.Keys: Im quite impressed and happy for Re-Logic.
Though it seems to me you missed one 0 in the 10k$:
(see attached image)
[It seems its actually 100.000 $]
Darvond: Sorry, I recently read a debate over long form and short form numbering and it kinda melted my brain a bit.
Haha, no problem!
Thank you for sharing the news too. I would have not know about this if you had not share it.
Lovstrelfra: I can already see Unity's CEO drooling from far away. I do wonder until how long will Re-Logic keep on donating that monthly $1,000 tho, mainly because I don't know just how much non-operating income that they're left with each month.
eric5h5: That's $2000/month, since they're donating to both Godot and FNA. Terraria has sold over 40 million copies last I heard, and the company has <12 staff (not to mention the game is self-published). They can probably afford to keep donating monthly for approximately infinity years.
Not to mention that they do have Terraria on other platforms plus Terraria based products, so they can afford that for a good while.
To this day they're probably the most successful an indie team has ever been while not joining a bigger player.
Mentioning that because many indie developers do inspire themselves in Re-Logic, so this investment/donation is a HUGE incentive to Godot and FNA and devs.
Time will tell, but I'd personally say Godot is the next Unity, which is nice, because their "business model" is fully community and FLOSS based and possibly, a huge growing is coming for them.