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We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
Pax11: I've been buying games on GOG for nearly 13 years. This is the only time I can recall that they had tech difficulties with downloads.
The "I'm never buying from GOG again" rants are at least amusing. Really, if it ruined your weekend because the one game you were going to buy or bought can't be downloaded, maybe dig deep and find some variety in your life. I suspect, however, that these scenarios are simply reasons to complain.

Here's hoping they can get it fixed. But until they do, I absolutely have already downloaded games as well as non-gaming things to do with my life.
In a vaccuum, yeah. It's not a big deal. But in tandem with a forum so aged it barely works, a site that malfunctions if 20 people try to access it at the same time and all the problems here that never get fixed, it's just another brick in the unprofessional wall that serves as GOG's facade. These things shouldn't happen. CDNs have redundancy for a reason. Servers have redundancy for a reason.When you take GOG as a whole, this is definitely a good reason to consider changing stores. It's been a day and the problem still isn't resolved. I've been a customer here for over a decade as well, and this is the latest in a line of debacles. There have been many issues including DRM in games (which they NEVER fixed. See: F.E.A.R.), games being removed from accounts due to bugs, search pages that just don't work, and I don't know about you, but I can't access the my posts page for nearly 5 years now. This is a bad look, period.
Samulii: There are millions of different sellers. I bought my key from a 100% verified seller.
Breja: No, you didn't. The fact that the site that has no right to sell GOG keys tells you something like that of a person who has no right to sell you a GOG key doesn't mean anything. You seem utterly unable to grasp the simple fact, that with some very few exception, GOG does not ditribute any keys through any third parties. Never through any such key resellers. Just because you like getting your games extra cheap doesn't make the means you do so with legitimate, nor does the fact the key works. Stolen cars can also work. You could just as well be demanding GOG support to help you with a pirated version of a GOG game.
Instant Gaming is just one site I know that sells gog keys. I get free gog keys from Amazon Prime. Gog keys are out there.
Breja: No, you didn't. The fact that the site that has no right to sell GOG keys tells you something like that of a person who has no right to sell you a GOG key doesn't mean anything. You seem utterly unable to grasp the simple fact, that with some very few exception, GOG does not ditribute any keys through any third parties. Never through any such key resellers. Just because you like getting your games extra cheap doesn't make the means you do so with legitimate, nor does the fact the key works. Stolen cars can also work. You could just as well be demanding GOG support to help you with a pirated version of a GOG game.
smuggly: Instant Gaming is just one site I know that sells gog keys. I get free gog keys from Amazon Prime. Gog keys are out there.
Hence the "few exceptions". Perhaps they are more common now then they used to be - I don't follow it, since I see no point in it. If I want a GOG game I'll buy it from GOG. There are so many sales all the time, gettign them cheap is super easy, barely an inconvenience. Nevertheless, regardless of whether there are more legit ways to get GOG keys then there used to be, those key resellers are not among them.
Samulii: Oh I like my games extra cheap you say? Like I already said, I have only played Baldur's Gate 1,2 and 3 in my whole life, nothing else. I bought Baldur's Gate 3 from Steam at full price. Please report my "pirate" key to GOG and let's see what they say, I'm curious.
Breja: I'm not sure why you're so pissy. You're not much of a gamer by your own admition, so it's ok for you to not have known these key resellers are not legitimate. Perfectly understandable. A normal person would just say "oh crap, I had no idea. Thanks for telling me, I'll avoid them in the future." Instead you start flinging insults.
I'm pissed because when I buy something, I expect to get that something that I have bought and when I told I bought the key from Kinguin, you started blaming me how bad person I am. Usually when I buy something I google and find out where I can buy it the cheapest, I don't know anything about Kinguin. Why aren't you reporting me if my key is pirated and why has Kinguin been online for many years without any problems if it's illegal?
I noticed yesterday that some of the download links to games I had purchased a few minutes before were broken, going to a 404 error page. This was highly unusual, because GOG's reliability has always been rock solid for me. An episode now and then is to be expected. :)
smuggly: Instant Gaming is just one site I know that sells gog keys. I get free gog keys from Amazon Prime. Gog keys are out there.
Breja: Hence the "few exceptions". Perhaps they are more common now then they used to be - I don't follow it, since I see no point in it. If I want a GOG game I'll buy it from GOG. There are so many sales all the time, gettign them cheap is super easy, barely an inconvenience. Nevertheless, regardless of whether there are more legit ways to get GOG keys then there used to be, those key resellers are not among them.
Agreed sales on Gog are good most of mine I bought from Gog.
Huh. Well what do you know, I guess I got to play canary in the coal mine the other day.
Breja: I'm not sure why you're so pissy. You're not much of a gamer by your own admition, so it's ok for you to not have known these key resellers are not legitimate. Perfectly understandable. A normal person would just say "oh crap, I had no idea. Thanks for telling me, I'll avoid them in the future." Instead you start flinging insults.
Samulii: I'm pissed because when I buy something, I expect to get that something that I have bought and when I told I bought the key from Kinguin, you started blaming me how bad person I am. Usually when I buy something I google and find out where I can buy it the cheapest, I don't know anything about Kinguin. Why aren't you reporting me if my key is pirated and why has Kinguin been online for many years without any problems if it's illegal?
Dude, stop crying. You're just a cheapskate buying cheap keys that are most probably bought from stolen creditcards. But whatever, when you buy keys from the unofficial channels, the cheaper price is calculated with the risk that comes. If it's worth it for you, so be it, if you didn't know, so be it. Discussion done
I dunno what went wrong exactly for becoming this sort of datacenter-errors, but this is a rather big fail because this is the first time experiencing it on GoG.

