amarthar: I'm not merely talking about old game cover art, because I know that it's the biggest problem, to find high res artwork for old games.
What I'm talking about is that the layout is all over the place, the design is amateurish, and the dimensions are way off. If you want to make a proper DVD cover at 300 dpi, then the image size should be 3225x2161 px NOT 1980x1260.
The format was determined years ago by an amateur community member a format which can be changed by anyone if they want to. The dpi was at 72 which was later upped to 300 dpi. With a decent printer and paper they will print very well even with the resizing step. Most folks don't print these but save them with the game files to reference the original covers for the game.
If you are not willing to produce and post game covers on a daily basis then what is your point. I have very limited time for this project as do other community members who are participating. If you are not willing to take on the workload of producing and posting then I don't understand your negativity??
It has taken you four years to find this thread and your only comment is display your awesome knowledge of image editing. You are assuming that the folks producing and posting these covers don't understand image quality or res and are in need of your guidance.
I will be looking forward to seeing your covers when you start posting them on a daily basis. Please don't insult my intelligence with your incredible understanding of image editing and design unless you are willing to put your time where your mouth is???? When can I expect to view the first of your many high quality covers?? The community will be thrilled with them and I will have more free time to spend with my family and friends. =)
amarthar: Here are some covers that I've been working on for a couple of weeks: DESIGN NOT FINAL
You will need to produce between four and six covers a week, design will need to be final on posting each week. Hopefully you will make the covers so they will be easily identified as covers produced for and by the GOG community.