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The Kickstarter is UP NOW

Wishlist link

About this project

In 1992, Ultima Underworld changed the rules of what a fantasy RPG could be. It introduced the concept of 3D immersion, a player-authored experience, and a richly dynamic world to explore. Its influence led to a whole generation of games such as Thief, Deus Ex, BioShock, Skyrim, and Dragon Age.

Underworld has been hidden away in the deepest vaults of its publisher for two decades. Only now have the original creators unchained the franchise, freeing it to innovate yet again.

Backing the game grants you unprecedented front row access to the creation of the next epoch of this storied masterpiece, Underworld Ascendant. With your help, here's a glimpse at what we can together build:

Exquisitely Realized Underworld – Plunge into The Stygian Abyss: dark, ripe with dangers, full of ancient secrets to discover. A vast subterranean fantasy world made startlingly real and alive.
Dynamic Factions – Become embroiled in an epic plot, as rival factions vie for dominance in struggles that ebb and flow across The Stygian Abyss. Your choices will alter the outcome in subtle and dramatic ways.
Improvisation Engine – Delight in player-authored gameplay taken to a whole new level, with a suite of technologies that empower you to solve challenges with astonishing ingenuity. Be the ‘MacGyver’ of a fantasy world.
Hero to Call Your Own – Jump right in as a Fighter, Thief or Mage. Then as your Avatar grows, freely mix and match across any skills to develop a unique hero, tailored to your style of play.
Pushing Boundaries – Stretch Goals will innovate on co-op play with a friend; letting you build your own corner of The Stygian Abyss; and more.
Reever: Good News, people!

The game is now called Underworld Ascendant and is going live on Kickstarter around 14 days - see the countdown on their site

Ultima Underworld, Lost & Found

When we completed Ultima Underworld II in 1993, I never imagined that this classic fantasy RPG franchise would go dark for the two decades.

The Underworld’s were arguably the first immersive 1st person games. Not only were they the first to create a real-time 3D texture-mapped world, they also pioneered player-driven sandbox gameplay. They influenced a whole generation of games: Doom, Thief, Deus Ex, Skyrim, BioShock and more. Today, leading game designers view the Underworlds as still astonishingly modern in design.

But when released, the games were years ahead of their time and didn't fit into the established genres of that era. This contributed to the franchise falling between the cracks and becoming lost in the publisher’s labyrinth depths. Over the years I’ve tried without success to raise the Underworld series back up. Just now have the stars aligned so this can happen.

I started OtherSide Entertainment an indie studio to rekindle this classic. Joining me is an incredible team of developers, who will be introducing themselves over the coming weeks. Some worked with me on the original Underworlds, along with Looking Glass favorites like System Shock and Thief. Others contributed to more recent classics including Deus Ex and BioShock Infinite. We have deep understanding of the genre, and share a passion for bringing Underworld back.

The newest incarnation of the franchise, Underworld Ascendant, will retain the distinctive fantasy RPG gameplay of the originals. We already have an early prototype running on the PC. At that same time we will be pushing forward with new innovations --- I can’t wait to tell you more about what we have planned!

But this can only happen with your help. As an indie studio, we are looking to our fans to fund a significant portion of the development through our upcoming Kickstarter campaign, which begins on February 4th. We aren't shy about our ambitions to make a great game, but that takes serious resources and effort.

Beyond funding, we are inviting you in on the making of Underworld Ascendant. Rarely have fans been able to participate in the often unpredictable, sometimes messy creative process that gives birth to innovative games. We hope you’ll join us on this adventure!

Paul Neurath

Founder | OtherSide Entertainment
Reever: Gamespot article
IGN article with video article
Original Post

Eurogamer article
Short gamespot interview

Veteran game designer Paul Neurath is bringing the Underworld series back with a new game, Underworld Ascension.

He's set up a new studio in the Boston area, called OtherSide Entertainment, to do the honours.

Neurath's Ultima Underworld lifted a veil on what people expected from a video game. It was first-person, 3D and had you explore the ruins of a vast underground utopian civilization.

It would inspire The Elder Scrolls series of games as well as Ken Levine and his celebrated Shock games, among others.

Neurath would also go on to co-found Looking Glass Studios, the studio behind System Shock and Thief.

"With Underworld Ascension, we are excited to be bringing back the Underworld franchise, making it more vital than ever before," commented Neurath.

Exactly how he plans on doing that, so many years after Ultima Underworld made a splash, remains to be seen. We're to expect more details in the coming months. His old friends are keen, though.

Commented Ken Levine: "Underworld had a transformative effect on my understanding of what games were. It was the first time I ever felt 'inside' of an imaginary world. It was the game that primed all of my creative ambitions."

