--.--: This is a horrible discord server and has numerous reports of user abuse and sexiest/racial slurs by plenty of members. Most prominently 'Zeogold'. I would recommend no one with an edge of value to join this server and the disgusting behaviour that occurs in it, hopefully this will be exposed on a larger scale and the GOG Staff that turn a blind eye get a dose of justice.
...aren't you the same guy who joined the server (y'know, the server you got
banned from) to spam one of the staff members (who hang out there for fun and NOT to get involved with company business) into solving your ticket in a sad attempt to circumvent the support system, and then called ME a racial slur after I called you out on it by referring to you as a "moron", a minor insult and nowhere near a slur (like the one you used)? Then rejoined shortly after leaving for the sole purpose of threatening to "fuck me up" and claiming it was your "little brother" on the server the first time?
You, my friend, are an absolute gold mine.
Edit: And still a moron, for that matter.