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section 9.1 e needs an exception that allows cheating in single player games provided it is just for one's personal experience.
Multiplayer/MMO/co-op/ etc games are something entirely different and there it is ok to have a no cheating rule so it doesn't ruin the shared experience.
TL;DR : Same legal mumbo jumbo
dcrockerjr: section 9.1 e needs an exception that allows cheating in single player games provided it is just for one's personal experience.
Multiplayer/MMO/co-op/ etc games are something entirely different and there it is ok to have a no cheating rule so it doesn't ruin the shared experience.
.... i checked my mailbox, and saw the terms :D
i read them followed link and here i am .

regarding this :

section 9.1 e needs an exception that allows cheating in single player games provided it is just for one's personal experience.

please explain that to me in beginners english or better if possible in plain dutch cause the way i read this text my interpretation would be that:

They want to 'restrict' us from ahum 'cheating' in a single OFFLINE player game?
Meaning that if we just run a game on OUR PC , and we are NOT multiplaying via a service
we are NOT allowed to cheat in our own game?

hahahahahah , that will be the day :D
Suppose theres a game like ages of empires, these were also playable on our OWN pc , and OFFLINE
as long as i am offline and NOT involved in any kind of muliplayer game, i am free to cheat the hell outta my games.

ps: and how is this cheating in our SINGLEPLAYER games (were NOT on line playing together with or versus other human players)
gonna be monitored?

nah, this is a mixup cause we will always be FREE to cheat in a game as longs as we are NOT playing ONLINE multiplayergames.
Post edited February 04, 2015 by gamesfreak64
shaddim: But one question about this sentence from 9.b: "We also ask that you make only genuine attempts to improve the GOG content. " I think this is too vague and therefore potentially restrictive. Is not every change of content non-"Genuine" and then forbidden by this clause?
Gersen: No, "Genuine attempt", means a "real attempt" is you prefer it's a way to say "in good faith".

It means that if you reverse engineer the protocol whatever to create a new installer, add new features, etc... it can be considered are a "genuine attempt" to improve GoG content.

But if you reverse engineer the protocol to create a tool to cheat on multiplayer games, obtain games without paying them, gain access to some users account information, etc... then it's not a "genuine attempt" to improve GoG content.
Well, yes, I'm not a native speaker, so I looked up translations before commenting and came up with conclusion this is too vague (I guess also for native speakers). Also, moral clauses which asking people to behave "good" are notorious in license law and are regarded for instance in open-source licenses problematic & a no-go. Better would be a clear instruction formulation with actions which should be not done by the users (re-distribution, taking false attribution, re-selling etc).
Post edited February 04, 2015 by shaddim
low rated
Dat fag just send me mail, he rly did dat shit!
Just sale ur games and take my money, I don't give a fuck about dat shit u wrote me.
misato: I also don't like what I am reading about the new move to a non DRM policy now also.
Thaumaturge: I'll confess that I haven't read much of this (somewhat long) thread; what change is this that you're referring to? I would have thought that I'd see rather more outcry if there was some move away from being DRM-free...

(Unless you're referring to the "reverse-engineering" issue that came up a little while ago; if so, then I really don't think that it qualifies as moving away from being DRM-free in any significant manner. Indeed, a look at that new User Agreement suggests that the issue has been largely dealt with: games are under their own EULAs, and GOG stuff may not be reverse engineered, etc.--unless they, the agreement, or the laws of your country give you permission. They also note that one may ask for permission to do so, and mention planned open protocols to obviate reverse engineering.)

As to the new agreements, I've only skimmed over the "English" versions thus far, but overall I really like what I see: these agreements seem very consumer-friendly to my eye, at least as represented in their "English" versions. That said, I'm somewhat tired today, so I don't intend to read the "legalese" versions just yet, although I've looked at a few paragraphs here and there. Additionally, and for the same reason, I could easily be missing something in the "English" versions.

Presuming that I haven't missed anything: thank you, you guys at GOG, for continuing to run so considerate and consumer-friendly a service. It's appreciated. ^_^

if all DRM would go away and all would be drm FULL well then i gues many users would flee,
we are here because of DRM FREE, even on GG i mainly buy DRM FREE games, unless its 25 euro CENT
then i am willing to have a big funny and laugh myself silly while i buy that at steam.

i have some crappy stuff on steam:

tinyb angstory steam 49 euro cents
Two Worlds II_castledefense 99 euro cents

even a cup off cofee costs more, so for that low amount i want to have some laughs :D hahaha
Normally i wont spend on DRM loaded games or programs, thats a waste of my cash.
Post edited February 04, 2015 by gamesfreak64

If you can see this text it means that your email client couldn't display our newsletter properly.
Elbart: Please start sending your mails with plain-text-versions, too.
HTML-mails are a security-nightmare.
The e-mail format allows sending both the plain-text based as well as the html based version of the e-mail at once. However, almost nobody is now using it.

