Posted September 16, 2023

And I think they are both right. The technology people take for granted today is incredibly complex and far from perfect. If there are not enough people willing to master that foundation and maintain & renew it, things will stagnate and quite possibly eventually collapse.
I already see people in the software world buildings layers on top of layers on top of layers, and not in the "using the lower layers for great leverage" sense, but desperately trying to fix problems and add missing functionality, in the only layer they are personally familiar with -- usually the topmost one. Usually the result is shoddy, buggy, inefficient, hard to maintain, etc. Rather than making things fundamentally better, they're just adding another turd on top of the shaky tower. Complexity just multiplies, and this is not the inherent complexity of the business logic, this is all accidental complexity...
You can of course observe the same thing in games even today. While earlier back in this thread I argued that developer time is expensive and that optimizing data file formats is probably not a good use of developer time, I still find it friggin insane that a simple pixel graphics game in unity with a handful of tiles and sound effects can take up hundreds of megabytes (if not gigabytes!) of storage and requires loading screens where you sit for (at least) a few seconds each time, and then they quite possilbly spin up your GPU fans... and then you find the bugs and missing features. Extreme shoddines all around -- not made better but worse by the foundation and all the attempts at solve these things at the top level (which is usually the only layer the developer understands at all and has access to).
This is the kind of stuff that should fly on a modern CPU without any hardware acceleration, and all the levels and assets and code should fit in a few hundred kilobytes -- or a few megabytes at most. Loading should be instant (faster than your typical screen can refresh). If the devs didn't spend so much time trying to fight the shoddy foundation they have, maybe there'd be fewer bugs and missing features.
There's some kind of learned helplessness at play. All of a sudden people started to think that you cannot make a game without using a Unity style engine. That kind of thinking sure is a self-fulfilling prophecy.