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Pledge $20 or more: PIONEER - EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (1 left of 5000)
Not anymore, Kickstarter. Not anymore :)

Pledge $20 or more: PIONEER - EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (1 left of 5000)
Barefoot_Monkey: Not anymore, Kickstarter. Not anymore :)
Haha! Nice catch! ;)

If anyone else is interested in backing the game but all they can afford is an early bird, don't panic. Occasionally people upgrade their pledge to a higher tier and release their early bird so keep checking back! :)
Post edited February 16, 2015 by Pardinuz
Pardinuz: If anyone else is interested in backing the game but all they can afford is an early bird, don't panic. Occasionally people upgrade their pledge to a higher tier and release their early bird so keep checking back! :)
Either way, the next tier is only $5, not that much that someone couldn't afford it (that is if someone can already afford to pay the $20).. Too bad I wasn't quick enough to pledge for the 10000 tier because the $7500 is a little meh to me... XD
The latest update has announced that Terri Brosius is also doing voice work in the game! It just gets better and better...

n.b. Anyone who wasn't quick enough, and who can afford $20 but definitely no more, should check in during the last few days of the campaign. You can be sure that some of the early-birds will be increasing their amounts, which will free up some more of those 5,000 $20 slots.

(But do at least consider backing at a higher level, if you can afford it and you appreciate just how unbelievably good the Looking Glass games were.)
Post edited February 17, 2015 by Shadowcat
I really hope for claustrophobic level design in this.
Post edited February 17, 2015 by TDP
I can't wait.

Vythonaut: Either way, the next tier is only $5, not that much that someone couldn't afford it (that is if someone can already afford to pay the $20).. Too bad I wasn't quick enough to pledge for the 10000 tier because the $7500 is a little meh to me... XD
Good news then, the $10,000 tier opened up again.
Post edited February 19, 2015 by SHODANFreeman
SHODANFreeman: Good news then, the $10,000 tier opened up again.
Quick, where's my wallet?!?! :P
I was holding out to see if they met their $750k stretch goal for the Linux version. That seems rather unlikely now, but the base goal now includes both Mac and Linux versions - although a month or more late.

Somewhat strangely they then suggest that Mac and Linux backers look at a higher backing tier in return for getting the game late.
I think that was intended to be in exchange for getting the game at all (without hitting the $750,000 goal), not for merely getting it late.

I agree that their wording was a little strange, though, and personally I think most Linux and Mac users should just back the game at whatever level they feel like, without feeling obligated to go above and beyond on account of their platform.

However, I think those who were pressuring OtherSide to add the platforms into the base goal (despite that goal not including the budget to do it) should absolutely be putting a little of their money where their mouths are, and backing above the minimum tier.
Post edited February 21, 2015 by Shadowcat
Come to think of it I did go with a tier higher than what I would otherwise have gone with, but only because the early bird tier was sold out by the time Linux version was added to the goal.
Here a great update addressing those who still have concerns about the graphical fidelity of the game and the unity engine.
Great update and glad that they've made a mention to the wishlist entry because I was worried that there isn't much interest for this - hopefully - great game to be on GOG. Since I've made that entry and before the announcement, there were only ~20 votes.. :-)
Arx Fatalis was supposed to be a direct sequel, but they couldn't get the rights. On that note, I won't hold my breath, as Arx sucked @$$ in many ways. While I did actually buy it, I found half the game decent and the other half horrid.

Forced plot elements that were puzzles that were just to stupid for words in order to complete the game with no alternatives for a natural feeling progression.

A good example is all the room where you had to place objects on a certain spot in a specific way to get a specific result....all the while it had absolutely no sensical way determine if what you were doing was accurate in any capacity.
Vythonaut: I just made an entry to the GOG Wishlist:

Please vote if you want this game released here!


Vythonaut: Could you please update your first post and include the wishlist entry link my friend, so as more GOGers be able to see it and vote for it? Thank you! :-)
Sorry man, only noticed your edit after your latest post! Edited the link in the OP =)
Reever: Sorry man, only noticed your edit after your latest post! Edited the link in the OP =)
No worries, i should have made a quote for you to be able to see it when i posted it or i should have send you a pm. My fault! :P Anyway, it's good to see that it's going strong right now and i hope the project will be funded before the deadline, even though i can't back it myself right now... Cheers! :-)