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What is a "GOG Profile?" Is that just a user name and avatar? Or is there more information?
as 7.1 is currently worded, you can remove content from our games. I assume you simply meant web based content. (games for people that didn't buy them, taking forums away, etc.). Since you defined "GOG Services" as including games.

Perhaps 7.1 should be a tad more specific?


does 9F mean that moderation may occur? IMHO, don't put rules in place that you can't and won't enforce.
Good to see it written in plain English - but as others have pointed out, some sections are lacking in details for clarity - no it needs some beefing up.
Shadowstalker16: The physical version. Its at a kickballs price for a game of this caliber. No shit that happened like the stuff from EA.
gamesfreak64: is that: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Collector's Edition PC

if so, i searched for it on our dutch online site cant name the dutch store i think
but it is priced between 139 and 149 EUR

- The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt game
- Official soundtrack on cd
- Official Witcher Universe - The Compendium
- Detailed map of the ingame world
- Set of unique stickers

- 33x24x26 cm (10 ), 100% handpainted, polystone statue of Geralt of Rivia battling a Griffin
- Collector-grade Witcher medallion
- Unique steelbook
- Artbook 200 pagina's of artwork from the game
- Collector's Edition Box

If this is the game you mean, then its apparently also retail available in Europe

Now thats a ncie price, if i did 3d games, and i was able to play it on my system, i buy it, you see, now we have euros, before that we had guilders, i had age of empires (the very first one) for FL 129.95 (Guilders) , yes that was quite high priced back then.
So this one is a steal.... of course you can udnerstand that you cant ask 100 or more for digi only...
so thats why its still nice that retail cd/dvd physcial exists.

For old games. casual games. android games, digidownload is perfect but for something special physical is the best.
I'm talking about the non collector's edition: 1 Euro=Rs.70, 1 Dollar=Rs.60 and 1 Pound=Rs.100. You see what I mean? Its so fairly priced I'll be happy to track down and pole-knockout from above on whoever pirates it.
high rated
gamesfreak64: I understand you do, but if you played online games from gameforge or other european countries, it 99% all the same story...
Like i said i never read them, there to long.... I read them once, and only read again when theres news that they have been /will be changed as of a certain date... after that its no read from any tos/terms until tehres agaian a new tos and terms, never read the tos from the setup/installers from programs :D

As long as i dont get a fellow at the door, saying hi you dont know me but i do know you my good sir, I am from that gamesite you buy games from, or from that site you play minecraft, cause then i'd call the police :D hahahaha
and sew them for violation of privacy.....

well this sounds all funny but as long as they collect ip (even the chickens like IP and mail collecting)and love placing cookies on my pc (i check all cookies on my pc )
its okay with me :D
Allow my personal take on such matters to differ from the indifferent stance you have.
Not sure if you realise it, but it's indifference and taking lightly/ joking about legally binding stuff that allows companies to constantly change their terms and make them as one-sided as they can get away with.
Starmaker: You "own" it in the same sense adults "own" their accounts, but your parent or guardian should consent to it.
Should? That doesn't sound like a word that belongs in laws. Besides, what if they they aren't aware? I was merely curious if there was anything more than plausible deniability for a company's protection.
gamesfreak64: ... in case someone gets onto your accounts and redeems all the gift codes you have.

-> aha.... well assuming that:

there is no breach in GOG, or being attacked
NOONE guesses the PW i make they are impossible to remember or to guess because they are illogical
goes for all online accounts i have
i dont know any pw by head, its impossible .... cause they simply dont make sence

noone will spends days on that , i think they rather try a bank acces then game accounts :D
That's because currently a GOG account has no value. In the future, with store credit and there possibly being a trading market (cross region trading creating a regular buyerbase) there could be *some* value to getting someone else's account, though it would have to grow for a couple of years to be worth anything I imagine. But who knows what they'll add in the future.

If, and for whatever reason, someone in the future is after someone else's GOG account however, please don't think a 'complex' password is going to save you from it. How complex it is is meaningless when the bulk of security compromises these days is through phishing or malware, both disregarding your password entirely.
KiNgBrAdLeY7: Damn, does this mean possible DRM intrusion, sneakily, the back door, legal way?
Vitek: Even in the past you had to agree to some publisher specific EULA (ie. EA) when installing games so this is nothing new.
Yes. Fortunately at least here in Germany these software EULA aren't even worth the bits they are written with, since they are legally not binding.
If it doesn't have "Good News" written in the OP, I'm not afraid. :P Well, I'm going to read the new policies when I have some spare time, then read all the posts and if I have any questions I'll post them. Thanks for the heads up! ;-)
Even with GoG's super simple privacy policy it took me years to sign up here. It was one of the reasons I loved this place. I'll take a read later on today but I hope it isn't something that's going to be a turn off to me.

Having my information proliferated all over the cyberspace is one of the reasons I left the console world. Increasingly, every game required me to consent to "sharing of information" with 3rd party affiliates, simply to play a game. In a world where data is increasingly more vulnerable and theft rampant, I want more control over who has access to my data, not less. The big players can't keep data secure, I don't want 1,000s of little guys with my information.

Please have an opt-out on 3rd party sharing of information. I feel a little bit better about it here as it is lkely "only" my email address. But still...
Under the withdrawal Right area...

How do you handle individual keys for games? More and more games are coming with multiplayer keys, and they're displayed in the library with no confirmation.

I *like* the automated key generation (and which you'd back-port it to all games, so there are fewer customer service requests needed)... But maybe it should be hidden behind a "request key" [AJAX?] button?

It's quite feasible for one to buy, get key, initiate a refund, and continue to use key without download.

Not saying this had to be covered anywhere, just something that came to mind as I was reading the User Agreement.

7.2 Whenever we patch or update content, we will of course let you know exactly what was changed and why. To this end, each game/movie has a change log on its page that lists all changes made to it over time.
Wishbone: This section is sadly absent from the document. Please make sure it gets added ;-p
Oh also this forum thread isn't marked with the "official" glowing blue dot. When I opened it I thought it was more user speculation (Galaxy, new releases) until I saw the blue text of G-Doc in the first post.
Wurzelkraft: Cyprus once was a tax haven. I'm not sure if it still is by now (I doubt it) but that was GOG's reason to run their legal and financial business from there.
Two answers are quoted here:
I'm going to bump this a bit, as I'm still concern about the measures planned in case of alien invasion.