rtcvb32: Last i checked, games 20 years ago (
That would be PS2, though i'd go back to SNES, because i like Megaman X) look beautiful and are awesome. Oh sure there's hardware limitations making them very limited in size, but they worked, and worked very well. The NES/SNES games were all written in assembly for speed purposes.
Again i think you underestimate the value of games 20+ years old. Hardware design made the PS1 3D graphics janky, but otherwise the games were perfectly serviceable, which i can't say is the same today.
On that topic, I recently had a go with Gran Turismo 2 using DuckStation and after some tweaking is like entire new experience, even if me and my brother 100% the game several times back in the day. Not only increasing 3d rendering resolution, texture upscaling and 16:9 ratio but fixing distortion and flickering, to actually be able to use analog turning, throttle and breaking. It's like playing a modern driving title but with fun gameplay, except maybe the small draw distance.
Also, Zelda Wind Waker is turning 20 and with nothing but upscaling rendering resolution, via emulator, it looks better (IMO) than half of the games recently released, wich are nothing more than color saturated, generic and Unity-Feel.
By Unity-Feel, I mean most 3D games can pretty much be imediately identified as Unity built, just by looking at the graphics, specially thge low-poly stuff with that "hazy" and purple-ish tone.