Commented Warren Spector: "As producer on the original Ultima Underworld games, I'll never forget the first time I saw a working prototype of the game - I felt as if the world had just changed. As the first fully-textured, real-time, first-person game, Underworld paved the way for every other first-person game that followed. If that doesn't qualify as 'changing the world', I don't know what does!"

Commented Richard Garriott: 'I went to space!' No no, not really. Here's what he actually said: "For those of us lifelong gamers that go back to the early days the Underworld franchise, created by Paul Neurath, represents a watershed event on what an immersive 3D true role-playing game can be like. In these days, where we are seeing many of these greats return, I personally am as excited about Underworld as any game I can imagine."

Finally, Chris 'rake-it-in' Roberts commented: "Ultima Underworld was truly revolutionary for its time - it was the first fully 3D textured first person game. As such it influenced pretty much all first person 3D games that came afterwards and could be truly called the granddaddy of first person role-playing games."
Excited? Got the Ultima games, have yet to play them (and I fear the really old ones are unplayable for me...)
Post edited February 24, 2015 by Reever
Reever: Excited?
Just one question - where's the kickstarter for this?
In other words (as I'm aware there isn't any): HELL YEAH!
F..k yeah!:D
Yes yes yes yes ...hell YES! Now, as your other project, Neurath, reboot System Shock as well :D
I dont think they really own rights Ultima though? I mean its "Underworld Ascension" not "Ultima Underworld Ascension" afterall.

Lets keep fingers crossed that they manage something nice eventually ;)
Siannah: Just one question - where's the kickstarter for this?
In other words (as I'm aware there isn't any): HELL YEAH!
I can only recommend following them on twitter and bookmarking their site :D
iippo: I dont think they really own rights Ultima though? I mean its "Underworld Ascension" not "Ultima Underworld Ascension" afterall.

Lets keep fingers crossed that they manage something nice eventually ;)
Commented Richard Garriott: 'I went to space!' No no, not really. Here's what he actually said: "For those of us lifelong gamers that go back to the early days the Underworld franchise, created by Paul Neurath, represents a watershed event on what an immersive 3D true role-playing game can be like. In these days, where we are seeing many of these greats return, I personally am as excited about Underworld as any game I can imagine."
I know that "Lord British" knows about it, but I don't even know if he holds the rights to the games anymore (EA, Origins and all that jazz. Am not an expert with them right issues :D).
Yes, yes, YES! :-D

(And I'll hope for a re-make of the Ultima Underworld 1 if this project is successful.)
I'm kinda hoping for a remake of all Ultimas, since I think I-VIII may be a little too old for me :P
Underworld and Worlds of Adventure I might still like. Will have to see when I get to them.

Though Ultima I-VI might really be a lost cause..
Post edited July 01, 2014 by Reever
This remember me that I must play all Ultima games yet :S
I never had the pleasure of playing Ultima Underworld, but since Blue Sky Production gave birth to Looking Glass Studios (my favourite developer team EVER) I must take in consideration the idea to give it a look. What do you say? Should I repent and get my copy asap?
I can play the old Ultima games precisely because they're old. My brain can cope with the first person perspective, but if this new one continues with the fpp with today's technology... I'm out.
Reever: I know that "Lord British" knows about it, but I don't even know if he holds the rights to the games anymore (EA, Origins and all that jazz. Am not an expert with them right issues :D).
All rights to Ultima and Origin are in the hands of EA, except a few keynames of NPCs within, which remained with Garriott - like Lord British. Which is why EA was forced to use "Lady British" for their Ultima browsergame.
So yeah, going with Underworld whatever is probably as close as they can get without being sued.
Post edited July 01, 2014 by Siannah
iippo: I dont think they really own rights Ultima though? I mean its "Underworld Ascension" not "Ultima Underworld Ascension" afterall.

Lets keep fingers crossed that they manage something nice eventually ;)
That's valid, but by the same token, Wasteland turned into Fallout when they couldn't get the rights back to do a Wasteland 2 at the time; and the Fallout series was quite good over all.

So, it might not be in keeping with some of the lore, but it could be quite good on its own.
Piranjade: Yes, yes, YES! :-D

(And I'll hope for a re-make of the Ultima Underworld 1 if this project is successful.)
LOL. When I saw the topic subject, instantly I thought Piranjade is going to be happy with this news.
Piranjade: Yes, yes, YES! :-D

(And I'll hope for a re-make of the Ultima Underworld 1 if this project is successful.)
monkeydelarge: LOL. When I saw the topic subject, instantly I thought Piranjade is going to be happy with this news.
So true.
I already tweeted Neurath. Twice. :-D