Usually, one of the reasons why HTML is being used is to make the tracking of reader's action more successful and more hidden. This does not seem to be the case with this particular e-mail about the policy change but seems to be valid for normal newsletter e-mails from GOG. I guess this is also one of the reason why there is no alternation text set for images in html based e-mails (if you read it in plain-text mode, you see just a bunch of usually-quite-long links but nothing readable, so if you would like to see something you need to allow loading of external images which triggers the tracking they want to have).

You are free to ignore newsletters which are unreadable/uninformative without turning external images on. As with most of the commercial newsletters, life is quite ok and longer without them.
jlarrr: Dat fag just send me mail, he rly did dat shit!
Just sale ur games and take my money, I don't give a fuck about dat shit u wrote me.
what did who do to you?
do you mean those info about the policies on GOG?
or something else?

if its the policies, i understand , like i said, i play browsergames for 10 years now, pay some premium now and then, but these keepo nagging about changes so i did my story in their forums :D
Told them what and how i felt and that i was not amused about a lot of there story :D

Seems they just ignore the replies cause noone got a response there :D hahaha

I did notice that comparing to the past things are getting tightend on the net, more restrictions and many more 'rules'
Well i can tell that i will never give or sell away stuff i bought with my cash.
What i buy is mine and mine to keep and use, if i want to share i gift some things, but i wont give or sell or pass games i bought for myself.
Post edited February 04, 2015 by gamesfreak64
I read through the first 6-7 pages, but not the last 13 or so, so apologies if this was answered already, but it was asked about a lot of times - one of the reasons business put a time limit on pre-paid items (whether gift cards, services hours, store credit, etc) is that it makes the accounting on the books much harder to have a lot of those. Most companies are on an accrual basis, which means the costs and the revenue of a product/service sold must get matched up accordingly. Pre-paid items like gift cards means they get the cash up front, but have to leave that amount as a liability on the books (since they are liable for $X of merchandise or service) until the gift item is used and the company cannot count the revenue on the books until the costs are incurred (e.g. gift card used or pre-paid item is actually redeemed, or in the case of service hours, those service hours are actually delivered). Additionally, when you start stretching an items across multiple years, it's a red flag for financial auditors as a potential sign of accounting funny business.

I used to own a IT consulting company and pre-paid blocks of service hours were great from a cash flow perspective, but a headache from an accounting and revenue recognition perspective. Most places I know that did that had a 12 month expiration on that for exactly those reasons....

Post edited February 04, 2015 by Dante2377
wow, thats quite a complicated text for me to understand all that technic talk.

I do know that prepaid like paysafe pays right away for a purchased item, so i assume you are not talking about prepaid payments (like paysafe) to be a nuisance.

Cause what matters is that goods are sold for money, real money.
Does not matter if its Bill gates who bought 20 games or the president himself, the cash is what counts, theres no need to have a name and a face and id behind the ones that buy stuff.

Eeven in retail stores they dont know customers name unless they have some stuff thats broken and needs to be repaired, with digital goods there is no need of id at all, money talks and that other stuff walks...

I bought some games in a retail gamestore in my place 20 years ago, for 10 years in a row , no one knew who we were.
except that we were good customers and they had a steady income.


paysafecard lets you pay online as quickly, simply and safely as if using cash. Buy paysafecard at over 450.000 sales outlets around the world and pay with it at thousands of online shops. You don't have to enter any personal information or bank account or credit card details. Your privacy remains completely protected at all times with paysafecard!

They dont promote internet safety not for nothing... so if the terms do not want us to id ourselves, then i dont give a you know :D about terms /tos and more....

and info and ip and statistics are already been send secretly from our pc to the internet.

So i dont get the fuzz about all this terms stuff.
Post edited February 04, 2015 by gamesfreak64
GOG, Thank you for being so open. I will try to be as clear and open with my concerns.

Can I still download what I purchase DRM free and access/install that content offline? Retaining the ability to do so for as long as the servers are available?

Can I opt out of Galaxy and still opt out of the GOG download tool?

If the answer to all three is 'yes', no problems.

If the answer to any is 'no', I stop using the service.

Thanks again

gamesfreak64: Eeven in retail stores they dont know customers name unless they have some stuff thats broken
Not exactly.

Read this to get a clue (the methods mentioned in the articles are not exhaustive).

To get your real name linked with your habbits, discount or loyalty cards are used most commonly.

But from the business perspective, the real names are not such important.
Post edited February 04, 2015 by alikhero
low rated
jlarrr: Dat fag just send me mail, he rly did dat shit!
Just sale ur games and take my money, I don't give a fuck about dat shit u wrote me.
gamesfreak64: what did who do to you?
do you mean those info about the policies on GOG?
or something else?

if its the policies, i understand , like i said, i play browsergames for 10 years now, pay some premium now and then, but these keepo nagging about changes so i did my story in their forums :D
Told them what and how i felt and that i was not amused about a lot of there story :D

Seems they just ignore the replies cause noone got a response there :D hahaha

I did notice that comparing to the past things are getting tightend on the net, more restrictions and many more 'rules'
Well i can tell that i will never give or sell away stuff i bought with my cash.
What i buy is mine and mine to keep and use, if i want to share i gift some things, but i wont give or sell or pass games i bought for myself.

