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muntdefems: I backed that one on Kickstarter, and AFAIK it's not dead at all. It's simply that the devs don't post many updates about it. They released a Windows+Mac demo back on January, and since then they posted a content and gameplay-related update back in May. A new update is probably on its way soon.

PS: I know it's been on development since almost forever, but I doubt (and hope not) that Defender's Quest 2 is dead either.
Thanks for both information. Good to know that Paradise is still going, I'm intrigued by it. As for Defender's Quest 2, larsiusprime is such a prolific twitter user that it's difficult to see information pertaining to DQ2 (and the game's webpage, when I visited a while ago, didn't seem to have recent activity/news about the game).

By the way, my (our) posting problems are so weird. I thought maybe it was just GOG blocking outside links, but I can't edit my 2017 unofficially confirmed list which only has GOG links. Maybe I reached 10k characters, but then I tried putting part of the list in the next post and I couldn't even edit it to remove part of it. Really weird. I'm hoping next week brings back my (our) ability to edit freely. Have a nice weekend.
metricfun: By the way, my (our) posting problems are so weird. I thought maybe it was just GOG blocking outside links, but I can't edit my 2017 unofficially confirmed list which only has GOG links. Maybe I reached 10k characters, but then I tried putting part of the list in the next post and I couldn't even edit it to remove part of it. Really weird. I'm hoping next week brings back my (our) ability to edit freely. Have a nice weekend.
Yes, it's really strange. In my case it's definitely not about the 10k char limit, but related to links. Sometimes a post with many links is accepted (if so, it's usually the first in a row), and then the following ones are not unless I remove all the URLs in them. Maybe I'm being considered a spammer the moment I try to post a second post with links from a different account with the same IP address (as an anti-spam measure, as some people propose), and then I can only make posts without links in them.

Also hoping next week, after the Piñata Madness ends, everything will go back to normal (or at least as normal as our regular lives in the GOGlands can be). Have a nice weekend too. :)
Latest updates:


Added , September 26 2017 -Unofficial date from the [url=]developer's twitter-

Officially confirmed by GOG list

Moved Ruiner to the calendar


I still can't put a link to wizard_fu's twitter (Songbringer, sept 01 2017). But I can put a link to RUINER's twitter (sept 26 2017).

I still can't add two games (without links) to my unofficially confirmed list of 2017. I also, in the same list, can't erase the last part to make space for new games.

GOG your bugs are puzzling me.
Post edited August 22, 2017 by metricfun
Latest updates:


Added Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back, October 31 2017 -Unofficial: forum-
Added The Norwood Suite, October 02 2017 -Unofficial: forum-

Officially confirmed by GOG list

Added Phantom Doctrine

Changed Gwent to Gwent Thronebreaker

Unofficially confirmed games

Will add when possible Rise & Shine -Source: post7288


I took a cue from SCPM in the unofficially confirmed thread and posted wizard_fu's twitter without linking to the exact post, but only on his default twitter page. It worked. But still can't link to the exact post even today.

Still can't remove or add anything to my unofficially confirmed for 2017 list. This is getting irritating.
Post edited August 23, 2017 by metricfun
A Hat in Time confirmed for October 5th:
Latest updates:


Added A Hat In Time, October 05 2017 -Unofficial: and date from the [url=]forum-
Added AER, October 25 2017 -Unofficial date from developer's twitter-

Officially confirmed by GOG list

Moved AER to the calendar

Unofficially confirmed games

Will remove when possible A Hat In Time to the calendar


Still can't put a direct link to wizard_fu's twitter

Still can't edit my unofficially confirmed list of 2017

By the way I did see the posts about THQ Nordic games probably coming here (because they bring a majority of their games here), but exceptions might crop up. I do follow THQ Nordic's twitter so I might see if any of them will come here; that said if you have a confirmation it's coming here please share it.
metricfun: Still can't put a direct link to wizard_fu's twitter

Still can't edit my unofficially confirmed list of 2017
Did you see this thread? ZFR figured out exactly why some posts didn't get through, or couldn't be edited. Apparently any post containing the sequence "nine-one" was blocked as an (utterly stupid and poorly implemented) anti-spam measure.

So if you had that sequence in an URL, you should be able to fix it by using an URL shortener like, or similar). Alternatively, if the sequence was written by yourself, you can either write the figure in words rather than in numbers, or "cheating" by e.g. putting empty bold tags between the 9 and the 1.

PS: Apparently Johny is looking into it, so hopefully he'll fix the issue soon and no hack will be needed anymore.
metricfun: Still can't put a direct link to wizard_fu's twitter

Still can't edit my unofficially confirmed list of 2017
muntdefems: Did you see this thread? ZFR figured out exactly why some posts didn't get through, or couldn't be edited. Apparently any post containing the sequence "nine-one" was blocked as an (utterly stupid and poorly implemented) anti-spam measure.

So if you had that sequence in an URL, you should be able to fix it by using an URL shortener like, or similar). Alternatively, if the sequence was written by yourself, you can either write the figure in words rather than in numbers, or "cheating" by e.g. putting empty bold tags between the 9 and the 1.

