RenKalan: I'm kind of novice with image editors and any tip / advise is welcomed if I'm to learn something new.
It doesn't show. Which do you use? I might be able to point you to some tutorials.
I only use GIMP, and don't have PS anyway. Nearly all plugins/filters are free for GIMP.
G'MIC (super plugin) is a full-featured open-source framework for image processing. The site is apparently down right now. :(
One of the numerous filters it has is one under Repair - Remove hot pixels. Attached are a cropped section of the cover ran with the default settings. It removes the stray pixels readily, but also destroys some detail not to mention the "STAR" portion of the logo. Probably worth playing around with the filter's parameters. I would still duplicate the layer first, run the filter, apply a fully transparent layer mask and paint on the mask, in white with a brush of no more than 75 hardness, on the affected areas.
dawnpatrol: I don't think a pixel filter would work here. Wouldn't it give it a more pixelized or retro look?
Yeah, no. It's a "hot pixel" filter anyway. Most filters one would use for touch ups do some type of smoothing or blending. Last thing before exporting is to run a sharpening filter, but only if needed.