Crosmando: That artstyle leaves a lot to be desired.
But the gameplay sure does make up for it!
I sunk way more time into it than I did with some AAA games.
IMHO one (if not the) of the best rougelikes out there.
Thijzozo: Hi, one of the devs here.
Yes, it would be a great fit and we've approached GOG twice, but no response so far. We will try again. We'll keep you posted.
Update on the question when or if the game will be on GOG: Looks like a big nope.
@GOG Why for gods sake did you not allow this game on here. I can probably name a dozen games that are in some cases can't even honestly called completed (and I am not talking about in dev games here) that are for sale on GOG. Or titles that are here just abandoned by the developers - and the are still kept online despite major bugs.
That is something I would like to have explained. Why crap games are allowed, this really good game not.....