue if possible.
I have effectively given up on GOG support. I consider it non-existent. Every year or two, I try a ticket or two, get burned and promise myself never to contact them again...
Post edited July 21, 2023 by mrkgnao
MarkoH01: "Forwarded" in GOG speech unfortunately means "we don't care and we won't do anything". So whenever they say that they've forwarded the issue I know that I have lost and have to find another way to fix my issue if possible.
mrkgnao: I have effectively given up on GOG support. I consider it non-existent. Every year or two, it try a handful of tickets, get burned and promise myself never to contact them again...
I got my reply today (after over 2 weeks but at least with an apology added) and to my surprise they actually fixed the issue I had. One ticket that can get closed for real this time. Of course this wasn't a "forwarded" issue. Still does not change the fact that GOG really needs to change the way their ticket system is working right now.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by MarkoH01
high rated
I give Kudos to GoG for communicating about this incident as opposed to trying to cover anything up or be deceptive.

GoG is my preferred platform for a variety of reasons, offline installers being one, and that they generally try to do right by their customers as much as the market will allow.
high rated
JCDenton32: I give Kudos to GoG for communicating about this incident as opposed to trying to cover anything up or be deceptive.
Me too. The big banner, despite its intrusiveness, is a good move.