So they dont need to worry :D
So what is now the exact reason?
Should we all be online in the future, with cams, showing who we are?
Like in starwars ? or in blake 7?

I think the reason we are here was becuase of drm free games, a nice friendly community with good staff :D
and none of that corporate bull* stuff like stadrock and ea and otehrs have on their sites, read those terms and all, that looks a lot like warning and threatening, those text surely dont promote to buy anything form those companies that always sees us, theire customers as criminal. instead of the hands that feed.

We can buy, talk, and do other things here, relaxed and friendly, thats why we like it here.
Have u friends, family, husband? Write em, maybe thay need dat shit u writting, but i don't
gamesfreak64: what did who do to you?
do you mean those info about the policies on GOG?
or something else?

if its the policies, i understand , like i said, i play browsergames for 10 years now, pay some premium now and then, but these keepo nagging about changes so i did my story in their forums :D
Told them what and how i felt and that i was not amused about a lot of there story :D

Seems they just ignore the replies cause noone got a response there :D hahaha

I did notice that comparing to the past things are getting tightend on the net, more restrictions and many more 'rules'
Well i can tell that i will never give or sell away stuff i bought with my cash.
What i buy is mine and mine to keep and use, if i want to share i gift some things, but i wont give or sell or pass games i bought for myself.

So they dont need to worry :D
So what is now the exact reason?
Should we all be online in the future, with cams, showing who we are?
Like in starwars ? or in blake 7?

I think the reason we are here was becuase of drm free games, a nice friendly community with good staff :D
and none of that corporate bull* stuff like stadrock and ea and otehrs have on their sites, read those terms and all, that looks a lot like warning and threatening, those text surely dont promote to buy anything form those companies that always sees us, theire customers as criminal. instead of the hands that feed.

We can buy, talk, and do other things here, relaxed and friendly, thats why we like it here.
jlarrr: Have u friends, family, husband? Write em, maybe thay need dat shit u writting, but i don't
lol, sorry , some things mixed up.... i was doing some story with drama things and it seems it was in the clipboard

so you can ignore this part :

So they dont need to worry :D
So what is now the exact reason?
Should we all be online in the future, with cams, showing who we are?
Like in starwars ? or in blake 7?

I think the reason we are here was becuase of drm free games, a nice friendly community with good staff :D
and none of that corporate bull* stuff like stadrock and ea and otehrs have on their sites, read those terms and all, that looks a lot like warning and threatening, those text surely dont promote to buy anything form those companies that always sees us, theire customers as criminal. instead of the hands that feed.

We can buy, talk, and do other things here, relaxed and friendly, thats why we like it here.

-yes i have lots and loads of them so thats okay :D sorry for some copy and past errors
i have removed these from my former posts aswell, ithats why i logged in again :D
oops little paste mistake.

gamesfreak64: Eeven in retail stores they dont know customers name unless they have some stuff thats broken
alikhero: Not exactly.

Read this to get a clue (the methods mentioned in the articles are not exhaustive).

To get your real name linked with your habbits, discount or loyalty cards are used most commonly.

But from the business perspective, the real names are not such important.
thanx for the links, lucky for me i dont have a smart phone, just a somple old phone, i also dont use any form of paying cards any other then prepaid.
so i am pretty 'safe'

Briarwolf: GOG, Thank you for being so open. I will try to be as clear and open with my concerns.

Can I still download what I purchase DRM free and access/install that content offline? Retaining the ability to do so for as long as the servers are available?

Can I opt out of Galaxy and still opt out of the GOG download tool?

If the answer to all three is 'yes', no problems.

If the answer to any is 'no', I stop using the service.

Thanks again

i used the tool after the downloads went wrong using default link clicking
i have the installers
and yes i dont have galaxy account but i already saw some folders and funny links and all of gog stuff
i check my hidden folders and files regulary, i set my windows to show all hidden stuff, i als check the regsitry now and then, i have uninstall tools , antimalware tools and more, thats all i can do to protect me .
Post edited February 04, 2015 by gamesfreak64
Dante2377: I read through the first 6-7 pages, but not the last 13 or so, so apologies if this was answered already, but it was asked about a lot of times - one of the reasons business put a time limit on pre-paid items (whether gift cards, services hours, store credit, etc) is that it makes the accounting on the books much harder to have a lot of those. Most companies are on an accrual basis, which means the costs and the revenue of a product/service sold must get matched up accordingly. Pre-paid items like gift cards means they get the cash up front, but have to leave that amount as a liability on the books (since they are liable for $X of merchandise or service) until the gift item is used and the company cannot count the revenue on the books until the costs are incurred (e.g. gift card used or pre-paid item is actually redeemed, or in the case of service hours, those service hours are actually delivered). Additionally, when you start stretching an items across multiple years, it's a red flag for financial auditors as a potential sign of accounting funny business.

I used to own a IT consulting company and pre-paid blocks of service hours were great from a cash flow perspective, but a headache from an accounting and revenue recognition perspective. Most places I know that did that had a 12 month expiration on that for exactly those reasons....

And none of those reasons apply because you can extend the deadline indefinitely, providing you buy something else.

So yeah, providing you buy something else, GOG won't destroy your assets.