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OneFiercePuppy: It absolutely is; that was sort of my point.
I'd still put "looking good at interviews, work, and dates" above all that ^_^
Hmmm... Now i'm jealous and want to hit on some girls until i get lucky... I suppose i could always tie a luck knot..
clisair: What if your favorite know is not a knot that you tie but a symbolistic Celtic Knot?

The artist or celtic lion knot is my all time fav knot.
Hmmm it's actually a fairly easy knot to tie :)
Post edited February 19, 2015 by rtcvb32
Interesting. I'm in for Pid on GOG!

The best knot I know is the one I use to tie my shoes, and I don't even know its name. The fun story behind is that I finally figured how to tie my shoes all by myself when I was 4 and playing on the street during a vacation. My mom was sleeping, so I didn't want to bother her to tie my shoes, so I suddenly decided to play with the ties. After about 2 minutes I succeeded in making a knot... all by myself....with no idea how to actually tie a knot! The story still entertains me to this day.
Post edited February 19, 2015 by HijacK
HijacK: The best knot I know is the one I use to tie my shoes, and I don't even know its name.
I recently watched a video regarding that knot, someone just removed the slip-knot aspect of it and it's really either a reef or granny knot with two slip-knots on top... But it's okay just to call it a shoe-lace knot :)

Actually as i'm experimenting with knots i am quite surprised how little it takes to make one that's secure or will hold...
HijacK: The best knot I know is the one I use to tie my shoes, and I don't even know its name.
rtcvb32: I recently watched a video regarding that knot, someone just removed the slip-knot aspect of it and it's really either a reef or granny knot with two slip-knots on top... But it's okay just to call it a shoe-lace knot :)
From my experience there are multiple ways to tie shoes. Me, my dad, and my mom all have a different shoe knots and we do them differently.
HijacK: From my experience there are multiple ways to tie shoes.
No arguing there... Good luck on winning Pid :)
+1 for the great giveaway! I want to be in for WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 please.
I'm not a climber (although I always wanted to try at least wall climbing and will soon probably try) so I don't have life saving situations by knots. But besides the regular way of tying my shoes, thanks to the link you posted I found out I was using for a while one more type of knot that saved me some inconvenience at least! And I found it by myself years ago :feeling proud: - The Girth Hitch! I use it in the shower to tie my swimming goggles straps to the towel dryer :)
Post edited February 19, 2015 by leon30
Interesting post and giveaway, I'll be reading up knots now! I've always felt awkward not knowing what I'm doing when I'm asked to or need to tie stuff up....

That being said, I recently tied the knot with my long-time girlfriend and that has to be my favourite (metaphorical) knot. Obvious reasons for favourite aside, I met her during one of the lowest points in my life (immediate family member passed away) so I'm really grateful to have found her. No knots were symbolically tied at the ceremony but I will do so at our renewal of vows!

+1 for the thoughtful giveaway, I'm in for PixelJunk Shooters
Snowkat has donated a game for the Giveaway (Hatofull Boyfriend), so if you wanted to change your request... you have time :P

leon30: The Girth Hitch
It has several names, including Larks Head, Ring Knot, even it's configuration when put between another rope looks and feels likes a reef knot. It's also one of the simplest of knots everyone probably does without thinking about it :P

xieliming: I'll be reading up knots now!
Today knots are underrated and it's unfortunate they aren't taught. One of the reasons i made it based on knots was to help stimulate such investigation.

The only time i saw where i was taught a knot was when i was in basic training when i was 23-ish, and that was specifically for making a swiss seat; Curiously there's slightly better knots for repelling if you use straps instead of rope which is easier on you since it lays flat.

Hmmm tying the knot (marriage), not quite what i hoped for but i won't deny it simply because it's symbolic, quite a few knots are just to look nice afterall and have no integrity otherwise. Perhaps in private you could tie the lovers knot? But that is your own decision if you decide to, i certainly wouldn't try an oglaf (NSFW) and make it long and complicated...
Can you say from your experience which knot is the most secure one, the most fast and easy one and which one is the most balanced and most useful knot, between the both qualities (a tight knot made easy and fast) ?
Not in, but +1 for the giveaway.

A friend of mine always says "If you can't tie knots, tie lots!

One of my favourite knots is the Bowline. It's easily untied, regardless of how much load has been applied. The only downside to the Bowline is that it isn't guaranteed to stay tied unless under load. This can be solved to some extent by throwing a safety knot in the running end.

The only way I know to tie the Bowline is that classic "Rabbit comes up the hole, around the tree, and down the hole".

In the fire service, we're taught a bunch of knots. I don't remember most of them.
I know not about knots :P

Not in & +1 :)

leon30: Can you say from your experience which knot is the most secure one, the most fast and easy one and which one is the most balanced and most useful knot, between the both qualities (a tight knot made easy and fast) ?
No i can't. Mostly i haven't had enough time to experiment with them under load. Some knots work better with synthetic cord, with natural fiber, with cord/rope that stretches, under water, etc.

Also in most cases you can add extra half hitches (Security hitches) which help it from slipping or becoming loose.

However, most good basic knots can be tied very quickly, 10 seconds or less... And if you clean them up and dress right dress them so they are secure and won't slip, it won't do more than double the time of the knot. If you practice the knot & memorize it, you will get faster. A great time to practice with a 5 foot length of cord is while you're on the toilet... :P

I timed myself, i can tie the bowline in 6 seconds or so, and bight versions of the constrictor knot, clove hitch, slipknot, and larks head in 1 second each, while non-bighted versions take much longer.

Terminology link
SalarShushan: What would you suggest in the place of Granny & Overhand knots? Anything relatively simple available?
rtcvb32: Figure 8 (which can also be a slipknot), reef knot, , and [url=]bowline. I've even used the square knot (Japanese Cross knot). But it really depends on what you're needing it for... Clove hitch and Lark's head are both useful too. Curiously the name of the knot may change depending on what you attach it to.

Although Dave Canterbury has some videos showing good knots. Basic knots, Camp Knots, & Jam knots
Thank you very much, I will check out the videos and pester my spouse (who knows much more about knots than I do) to check my progress.
SalarShushan: Thank you very much, I will check out the videos and pester my spouse (who knows much more about knots than I do) to check my progress.
Sure. I recommend getting a 3-5 foot length of cord, (550 works great) and practice it when there's nothing to do. Hmmm also probably learn how to store it so it's not a big mess when you want to use it again... I use the Hojo Cord method which condenses it into something half the size of a pen. You can even attach it to your key-chain for quick deployment if you need cord real fast and always have a few feet on hand.

As a note, for 5 feet i usually wrap the cord between my index and pinky finger in figure 8, 4 loops on each end, then wrap the remainder around the main portion. Takes about a minute to do, and if done correctly will look nice and neat... Hmmm maybe i should post a photo...
4_loops.jpg (128 Kb)
final.jpg (120 Kb)
Post edited February 20, 2015 by rtcvb32