PS: Apparently Johny is looking into it, so hopefully he'll fix the issue soon and no hack will be needed anymore.
Thank you very much for taking the time to give me the information. I did see the thread (before coming here because I had a reply by you). It seems it's fixed now. I hope whatever other solutions they come up with that might affect us negatively will at least be acknowledge if there's a next time (frigging hope not). Thanks again a million times.

---A quick edit to share that I've corrected all information that I was unable to share in the last week and a half.
I added wizard_fu's direct link to his tweet about the release of Songbringer (sept 01 2017).

Information corrected in the unofficially confirmed (2017) list:

Added Gauntlet: Slayer Edition -Source: post7243
Added Rise & Shine -Source: post7288
Added Shadows: Awakening -Source: post7270

Moved A Hat In Time to the calendar (...yesterday; so removed it from the unofficially confirmed list today)
Post edited August 25, 2017 by metricfun
metricfun: Thank you very much for taking the time to give me the information. I did see the thread (before coming here because I had a reply by you). It seems it's fixed now. I hope whatever other solutions they come up with that might affect us negatively will at least be acknowledge if there's a next time (frigging hope not). Thanks again a million times.
You're welcome! :)
Latest updates:

Unofficially confirmed games

Added Pizza Connection 3 (Pizza Tycoon 3) -Source: post7310
Added Rise Of The Dragon -Source: post7304


Week of August 27 2017 releases:

August 29 2017
Hello Neighbor
The Coma: Recut

August 30 2017
Ys Seven -Unofficial: and date from the [url=]forum-

September 01 2017
Card City Nights 2 -No indication it's coming to GOG, we have the previous game: Card City Nights-

Week of Sept 03 2017 releases:

September 07 2017
Tyranny - Bastard's Wound (DLC? expansion?) -No indication it's coming to GOG, we have the base game: Tyranny-

Edit: I saw Cultists Simulator, but since it's going to Kickstarter on September 01 2017, the guess would be that it's not funded. So I'll wait before adding it. Also thought Abducted seemed like an intention more than anything else, will add if there's more certainty it's coming here.

I know the whole thread is tough to read right now, but since it's a bug on GOG's end with their forums; I'll let them fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Post edited August 28, 2017 by metricfun
Looking forward to play absolver.
Latest updates:


Changed Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back, October 31 2017 (I had the date wrong , was Oct. 21 instead of Oct. 31; and I added the link to the official page)

Unofficially confirmed games

Added Westerado: Double Barreled -Source: post7315
Thanks metricfun for your work. May GOG staff fix the bugs in a not too distant future.
Latest updates:


Removed Absolver, released August 29 2017
Removed Hello Neighbor, released August 29 2017 (it's on the "new" tab on the main page, but puzzled by the fact that it's still talking about preordering on the gamecard)
Removed The Coma: Recut, released August 29 2017 (it's on the "new" tab on the main page, but puzzled by the fact that it's still talking about preordering on the gamecard)

Unofficially confirmed games

Added Prodigy -Source: post7329
Added White Day: A Labyrinth Named School - Source: post7341


For the people interested in Scorn, the game will go on Kickstarter. (Source)


rodrolliv: Thanks metricfun for your work. May GOG staff fix the bugs in a not too distant future.
Thanks for the kind words. :)
Latest updates:


Edit: Added Cuphead, September 29 2017
Edit: Re-added Hello Neighbor, now supposed to come out December 08 2017

Removed Ys Seven, released August 30 2017

Officially confirmed by GOG list

Added Cuphead (Edit: I moved it to the calendar on Sept 29 2017)

Moved Sunless Skies to In DEV


Added Sunless Skies

Unofficially confirmed games

Edit: Added Keen Dreams -Source: post7352

Moved Cuphead -Source: post589 post7036 to the officially confirmed list (edit: moved it to the calendar)


Monthly update

September 01 2017
Card City Nights 2 -No indication it's coming to GOG, we have the previous game: Card City Nights-

September 07 2017
Tyranny - Bastard's Wound -We have the base game, no indication it's coming to GOG otherwise-

September 12 2017
Tooth And Tail

September 14 2017
Divinity: Original Sin 2 (IN DEV)
The Inner World: The Last Wind Monk -No indication it's coming to GOG, we have the previous game: The Inner World-

September 21 2017
Steamworld Dig 2 -Sept. 21 is an exclusive launch on the Switch and then it'll go on Steam/PS4 some days later. No indication it's coming to GOG, we have the previous game- (Source)

September 26 2017
Batman: The Enemy Within Season 2 Episode 2 (Source)

September 29 2017
Cuphead -Might not be a day-1 release on GOG-


Edit: I try to be cautious not to give too many false hopes through this thread, and for that reason might be too prudent sometimes. I was prudent today with the information concerning Cuphead coming here. Since I had read there was a possibility the game would not come here immediately at release, I put the game in the officially confirmed list. But, seeing the trailer GOG linked to in today's announcement makes me believe we might get the game on September 29 2017. So I moved the game to the calendar.

Just saw that Hello Neighbor has not been released and now has a release date of December 08 2017. Re-added to the calendar. Now there's just The Coma: Recut (which I don't see on the front page's upcoming list anymore, but hasn't had a release post and still has the preorder words on its gamecard), one day GOG will decide if they released it or not.
Post edited August 31, 2017 by metricfun