Always back up your stuff, the most important IT-rule.
Post edited July 22, 2023 by Xeshra
igamesometimes: im waiting for my Witcher 3 Complete Edition to update to 4.04 but its stuck at 91.9% and i know its gonna be stuck like that until this is resolved
Dims2K: I'm downloading the same game and got stuck at the exact same % after pausing restarting and all that shit, I got to 92% and still stuck for hours
I get the same issue, what's weird is that my witcher 3 will go up to 96.4% But Kingdom Come: Deliverance will only go up to 9.8%. I hope they get this fixed asap
Xeshra: I dunno what went wrong exactly for becoming this sort of datacenter-errors, but this is a rather big fail because this is the first time experiencing it on GoG.
Yeah, This is a first for me the two years i've used GOG. But it happens all the time with that new EA Play app
Post edited July 22, 2023 by CreexSierra
In any case, if something is not working in the next few hours, assume it won't be working until late Monday.

Because GOG/weekend.
Even the biggest companys such as Blizzard had constant server issues at certain times. I know it well because i have been playing WoW for years in the past. I can not speak about Steam because i almost never use it, but surely, they are bloated with so much cash... they probably got several "backup-infrastructures" which is for smaller companys simply impossible to maintain.
Samulii: I'm pissed because when I buy something, I expect to get that something that I have bought and when I told I bought the key from Kinguin, you started blaming me how bad person I am. Usually when I buy something I google and find out where I can buy it the cheapest, I don't know anything about Kinguin. Why aren't you reporting me if my key is pirated and why has Kinguin been online for many years without any problems if it's illegal?
locomojito1: Dude, stop crying. You're just a cheapskate buying cheap keys that are most probably bought from stolen creditcards. But whatever, when you buy keys from the unofficial channels, the cheaper price is calculated with the risk that comes. If it's worth it for you, so be it, if you didn't know, so be it. Discussion done
that is Ironic for sure the Dutch are known for being greedy and cheap hahaha were you trying to sell a key to him and are now mad? :P
Samulii: I'm pissed because when I buy something, I expect to get that something that I have bought
In that case, you should be grateful for the warning about illegitimate resellers and the possibility of games purchased through them being revoked, not angry. It's not very smart to be angry at people informing you of a scam rather than at the scammers.

Samulii: and when I told I bought the key from Kinguin, you started blaming me how bad person I am.
No, no I haven't. I just told you you're not entitled to anything as you have not made a legitimate purchase from GOG.

Samulii: Usually when I buy something I google and find out where I can buy it the cheapest, I don't know anything about Kinguin.
I've already acknowledged your lack of prior knowledge in this regard as understandable. Unlike your hateful anger at being provided with better information.

Samulii: Why aren't you reporting me if my key is pirated
As I understand it GOG has always managed fine on their own to revoke illgotten keyes when necessary. I have no interest in depriving you of a game.

Samulii: and why has Kinguin been online for many years without any problems if it's illegal?
As I understand it they get by by playing an innocent middle-man. Someone better versed in legal minutiae may provide a better answer.
Probably this is the reason of no new releases this weekend. At least I have not seen them.

Annoying, indeed, the first time I have seen it in GOG, and it is taking its time, but for obvious reasons it could have been even worse on any of the main stores. Shit always happens