It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

We would like to inform you that, due to our storage and CDN provider's outage, we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games both through the GOG GALAXY client and GOG Store. Already downloaded files are in no way affected.

We are trying to mitigate this external problem by switching to our secondary storage while our provider is restoring data. We would also like to highlight that those issues do not affect purchasing games. Currently available discounts on selected titles will not be extended due to the above.

It is our team's top priority to resolve those issues and we aim to resolve them as fast as possible. Apologies for any inconveniences caused.
This will really hurt a lot of new releases so hopefully those games can regain there momentum once this is fixed.... or at least don't sour on GOG and decide not to release future games here.
high rated
Thank you GOG for finally doing this right!

- News on discord.
- News on Twitter.
- Banner on this page.
- News on this page.

Additional news for different languages are planned.

It's a bit sad that it needs a server outage for you to learn how to communicate but I take what I get so thank you for communicating with your customer base and keeping them informed about what happened. I wished this (the communication not the outage) would happen much more often.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by MarkoH01
FlareyPwns: I was wondering why I was unable to download Cyberpunk, thanks for the notice
Not related. Cyberpunk bin 17,18,19 are corrupted in server. That happened before this issue and still persists.
Thanks for the info GOG.
avatar We would like to inform you that, [...] we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games
I take it this doesn't affect ALL the games?
Because I just downloaded the updated file for "Gemini Rue" without any hassle.
Please remember to stick to English language on the general board. You can continue the discussion in French under the French newspost.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by Clownski_
So, I just picked a really bad time to decide to migrate everything to my SSD in preparation for BG 3...
avatar We would like to inform you that, [...] we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games
BreOl72: I take it this doesn't affect ALL the games?
Because I just downloaded the updated file for "Gemini Rue" without any hassle.
No, it doesn't affect all games and all files.

However, note that it does affect the Gemini Rue Wallpaper (at least for me).
Post edited July 21, 2023 by mrkgnao
And a notice on the Support page.
Post edited July 21, 2023 by InkPanther
lol boring releases this week and to top it off, we have technical issues with downloading and updating. Looks like good ole GoG is back!
Dans les 2 premières images, vous pouvez voir comment télécharger les programmes d'installation en utilisant le site Web (compte/jeux). Les captures d'écran nommées galaxy montrent que vous deviez les trouver dans Galaxy (cliquez sur le jeu et les extras).
Clownski_: Please remember to stick to English language on the general board. You can continue the discussion in French under the French newspost.
I understand why you are saying this but I was just about to help this french user and now I don't even know how to find him. Thanks.
1.jpg (108 Kb)
2.jpg (192 Kb)
galaxy1.jpg (114 Kb)
galaxy2.jpg (165 Kb)
Post edited July 21, 2023 by MarkoH01
Icinix: ..if this were some other digitail distributor - I would hve lost all my games access and not able to logon...and yet here - the only reason I knew about it was because I checked this page.
That's mostly a myth. I have my entire (relatively small) steam library backed up on an external drive, all 160+ games playable completely offline without the steam client (which I have never installed). It is in much the same situation as my GOG library (except my GOG library is much larger). I also have 1 epic game in the same condition (I don't really use the epic store, but I got one game I was interested in from them).
Post edited July 21, 2023 by mrkgnao
avatar We would like to inform you that, [...] we are encountering technical issues that may cause difficulties in downloading and updating your games
BreOl72: I take it this doesn't affect ALL the games?
Because I just downloaded the updated file for "Gemini Rue" without any hassle.
No, it runs now, Download 15%. :))))
I hope I can get to 100, but I couldn't do anything earlier. Error seems to have been fixed.
Icinix: ..if this were some other digitail distributor - I would hve lost all my games access and not able to logon...and yet here - the only reason I knew about it was because I checked this page.
mrkgnao: That's mostly a myth. I have my entire (relatively small) steam library backed up on an external drive, all 160+ games playable completely offline without the steam client (which I have never installed). It is in much the same situation as my GOG library (except my GOG library is much larger). I also have 1 epic game in the same condition (I don't really use the epic store, but I got one game I was interested in from them).
Definitely not a myth - I've lived and work remotely over the last 12 years or so - and Steam fails to authenticate periodically during periods without network (even if set to run offline) and the majority of my library will not run without the client authenticating.
Admitedly the number of games I've bought on Steam over the last coupel of years can be counted on both hands so potentially more games may be on there that don't require the client to be authetnicated but - predate is absoloutely hopeless.
The "We currently face technical issues" banner is breaking the top-of-the-page menu, moving all tabs up towards the top of the window.